Mystic Musings Blog: What To Do When Reality “Recodes”

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What To Do When Reality “ReCodes” ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb

If you’re on Facebook, how do you react when they roll out a new format? You wake up one day and half your timeline is populated by ads or suggested posts and you can’t see your friends any more. WTF??

Now imagine that you’re playing an online virtual reality game with people all over the world, and the game is being recoded *as you are playing it*. The consternation amongst the players is palatable.

My husband is a devout Tibetan Buddhist, who follows a strict practice that is a thousand years old. It’s about as opposite from my interactions with Consciousness as you can get, and it’s fascinating when he comments about changes that he’s feeling with his meditations that so perfectly describe what I’ve been noticing in reality.

The other day after his meditations, he said that “it feels like a software upgrade”. That it felt like a “recoding” was going on.

And I’m like, yeah, that’s exactly what is happening! And we’re all perceiving it in different ways.

If you’re experiencing the world as your avatar, your character in the game, you’re going to feel helpless, angry, powerless to the whims of whatever is going on externally.

If you’re experiencing the world as the user, you may still be pretty pissed off with the programmers, but might be figuring out ways to game the system to your advantage.

Now if you’ve been familiar with metaphysics for a while, you’ll consider that you’re a programmer of the game, and may be busily upgrading software you’ve created to meet with the new requirements.

When you realize that you are the designer as well as all the other aspects, programmer, player, avatar, there’s no need to do anything. You’re in agreement with everything that is happening, since you’re also creating everything that is happening.

You can still play at other levels, but it’s a lot more fun and you’re aware of moving through different experiences as you do so.

I call the designer aspect Consciousness, and we are all Consciousness, creating this reality, experiencing it in our different bodies and personalities.

Even the most unconscious of us, is Consciousness.

For myself, I can tell what level I’m playing on, by how I feel. If I feel frustrated or irritated, I’m struggling at the character level of the game. If I feel like I know it all and am striving to be in control of my reality, I’m still operating from the mind level, and even if I’m able to manifest results, those results will invariably backfire in some way.

When I feel amused, curious, playful and loving, I’m operating as Consciousness. I effortlessly flow through my day in ways that would drive my inner Napoleon crazy. How the heck can you produce results if you’re not taking decisive action with specific intentions?

Yet as I navigate as Consciousness, I find that reality reorganizes in ways more perfect that I could imagine.

Even if what seems to be happening in the world is sad or negative, I can see the bigger picture of what is unfolding.

I invite you to play as Consciousness this week and see what happens!

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