Mystic Musings: It’s A New World But It’s Not Spiritual

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“It’s a New World but it’s not Spiritual” ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Have you noticed an energy shift over the last few weeks? It’s been a continual and gradual evolution but the last few weeks have been particularly noticeable.

My husband, who’s a Tibetan Buddhist (which I describe as the Catholicism of Buddhism, steeped in ancient ritual and lore), said the other day, “it’s a new world, but it’s not Spiritual.”

I totally agree. Now he may have meant something different with his words, but I perceive that the hologram has shifted to a higher vibration, but it’s still physical reality (just a less dense version of it).

Last night he said it’s like we’re all being remapped, like a software update. I’ve noticed that going on for some time. I feel like our energy systems have gone from gasoline to fuel cell.  He also said it seems like our egos have changed.

Which makes total sense to me as our egos are the personality part of our physical reality.

My explanation for all of this is that greater Consciousness is coming into form, and our systems and the hologram has had to update in order to accommodate the increased frequency.

Those of us that identify with form, that identify as their bodies and personalities, are feeling really disoriented by the changes. They’ll interpret it as if they’re dying when really it’s just the denser vibration becoming more diffuse.

To me, the external world has become brighter and lighter. It sometimes feels like a movie set but still vividly real.

It’s a New World, and yet it’s still a hologram. Our bodies are operating at a higher frequency, but they’re still physical containers. We feel more integrated into them, just as we feel more connected to others around the world. Because we *are* that Consciousness more in form, in all forms. 

And still experiencing our individual timeline, our individual storyline, our particular weaving through this version of time and space. It’s just that time and space has become more malleable, and the storyline more variable.

You’ll have to go through your own updates with all of this. You’ll have to find your “sea legs”, you own, new way of grounding and centering in this upgraded reality. 

As Consciousness you can make up your own techniques, and they’ll work! Operating as Consciousness, you’ll find reality reorganizing in your favor in the most enjoyable and entertaining ways, with results beyond your wildest imagination.

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