Tag: Evolution
Mystic Minute: Waiting For The Shift
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Unconsciousness Exposed
Mystic Musings: It’s A New World But It’s Not Spiritual
“It’s a New World but it’s not Spiritual” ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Have you noticed an energy shift over the last few weeks? It’s been a continual and gradual evolution but the last few weeks have been particularly noticeable.
My husband, who’s a Tibetan Buddhist (which I describe as the Catholicism of Buddhism, steeped in ancient ritual and lore), said the other day, “it’s a new world, but it’s not Spiritual.”

I totally agree. Now he may have meant something different with his words, but I perceive that the hologram has shifted to a higher vibration, but it’s still physical reality (just a less dense version of it).
Last night he said it’s like we’re all being remapped, like a software update. I’ve noticed that going on for some time. I feel like our energy systems have gone from gasoline to fuel cell. He also said it seems like our egos have changed.
Which makes total sense to me as our egos are the personality part of our physical reality.
My explanation for all of this is that greater Consciousness is coming into form, and our systems and the hologram has had to update in order to accommodate the increased frequency.
Those of us that identify with form, that identify as their bodies and personalities, are feeling really disoriented by the changes. They’ll interpret it as if they’re dying when really it’s just the denser vibration becoming more diffuse.
To me, the external world has become brighter and lighter. It sometimes feels like a movie set but still vividly real.
It’s a New World, and yet it’s still a hologram. Our bodies are operating at a higher frequency, but they’re still physical containers. We feel more integrated into them, just as we feel more connected to others around the world. Because we *are* that Consciousness more in form, in all forms.
And still experiencing our individual timeline, our individual storyline, our particular weaving through this version of time and space. It’s just that time and space has become more malleable, and the storyline more variable.
You’ll have to go through your own updates with all of this. You’ll have to find your “sea legs”, you own, new way of grounding and centering in this upgraded reality.
As Consciousness you can make up your own techniques, and they’ll work! Operating as Consciousness, you’ll find reality reorganizing in your favor in the most enjoyable and entertaining ways, with results beyond your wildest imagination.
Mystic Musings: Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing!
Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It’s been a wonky week. The energy feels off kilter. I can’t put it down to Mercury Retrograde (although there’s definitely been some of that – communications and electronics mishaps).
But this reminds me of two years ago, at the time of the Brexit vote and then the U.S. election, where many of us felt sideswiped by the results. Back then it felt like being shoved into an alternate universe.
This feels reality is reorganizing. The pendulum swinging back into balance (I hope not before swinging to another extreme). It’s like the part of the movie where things start to get resolved.
In some ways it’s been annoying. Like knowing the end of the movie but not knowing *how* the story gets there.
And also knowing that we’re not done yet with wild, unpredictable, out of the blue, plot twists and turns.
To me, it’s all been an affirmation that we’re living in a hologram. Things that can’t possibly happen have been happening. It’s kind of like the Saturday Night Live writers have taken over the Cosmic screen play and they’re competing with each other for best skit. You think that today’s news cycle was outrageous? Hold my beer, the next comic says.
We can have a variety of reactions to what’s happening. We can hunker down and let things unfold. That can feel like reality is happening to us, but even no action is a chosen action.
We can resist and fight what’s happening. Try to make people listen to us. Make the government change their minds. Throw money at the problem. Move to another country.
That’s like wrestling with the scenery on a movie set. Shouting over other people’s lines. Or storming out of the room, as if that will change anything.
We can also engage and listen. Call, and write, and vote.
And those of us who dance to a different drum, who heed a higher calling, who may be feeling the wonkiness more than most, what can we do? Change our inner state, change our minds, shift our energy, step into a parallel universe where it’s all unfolding in our favor, where it’s a benevolent Universe, where it’s all unfolding in everyone’s favor.
Responding as Consciousness, you can be amused at the storyline. You can appreciate wonkiness. You can recognize that everything is validation that this is a hologram created by Consciousness. That everything is a story within the hologram (even this explanation is a story within the hologram).
The time is ripe to make this shift. And all it takes is a change of viewpoint. See yourself as greater Consciousness embodying into form. You love your body and your personality, it’s Your creation as a vehicle in this world, and a way to fully feel and engage in this world. Others are also Consciousness in form, other aspects of yourself, other players in this online game.
Yet reality is malleable, and others show up in your storyline but do not influence it without you creating it as part of your own plot. (And you show up in theirs the same way).
Playing in this way and at this level is effortless, fun, and enjoyable.
You inherently know all is very, very well.
Mystic Musings: The Power of Words To Transform Your Life!
The Power of Words To Transform Your Life ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Words have power. What you call someone or something influences your experience, and can even influence them. We project energy and we receive energy from our surroundings.
It’s pretty obvious when you’re trudging around with negative thoughts, criticizing whatever you seen. You’re living in your own world of doom and gloom.
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A picture’s worth a thousand words |
Positive thinking works. Shifting your wording can shift your energetic experience.
On a more complex level, the words and terms your use carry historic patterns. There are words that use to be acceptable that we no longer use because they’re now offensive. We’ve become more mindful of our language.
In 1981, I was the Church secretary for a United Methodist Church. The female pastor would have me retype the hymns to use non sexist terms for God.
For many years it didn’t bother me to call God “He”. I grew up in a male dominated family, I felt I could hold my own around the term. But God as “Father” affected my spiritual experience. Father did not have my best interest at heart. It was not a benevolent universe.
Some people simply refer to God as “She”, and that brings in a different feeling. And yet that may not work for folks with mother issues.
Early on, I began calling it Universe because it didn’t have a gender. And made for a friendlier relationship with it. “Hey U” I’d say, having conversations rather than prayers.
But all of this was still outside myself. Something other than me. Although I knew I was Spirit there still was a hierarchy and Universe was outside and above.
At some point I realized I needed a new name, and Consciousness was what it felt like. When I use the term Consciousness, it feels expansive, it’s both me, within me, and all that is, externally.
For me, Consciousness has no other references. But many others think it just means “awareness”. Or Cosmic Consciousness, which to me has a historical connotation, from my early Mystery School training.
Now Awareness could be used instead of Consciousness and evoke the same feeling. For a while I’d used the term Essence, as in the Essence of who you are. Essence for me is internal. Consciousness encompasses all.
When I am identifying as Consciousness and navigating as Consciousness in my life, things reorganize in my favor. I feel lighthearted, amused, curious, excited, in love with life, in love with my ‘self’, in love with the world.
Notice for yourself if the terms you use need upgrading. Do they feel light and expansive and full of possibility? If not, simply trying out a different word can transform your entire life!
Mystic Musings: Peeling Away Layers, Releasing Relationships
Peeling Away The Layers and Releasing Relationships ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
The past four or five years, I’ve been focused on creating stability in my life. This has not been easy since my natural tendency is to bring light and light brings change. I grew up moving to different countries every 2-5 years, pulling up roots is second nature to me. Letting them sink deep is not.
I found myself creating groups, joining groups, and forging alliances in a very different way than ever before. I used to always feel on the periphery. I’d contribute, but was always mindful that at some point I’d be leaving. Relationships were lightly held.
There are some relationships I’ve created over the past few years that are draining. I’ve stayed committed to them, even when they take more than they give. At some point, they even stopped driving me crazy. But i didn’t have a reason to end them, even when I wanted to. (Funny to realize that just wanting to was not a strong enough reason).
Now, with my brother’s stroke, my caring for him is taking all my energy. It’s peeling away those relationships. I’m having to let go of anything inauthentic, anything that takes more than gives.
It’s amazing how it’s happening as well. Some are naturally stepping away, some I do have to haltingly put on hiatus, but even as I face this extremely limiting reality (I cannot go anywhere during the week, I have 12 hour days of caregiving and cannot leave the apartment unless there’s someone else to watch him, which most times there is not) it is also extremely freeing. All the responsibilities and obligations from before are released.
I’m not dropping any of these instantly, in certain cases I’m reluctantly letting some go. Even if I’ve been dissatisfied for a long time, there still was an invested interest. And yet it’s releasing all ties.
From one perspective, this seems outside imposed. These circumstances demand it. Like the Universe is making me do this. From another perspective, I’ve created this. As Consciousness, I’ve created this peeling away of layers, this release of whatever does not serve me. When I shift my perspective, I’m in total agreement with all that is going on. Because it’s my creation.
As Consciousness, there’s no need to change, fix, or manipulate anything happening on the outside. Although I have healing techniques that could change my brother’s state, I only use them when circumstances show up. Someone else instructed me to do “Qi Gong massage” on him, which I’m faithfully doing daily, and I feel it naturally shifting to my energy work.
Playing on this level, it’s simply about responding to what is. Navigating differently, making different choices.
There’s no judgement, no blame, no fault, no force. It’s a massive reorganization. Like moving furniture that hasn’t been moved for a while, there’s dust and debris, even lost items revealed.
We’re all going through enormous, evolutionary times. Every single one of us is Consciousness creating our unique storyline. Shift your perspective to Consciousness and you will know that all is very, very well.
Radio Show Podcast 8/29/18 “Our Evolving Containers of Being”
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Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet talk about our evolving containers of Being. Each of us is experiencing evolution in our box of limits that we call “me”. We are all works in progress no matter our level of awareness. Join us to learn what it is like to go beyond into the surprising new you emerging.
Joan’s Blog “Everyone Is Evolving, Some Just Don’t Know It”
Everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
One of my clients said the other day, “it’s happening to everyone, isn’t it?”. She meant the shift that she is now fully aware that she’s experiencing. And my answer is, yes, everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it.
Everyone is going through this shift in Consciousness. We’re all perceiving it differently. For some folks, it’s exhilarating. For some it’s painful and terrifying.
It looks completely different for everyone. If you have a spiritual practice of any sort, you’ll know *something* is going on. It’s a huge, honking, growth experience. But for others who are used to being in every day reality, it seems like their world falling apart.
Whatever you hold as solid and real is disintegrating. For me it was my energy work, because the unseen was solid and real to me. Everything I’d trained in, everything I’d taught, everything I believed, got turned on it’s ear. My old techniques were like Newtonian Physics, measurable and certain. My new reality was like Quantum Physics, unpredictable and random.
It’s affected people’s personal identity. My husband lost his career in the crash of 2008, but reawakened his spiritual practice. And even that is shifting now in ways he can’t explain.
A loved one, with three Master’s Degrees and in the midst of writing his Ph.D dissertation, just had a stroke. It’s effectively knocking him “off line” for the good part of a year. He’s identified with academia his entire life. And now he’s experiencing something completely different.
Here’s how I see it, from a bigger viewpoint. Consciousness is the greater awareness, the essence of who we each are. It is a higher vibration, a brighter light, coming more into form. It means that we’re each experiencing our essential greater consciousness more in our body than ever before. We’re all becoming more “enlightened”.
When you shine a spotlight inside yourself, it reveals whatever is stuck, dark or dense. Whatever we identify as reality will have that density. Whatever we are attached to or believe that we are, will be a heavier vibration. Whatever lies we hold as truth, will be dark within.
And all of that is disintegrating, as our light shines brighter and brighter.
As that old stuff goes away, we’ll feel expanded. We may notice our external reality being different as well, lighter, and less grounded (because gravity is changing as well).
It’s ultimately a good thing, we’re all becoming more authentically our True Selves. But we’ve been crouched down in distorted perceptions for a long time, so it’s a big adjustment to stand up free and fully ourselves.
It’s an exciting time, from the perspective of Consciousness. And we can have compassion for the other aspects of Consciousness who are having an extremely uncomfortable time.
Breathe and release, as we all contract and expand. And know that all is very, very well.
Mystic Musings: What’s coming out of the woodwork now?
What’s coming out of the woodwork now? The pendulum swings in another direction. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I just completed a year of being president of my toastmasters club and I pretty much sucked at it. I’m a reluctant leader. I want everyone to lead themselves.
So I was frustrated when folks stepped up to officer positions with no interest of actually doing the job, they didn’t even read the leadership manual that said what duties were expected. I think of folks like these as ‘seat warmers’. They’re just there occupying space, and in some ways taking a lot of energy as well.
But in a volunteer organization, you can’t expect people to do anything. You can just appreciated the ones who are present and show initiative.
In the world we see everyone is becoming more internally empowered and self governing. That’s what this evolution is about, accessing your own internal power and own internal wisdom and creating your reality from that space, that energy. it’s not about doing it because someone else told you to, or doing it to impress someone else.
At the same time there’s increased networking and interdependency. People are working together for the common good. so when you observe a group of people who are working towards what only benefits themselves, to the detriment of the whole, it’s especially irritating. There’s increased intolerance for those kind of folks.
We’re all in charge of our own reality. We don’t need gurus. We need peers and mentors, people who’ve walked this way to show us options. But we also need space to experiment and try our own ways.
I like coaching and teaching because it empowers people to do it for themselves. Coaching sees you as whole and complete. If you have a dilemma then you have within you the resources to resolve it. As good coach will ask powerful questions that allows you to connect with your inner wisdom and discover what’s right for you.
During the last presidential campaign I observed a lot of low-vibration, dark energy, crawling out of the woodwork. It was coming to the surface to be cleaned and I assumed it would clear by the election. But the infestation was deeper than could be imagined, which is why the clearing process it taking so long.
So now I’m noticing a lot of high-vibration, light energy, emerging. It is fiercely coming forward with truth and integrity.
It’s exciting to see how Consciousness is evolving into form. What isn’t in alignment with it will disintegrate.
If this feels daunting, if this feels scary, just know that’s your body-personality, the part of you that is physical reality and so interprets these changes from a survival level. When you as Consciousness anchor into your body, it calms and reassures it.
Then you can be excited about the changes, and amused by the drama. Then you can enjoy the roller coaster ride called life.
Mystic Musings: What Does The Consciousness Shift Feel or Look Like?
What Does The Consciousness Shift Feel or Look Like? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
On December 21st, 2012, there was supposed to be a dynamic evolutionary event. A disaster movie was made about it. People said that not everybody was going to survive it. Even I was saying, back then, that everyone was going to be changed. But we all woke up on December 22nd, 2012, and everything seemed the same.
Now, I’m still talking about the Consciousness shift, that everyone is going through it, just that people are using different words to describe it. People are experiencing it in their own unique ways.
What happened back in 2012 was a shift, beyond the Mayan Calendar moving into a new 5,000 year cycle. Everything seemed the same, because the hologram isn’t fundamentally different. But we did go through an “upgrade”, and actually the internal design continues to change.
Consciousness Shifts don’t necessarily happen overnight, unless you’re Byron Katie or Eckart Tolle. And they don’t necessarily look like instant enlightenment. Although they can.
Everyone has their own timing. The Shift that I experienced happened in 2006, over about a year or two. And it hasn’t stopped.
For me it is an evolution. 2006 was a very difficult period, since all my beliefs were turned upside down and inside out. But, honestly, if I look back over my life, there’s been upheavals and paradigm shifts every few years. However, 2006 accelerated me on my path in a very noticeable way.
What does the Consciousness Shift feel or look like? It can look like a breakdown and breakthrough. Your life may fall apart and rebuild. You may lose all hope and sense of purpose, and then your inner world reorganizes. Or it may be exhilarating and exciting. Like you’ve found the missing piece to the puzzle.
You might have greater clarity, more access to your inner knowing. And/or you may dive deep into fighting against things you resist, to dismantle everything that seems to be in the way of your path.
Some people might be very frightened at this time. Because their reality seems to be breaking down. Everything they believed in, even their own identities, who they thought they were, is disintegrating.
We can see that reflected in the outside world by increased aggression, authoritarianism, dominance. Those are old power games that are impotent in this new reality. Those that felt defined by these measurements, are extremely threatened.
How you’re experiencing it depends on how you perceive reality, and what you hold to be real. If you’re a visual person, the world may be starting to look very different. There may be some days where colors look sharper, things look brighter and more defined. Or it looks like you’re on a movie set like in the Truman show.
I feel things internally, so I’m noticing heightened sensitivity, extreme empathic and telepathic impressions (I’ve tuned in to my family members for years but it’s now 100% more intense). And my inner energy system feels different. Yet again.
When I try to judge what’s happening to me through old filters, I could say I’m being spacey, ungrounded, that I’m not owning my space. But that puts me into a space of effort and resistance (very familiar energies but they don’t feel good nor are they productive).
Whatever is going on for you, it’s most likely part of this Consciousness shift. Validate the changes you’re going through. It’s not happening to you, it’s you embodying your greater Self as Consciousness, and that’s causing a seismic shift in everyone’s reality.
When I accept that the change I’m experiencing is just another part of the shift, it’s less uncomfortable. I can allow to it be different. I’m excited to see how it unfolds. I invite you to do the same!
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: How To Discern Your Inner Being From All Those Other Voices (part 1)
Mystic Musings: The World Is A Science Experiment
This World Is A Science Experiment ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Did you ever grow a bean in blotting paper in a glass jar when you were a kid? It was pretty fun, you’d add a bit of water every day and watch the bean grow roots and then sprout a green vine. That’s as far as my project would get before I’d stop watering and everything would grow brown, shrivel up and die.
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1st published restoration of Elasmotherium sibiricum 1878 Author Rashevsky, A.F. Brant supervisor, (public domain) |
Ant farms were also fun. You could watch the ants create mazes in the sand. Or terrariums, filled with rocks and plants, you’d seal the top and it would continue to flourish with sunlight and condensation.
Now imagine greater Consciousness and this planet. The process is a little different, and the timeline is billions of years. But Consciousness exists outside of time and space (they are structures within physical reality created by Consciousness), so the entire history of Earth has taken no time at all.
And Consciousness as life force energy is within everything, and Consciousness’ overarching sentience is also within everything.
Which means everything has sentience, whether it’s a rock or an insect or a plant or an animal. But there are different degrees of awareness and expression as Consciousness through these physical forms.
Consciousness has been playing with forms since developing the first cosmic soup. On this planet, when I look at dinosaurs, I see them as prototypes, early kinds of vehicles for Consciousness to occupy. To clarify, Consciousness occupies everything. But each one is a different experience. Rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, cars, buses, tanks, boats, airplanes, all provide a different experience moving through time and space.
Human bodies are pretty sophisticated vehicles, and not just because we have opposable thumbs. We have an ability to build and create, to express imagination, in a way no other animal has on this planet.
As human bodies have evolved, Consciousness can occupy them to a greater extent. We can see the results of greater Consciousness in form with the development of technology. We’re driven to replicate our essential attributes as Consciousness, by creating vehicles to go at greater speeds than walking, or riding another animal. By defying gravity. By manufacturing modes of communication that mimic our inherent telepathy and clairaudience.
We’ve even developed our physical form of Akashic Records with the internet and the cloud storage.
Now, would you like to quantum leap this experience for yourself? It’s pretty simple to do.
Imagine this world as a science experiment, and you’re one of the sea monkeys in the jar. Are you going to go through your life as a brine shrimp, or as Consciousness inhabiting form?
Notice what happens when you shift your perspective. You bring greater Consciousness into your form. It feels different, it looks different, it sparks different awareness, in inspires different action.
This isn’t an intellectual exercise, and it may not be a one-time thing (I only know of a handful of people who were instantaneously transformed doing this exercise just once).
For me it’s a continual practice, that I do sporadically throughout the day. The more you do it, the more second nature it becomes, and the more it ripples out into all aspects of your life.
For me, it’s resulted in feeling more joyous, more relaxed, more free. It feels like a benevolent Universe, even while the game can be challenging at times. I know when I’m responding as Consciousness because I feel amused or inspired.
Play with this, this week, and see how it unfolds in your life!
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: How To Resolve Your Inner Climate Change!
Mystic Minute @YouTube Video: We Are Going Through A “Sea Change”!
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