Tag: reality
Mystic Musings: It’s A New World But It’s Not Spiritual
“It’s a New World but it’s not Spiritual” ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Have you noticed an energy shift over the last few weeks? It’s been a continual and gradual evolution but the last few weeks have been particularly noticeable.
My husband, who’s a Tibetan Buddhist (which I describe as the Catholicism of Buddhism, steeped in ancient ritual and lore), said the other day, “it’s a new world, but it’s not Spiritual.”

I totally agree. Now he may have meant something different with his words, but I perceive that the hologram has shifted to a higher vibration, but it’s still physical reality (just a less dense version of it).
Last night he said it’s like we’re all being remapped, like a software update. I’ve noticed that going on for some time. I feel like our energy systems have gone from gasoline to fuel cell. He also said it seems like our egos have changed.
Which makes total sense to me as our egos are the personality part of our physical reality.
My explanation for all of this is that greater Consciousness is coming into form, and our systems and the hologram has had to update in order to accommodate the increased frequency.
Those of us that identify with form, that identify as their bodies and personalities, are feeling really disoriented by the changes. They’ll interpret it as if they’re dying when really it’s just the denser vibration becoming more diffuse.
To me, the external world has become brighter and lighter. It sometimes feels like a movie set but still vividly real.
It’s a New World, and yet it’s still a hologram. Our bodies are operating at a higher frequency, but they’re still physical containers. We feel more integrated into them, just as we feel more connected to others around the world. Because we *are* that Consciousness more in form, in all forms.
And still experiencing our individual timeline, our individual storyline, our particular weaving through this version of time and space. It’s just that time and space has become more malleable, and the storyline more variable.
You’ll have to go through your own updates with all of this. You’ll have to find your “sea legs”, you own, new way of grounding and centering in this upgraded reality.
As Consciousness you can make up your own techniques, and they’ll work! Operating as Consciousness, you’ll find reality reorganizing in your favor in the most enjoyable and entertaining ways, with results beyond your wildest imagination.
Mystic Musings: Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing!
Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It’s been a wonky week. The energy feels off kilter. I can’t put it down to Mercury Retrograde (although there’s definitely been some of that – communications and electronics mishaps).
But this reminds me of two years ago, at the time of the Brexit vote and then the U.S. election, where many of us felt sideswiped by the results. Back then it felt like being shoved into an alternate universe.
This feels reality is reorganizing. The pendulum swinging back into balance (I hope not before swinging to another extreme). It’s like the part of the movie where things start to get resolved.
In some ways it’s been annoying. Like knowing the end of the movie but not knowing *how* the story gets there.
And also knowing that we’re not done yet with wild, unpredictable, out of the blue, plot twists and turns.
To me, it’s all been an affirmation that we’re living in a hologram. Things that can’t possibly happen have been happening. It’s kind of like the Saturday Night Live writers have taken over the Cosmic screen play and they’re competing with each other for best skit. You think that today’s news cycle was outrageous? Hold my beer, the next comic says.
We can have a variety of reactions to what’s happening. We can hunker down and let things unfold. That can feel like reality is happening to us, but even no action is a chosen action.
We can resist and fight what’s happening. Try to make people listen to us. Make the government change their minds. Throw money at the problem. Move to another country.
That’s like wrestling with the scenery on a movie set. Shouting over other people’s lines. Or storming out of the room, as if that will change anything.
We can also engage and listen. Call, and write, and vote.
And those of us who dance to a different drum, who heed a higher calling, who may be feeling the wonkiness more than most, what can we do? Change our inner state, change our minds, shift our energy, step into a parallel universe where it’s all unfolding in our favor, where it’s a benevolent Universe, where it’s all unfolding in everyone’s favor.
Responding as Consciousness, you can be amused at the storyline. You can appreciate wonkiness. You can recognize that everything is validation that this is a hologram created by Consciousness. That everything is a story within the hologram (even this explanation is a story within the hologram).
The time is ripe to make this shift. And all it takes is a change of viewpoint. See yourself as greater Consciousness embodying into form. You love your body and your personality, it’s Your creation as a vehicle in this world, and a way to fully feel and engage in this world. Others are also Consciousness in form, other aspects of yourself, other players in this online game.
Yet reality is malleable, and others show up in your storyline but do not influence it without you creating it as part of your own plot. (And you show up in theirs the same way).
Playing in this way and at this level is effortless, fun, and enjoyable.
You inherently know all is very, very well.
Mystic Musings: In A Holographic Reality, Can You Work With Nature ?
In a Holographic Reality, Can You Work With Nature? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’ve recently begun revisiting (and upgrading) my old techniques for working with Nature. I have a coaching client that’s moved to a rural property, and we’re connecting with the devas of the house and land.
It’s a different experience for me since I’ve shifted to 5D reality. Somehow shifting through parallel universes seem incongruous with co-creating with nature. Expanding and contracting time seems contradictory with acknowledging the solstice and equinox cycles.But here’s the thing – everything exists at once, all games exist simultaneously. You can easily shift from one paradigm to the other, if you choose. Yet I know from experience that my old energy techniques don’t work effectively in this new reality. And I don’t really want to feel that level of density and effort again.When I upgrade my old techniques into the present moment, everything shifts and changes. It’s like going from dialup to WiFi.
Mystic Musings: Are You Creating Reality As A Stick Figure?
Are You Experiencing Reality As A Stick Figure? ©2018 Joan Newcomb
How are you experiencing reality? Does it feel very extreme, very black-and-white, intense drama, reactivity? Or do you have breathing space, clarity, balance, choice?
On a walk this week I mused about reality and manifestation. When I’m aligned and connected, my surroundings come into sharp focus. Greens seem greener, trees are more defined. I get the sense of walking through this physical reality and it’s more profoundly ‘real’ but on a multi-dimensional level.
There’s a belief that this reality is a full-immersion video game, that we’re walking around in these meat suits, but we’re making it all up. It goes so far as to imply that others in our reality aren’t real, we created them to be there.
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Are you experiencing your reality as a stick figure? |
As an empath, I had difficulty with this, because I can feel other people’s feelings, even if they’re 3,000 miles away. They are sharing their emotional reality with me, and I know it’s not mine.
Even though I have a higher awareness, I can easily feel entangled in intensity and drama, extreme emotions, if I’m experiencing other’s reality. If I resist it, I get more stuck in it. If I can detach, I can feel compassion for their challenges, and send healing.
But the ‘I create my own reality, and nothing is real, including other people’ didn’t work for me, at least in the cartoonish way it was presented.
It also says that there is no free will, we’re all going along predetermined scripts, so stop trying to change, fix, or control things. This didn’t quite feel true to me, either.
Technology has advanced in the years since I first heard this idea, and we now have on-line gaming and Wii.
And while I’ve been musing, two videos came to my attention. The first one was Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) talking about creationism vs. evolution. Creationism can be very black and white, very limiting. God created everything, God put us here, full stop.
It’s a one dimensional explanation for a multi-dimensional world.
The second video was Neil deGrasse Tyson saying the most astounding fact is that our molecules and atoms are made up of the same elements from the beginning of the Universe.
As I listened to the second video, which really described evolution from the initial creation of the Universe, I realized that it was taking Creationism’s stick figure explanation and giving it width and depth and length.
Sometimes Science, however, leaves out the aspect of Consciousness, which gives their theories color and tone.
When we were collectively operating from a lower level of awareness, we could only understand things from a stick-figure perspective. What was written in ancient texts was complex ideas put forth in a simplistic fashion, much like how you would talk to a child about college level subjects.
‘I created my reality, nothing is real, including other people, there is no free will, it’s all pre-scripted’ is too simplistic as well.
Reality is a complex creation of Consciousness, a game with infinite levels of possibilities. You can play it any way you want. There is free will, just like a Gamer has choices of taking different actions and it changes the outcome of their playing session. There are other Gamers in the equation, which makes the whole experience much more interesting.
It’s not just you in your own studio composing on a synthesizer, but an orchestra of musicians each contributing their piece.
And yet, on a higher level, it is. As Consciousness, you’ve put forth the elements, but you’ve also created individuals to run around and bang their own symbols. You are both Consciousness and the symbol-banger. You are both the Programmer and the Gamer.
However, in your ‘meat-suit’, there’s only so much you can comprehend. The more immersed you are in the denseness of physical reality, the less you can be attuned to the greater world.
In my early metaphysical training, there was distain for intellectualism. In many religious belief systems there’s an aversion to the Mind. It’s true that the intellect/Mind can distance you from spiritual Truth, but it’s the same distortion as *lack* of intelligence saying Creationism is the only reality.
Consciousness in an Intelligence greater than your own brain, greater than your individual mind. It’s the Internet vs. your hard drive. God is not a jealous or limiting or punishing god. God is Consciousness.
And it’s not all just atoms and molecules and fishes with feet. The invisible reality beyond that which is measurable, is Consciousness.
Consciousness brings both dichotomies together. Because Consciousness transcends time and space, so from that perspective you could say there’s no evolution, but only because it’s all happening at once (no time).
If, while you are walking along a street, you could shift your vibration to a lower speed, you could see what occurred on that street in the past. If you could raise your vibration to a higher speed, you could see what will be happening on that same sidewalk in the future.
Your meat suit can’t do that. Your Consciousness can.
But don’t go there (unless you’re on your third espresso of the day). You are Consciousness manifesting in this meat suit for the fun of experiencing this present moment in these parameters of density and effort. When you die, you’ll realize your lifetime only a blink of an eye, that you always are Consciousness. If you spend all your time going outside yourself to feel Spirit, you’ll miss the point of being here.
However, this Reality game is so big, it encompasses every belief and approach. Just as there is no one True religion, nor definition of God, there’s no one right way to live life.
Go ahead an visualize, go ahead and use manifestation techniques. Or let go of creating your reality and go with the script. It’s all valid.
If you choose to be a fundamentalist, that’s the Game you’ll experience. If you choose to be an atheist, that’s the reality you’ll have. From the level of Consciousness, there is no good or bad (ethics only exist in the physical realm).
This week, I invite you to play with whatever works for you. Just being playful can shift you out of extremes and reactivity. Try it for yourself. And see what happens!
[updated from “It’s All Good” published Sept. 2012]
Mystic Minute: Different Versions of Reality!
Intersections of Life ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb
My evolving awareness is that life is a creation of Consciousness, and we *are* that Consciousness. It’s not accurate to say it’s an illusion but it’s a manifestation of our focus as Consciousness.
I use the term ‘hologram’ for this world, which isn’t entirely accurate but then language cannot begin to describe the process of going from our infinite vastness into the density of form.
I also describe life in this world as a game, because to Consciousness, it is a kind of full immersion ‘virtual reality’ experience.
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By Peter Gorman (for sale on Etsy*) |
There are lots of ways to play this game, and there’s no good or bad way to participate. You can dive in, completely unconscious, and feel tossed and turned by it. At this level you experience physical reality at it’s most dense. In order to create you have to use a lot of effort and it takes a lot of time.
Another way to play is with some awareness, in the realm of thought and law of attraction. This takes less effort and feels more playful, as you use visualization and repetition (and vision boards and pink balloons) to make your ideas become real.
Yet when you’re playing fully as Consciousness all the old rules go out the window. You have no need to try to manifest anything. You know that You are creating all of this as Consciousness, down to the smallest detail. You just show up fully in the present moment and respond to what is.
In fact there’s no need to make anything happen in the hologram, because there’s an infinite number of holograms with an infinite number of possibilities and outcomes. You just shift yourself to where the reality is unfolding in your favor.
However, even if you choose to play fully as Consciousness, it doesn’t mean everything is just ducky.
If ever there was a time I wanted to change, fix, or manipulate the hologram, last month was it. The house we were living in had mold, and I’d been able to ignore it since turning off the furnace in Spring, but knew that come September there’d be problems again.
Life flows forward like cars in traffic and if you don’t make conscious choices, eventually you’ll feel that you’re forced into them. You’re not really forced into anything, but if you’re driving without your hands on the wheel… or with your eyes closed…
What I observed happening over the previous month was possibilities arising and stepping towards each one. Reality reorganized around that possibility and I had the opportunity to check it out in body. Then it would shift to a different scenario as I became clear about my preferences.
What ultimately unfolded is perfect but completely different than I originally thought I’d wanted. When you play as Consciousness what shows up is beyond what you could possibly imagine and the house we’re in now certainly is that.