Archive for May, 2017

Radio Show Podcast 5/31/17 Danelle Egnew, “Call To Light”

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May 31st

Today on Conscious Conversations, Janet talks with Danielle Egnew, gifted psychic, musician, actress, and author. Intuitively gifted from a young age, Danielle delivers her vast spiritual knowledge in a direct, disarming and approachable way. Danielle shares her laser clear observances on what’s really going on in the world today on her YouTube channel and her blog,  Danielle currently anchors her spiritual practice in Billings, MT, where she lives with her wife and their daughter. She continues to contribute to media abroad. You can find @danielleegnew online: and

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Yes, We’re Living In A Simulation (But We’re Not Just Avatars) – Ignite Seattle!

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Amusement, Fear, and Consciousness

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Amusement, Fear, and Consciousness ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I’ve been telling groups that as Consciousness we’re amused by Donald Trump and I’m afraid I’m going to get stoned by an angry mob afterwards.

I totally get it. Because at one level, there’s nothing funny about the destruction happening to our country, our healthcare, our national parks, our national security, women’s rights, people of color, lbgtq, I could go on and on.

It’s infuriating, and it’s terrifying.

At that same level, it’s become so bizarro world in the news, the only response is hysterical laughter.

The amusement I’m talking about isn’t that kind of laughter. But nor is it ‘let them eat cake’ kind of laughter, either. It’s not flippant, it’s not denial.

Consciousness amusement is expansive, like the sky, like the ocean. It’s embracing and encompassing. It’s neutrality and compassion at the same time.

I’ll confess that I couldn’t have written these words a few months ago. I was too enraged. I did not like the parallel universe I found myself in on November 9th. And it shook my confidence about the work that I do.

You know the reactions, fight, freeze, or flight? I had the first two while wishing for the third one. Fighting is my way of not getting paralyzed by fear.

Fear is a body emotion, bodies take everything seriously, bodies aren’t going to make it out of this lifetime alive. Bodies feel the impact of the news.

We’re not neglecting or abandoning our bodies by allowing amusement, by relaxing in. It’s allowing Consciousness to be more present in physical form. Bodies find this comforting. (Because, hey, a body without Consciousness is dead).

So back to amusement. I know we’re collectively coming through this, that we’re surfacing to a new level, because these words are being written.

As Consciousness you exist both in this physical world, and outside of it. The greater part of you exists outside of time and space. The viewpoint is more than the bigger picture of your individual life and this point on your timeline. The greater part of you sees all lifetimes and all possibilities.

If you could take your life as it is now and hold it in this bigger context, what would that be like for you?

If you knew that nothing was ever lost, including loved ones, what would that be like for you?

If the story of your life had infinite possible plot twists available to you, what would that be like?

Consciousness’ experience of this world is appreciation, joy, wonder. Amusement, because it experiences no loss. Amusement, because it takes nothing seriously (not to be confused with disrespect or disregard).

Over the months, a lot of spiritual people have said the only antidote to what’s happening is love, to send Donald Trump love. I couldn’t do that from the space I was in before.

Now, I can see how.

As Consciousness, you love this world as it is your creation, your playground, your fishtank, your children, your physical home, your plants, your pets. There is loving neutrality with the world and with how storylines unfold.

And, I firmly believe, no, I know because I see it happening, that as greater Consciousness comes into form, as we’re so strongly experiencing now, that things can change quickly (sometimes in an instant).

The current story can be reversed or rewritten at any moment.

(I’m writing this on a Tuesday, to be published on Friday, so I’m very curious to see what unfolds by then).

Just as people radiating love into the world have impact (as much impact as phoning Congress and marching), so does allowing yourself to be amused. It’s an avenue for greater Consciousness.

There’s room for all responses, as they work on different vibratory levels.

Notice if, in the midst of the onslaught of news, you have glimmers of amusement. That’s the greater You breaking through.

Relax into those glimmers and watch them expand into your life.

Play with this and see what happens!

A New Definition of God

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A New Definition of God ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I’m not that familiar with non-monotheistic religions, but the stories all have examples of Godly abilities and human frailties. They tend to place their Gods remotely, up in the sky or down below in the underworld. There are differing interactions with humans, and it seems to me extreme power struggles.

I’m more familiar with Christianity from a mystical perspective. If you broadly look at the Old Testament, God was this jealous, vengeful and angry guy way up in the sky, who threw frogs and plagues at them. He demanded sacrifices, whether goats or first born sons. People were like ants compared to God.

New Testament God was parental, compassionate, loving. You could have a conversation with “Him”.  It was a new definition of God that was very radical. Even today, people confuse the two.

This new definition came at a radical, evolutionary shift in Consciousness. And we‘re at another shift yet again.

There’s a new definition of God emerging, and from our antiquated viewpoint, we describe it as God within. An Inner Being.

I invite you to a different perspective of all of this.

Think of this world as a marvellous creation of Consciousness. It’s a manifestation experiment that played with different forms to physically embody. Dinosaurs were the beta version, they didn’t quite work out.

(Now, Consciousness creates all of this, thus Consciousness is in all of this. But each form provides a different experience and comprehension)

If you shift your perspective to that of Consciousness, that is, *you* are Consciousness, you can see the evolution simply being You coming more into form.

As Consciousness, you’ve been tweaking with the form design since before dinosaurs, fine tuning it to fit into.

What we are experiencing now is greater Consciousness coming into form, a higher vibration embodying the density of the physical, Our bodies have been redesigned to accept this increased energy. When a higher frequency comes into form, denser aspects disintegrate. We’re seeing this as egoic states breaking down.

Egoic states don’t like this. They think of themselves as separate entities. They don’t wanna disintegrate. Their existence is threatened.

The personality level views things in black and white terms. It interprets things as life and death issues. It doesn’t see this evolution as a good thing. It sees it as an invasion, an assimilation.

As Consciousness, it’s exciting. It’s a birth into a new collective form. When you shift your perspective to You as Consciousness coming into form more, you feel joyous and happy.

All it requires is adjusting your perspective and the rest will come. Notice in the moment if you’re viewing your life as if things are happening to you, or as if You are creating all of it as Consciousness.

At first it may seem difficult, because you’re changing your habitual thinking. But it quickly creates a profound paradigm shift.

There’s no confusion from this viewpoint. There’s only love, emanating inward and around, and outward. And that love is You.

Radio Show Podcast 5/24/2017 Consciousness and Our Evolving Intuitive Skills.

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Consciousness and Our Evolving Intuitive Skills. Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet they share about how being intuitive can often be framed out of our pain and trauma. This pain can permeate how we view and use our intuitive gifts in old paradigms of good and bad, right and wrong, screwed and more screwed. Listen in as we offer how Heart Centered Awareness offers us new references for engaging life.

Mystic Minute: You Don’t Have To Break Out of The Matrix (Part 3)

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Game Designer Webinar

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Yes, We’re Living In A Simulation (But We’re Not Just Avatars)’


Elon Musk says there’s a chance that we’re living in a simulation and is working on how to break out of it. The problem is he’s seeing it from the perspective of being an avatar in the game. At one level, life seems to be like a full immersion, virtual reality, where you are playing with other gamers all over the planet. At this level you feel influenced by other players and restricted by the rules of the game. What if you viewed it as the game programmer? Or the game designer?


2pm PT, 5pm ET, 2100 UTC


We are living in a simulation, but we’re not just avatars! In this webinar you will learn:

  • yes, this is a simulation (and how that’s a good thing)
  • proof that we’re in a simulation
  • the levels of the Game (and their drawbacks)
  • how you can “reprogram” your GPS to redirect your life (but there’s a caveat)
  • what happens when you shift to the designer level!


Radio Show Podcast 5/17/2017 Steve Farrell, Humanity’s Team

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk with Steve Farrell, the Worldwide Executive Director for Humanity’s Team, a global grassroots spiritual movement focused on awakening and embodying Oneness so humanity may enjoy a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness.  Humanity’s Team projects include:  Global Oneness Day, a Oneness Declaration; a year-round Living in Oneness summit; an annual Spiritual Leadership Award; a Conscious Business Declaration, Conscious Business Practitioner Training & Certification, Community Circle, prayer and meditation programs; and service projects focused on helping people and the environment.

Steve also co-founded and led two high growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley in the 1990’s that were featured in the INC 500 and spanned the United States and Europe.  He was an officer in the Young Entrepreneurs’ Organization and the Young President’s Organization, but walked away when he felt called to help create a new dream based on the Divine in life that humanity can manifest together.

Steve lives with his wife Stephanie and his two children in Boulder, Colorado.  He is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders.

Mystic Minutes: You Don’t Have to Break Out of the Matrix (Pt. 2)

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It’s About Time

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©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Time is such a fascinating component of physical reality. We measure it from past to future. We track it’s passing. We use it as markers for experiences in our lives, and place expectations upon ourselves for accomplishments.

When you’re going through challenges, it can feel like it’s taking forever. But other experiences seem fleeting. And yet, when you look back on your life, it seems like only yesterday that happened.

We place high values on time efficiency, time management, getting stuff done. We resist slowing down and being in the present moment. And yet, when you center yourself into present time, it feels infinite.

When I started connecting with dead people, I discovered that we experienced time differently. I had the sense that I, in the living, physical realm, tracked time in a spiral. They would come in and out at different intersections, that did not match up to my thread. They’d show up having been long gone when it was only a few months, or show up as more recently departed, years later. Although when I do readings, I can tell if they’ve been gone for a long time because from my perspective they seem more diffuse than more recently departed.

I know that the past is a denser vibration, and the future is a lighter vibration, and when I’m in the present moment, I can sense the past or the future but not leave my body behind.

As Consciousness, I realize there is no time or space. To Consciousness, it is all happening at once. When you pass, you realize your life happened in a blink of an eye. And as Consciousness, all lifetimes are happening at once, all possibilities within each lifetime is happening at once.

This is way over my head, to try to comprehend.

Everything about the physical realm is a dichotomy. It’s impossible to explain being Consciousness in a body without contradicting yourself.

On one level we’re in bodies to experience physical reality, but it can be challenging to stay focused within time and space, since Consciousness is everywhere at once. It’s hard to get ready to go on vacation when a part of you is already there!

On another level, greater Consciousness is coming into form, so time itself is becoming more malleable. Time slows down or speeds up at random. The challenge here is not to resist the expansion. We’re here not to figure it out but to experience the deliciousness of all the sensations available to us. When you relax into what is happening, it all unfolds effortlessly and perfectly in your favor.

Mystic Minute: You Don’t Have To Break Out Of The Matrix! (Pt. 1)

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‘Yes, We’re Living In A Simulation (But We’re Not Just Avatars)’ ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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This is the transcript of my talk to Ignite Seattle on May 18th
Have you ever played video games? How about online ones with gamers around the world?

Elon Musk, says there’s a strong probably that we’re living in a simulation and is working on how to break out of it.

The idea came from  ‘The Simulation Hypothesis’, a paper published in 2003  by Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University, which stated that we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.

Last year Neil DeGrasse Tyson led the Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate “Is the Universe a Simulation?” in NYC with a panel of cosmologists, physicists, from MIT and Harvard.

So here’s the flaw with most of their (arguments) – they’ve coming from the perspective of being an avatar in the game.
Yes, life is a simulation, but we’re not just avatars!
At the Avatar level, in the Physical Realm, life seems to be like a full immersion, virtual reality, where you’re playing with other gamers all around the world. At this level, even though this game is preprogrammed, and is structured in specific and measurable ways such as time and space, there’s a certain amount of choice. If you go left, you set in motion a different series of events than if you turn right.
Also at this level, other people can influence your game. Say you decide to go to the grocery store. The moment you get in your car and head out on the road, everyone else in their car, can affect your trip. As an avatar you experience limitations, and take things very seriously. It’s a pretty frustrating and powerless experience.
The next level up is the Programmer level, in the realm of Thought.  This is the area talked about in The Secret, by Abraham-Hicks, The Law of Attraction, and Mike Dooley’s “Thoughts become things”,  if you focus on something enough, you can bring it into your reality.
You can change your reality by changing your thoughts. It’s like your brain is your ‘Inner GPS’, and, you can rewire your neural pathways with positive thinking.  You can program your GPS through affirmations and vision boards.  This can be a big deal for people to discover, because it feels like you have more control. And yet, even at this level of the programmer, you can be operating as if you’re the avatar.

So what’s the next level of awareness? That you are the game designer.

As the Designer, in the realm of Consciousness, there’s no need to break out of the game. Because you’re simultaneously in the game AND outside of it. Outside of constructs of time and space. And you as Consciousness are creating this down to the smallest detail. 
Let that sink in. How would your life be different if you knew that you’re the creator of everything in your reality?  How would it change your choices, and how you looked at life?
When you begin navigate this reality *as* Consciousness Designer rather than as your avatar, you feel this tremendous shift. It’s like going from Newtonian Physics to Quantum physics. Reality, time and space, becomes more malleable.  The story of your life appears to break down. It may seem that everyone is scripted, but *you* get to ad lib.You feel joyous, happy, expansive, maybe even bouyant, like gravity has changed.
At this level, strange out of the box things happen. Storylines take unusual twist and turns. Reality show TV stars become president. Idiocracy becomes real.
But wait, there’s more.

Consciousness exists outside of time and space. So from the perspective of Consciousness, this lifetime happens in the blink of an eye. To Consciousness, everything is happening instantaneously AND simultaneously. All lifetimes are happening as once. All possibilities are happening at once. As Consciousness, You’re not just turning left or right, you’re turning left AND right. You can shift your individual experience by effortlessly stepping into a parallel universe.

If this idea excites you and you want to know more, I have free monthly meetups Seattle-Consciousness-Conversations



Mystic Minute: Not Another Friggin’ Growth Space

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Radio Show Podcast 5/3/2017 “Off The Deep End”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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May 3rd

Consciousness and Off Into The Deep End.  Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet share about what to do when Consciousness offers us more Self Awareness. What that can feel like and how to recognize that you have created your version of humanity. Our Infinite Essence offers infinite patience for our own unfolding. Tune in and listen as they monitor the ups and downs and new appreciations of all of us now available.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!