Archive for March, 2017

When Your Past Revisits You ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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I found myself walking into the hospital yesterday to visit a relative. The last time I went there, they were in the emergency room and I almost couldn’t go in, I was having so many flashbacks to taking care of my mother and being in the hospital and sleeping in a chair in her room for 18 days with her.

This time I felt an energetic shift as I walked into the building. My body, my energy system, felt fully in the present moment. I was aware of the memories but detached from the intense emotions from that time.

photo credit: Melissagarcia17

It allowed me to have a pleasant visit with him, even setting up Skype so he could talk with his son.

This has happened in layers over the past few years. My mother went into the hospital in August of 2011 (first traumatic event). We went to the same hospital for laser treatment on her lung cancer in October. We went for a followup MRI in December where it revealed the treatment didn’t work. In February of 2012 she went on home hospice so we didn’t have to go there any more.

In June of 2013 my husband was hospitalized overnight for a suspected heart attack (it was an infection instead), and I was surprised at my visceral response. Different hospital, opposite side of the country, but even so.

And since then, there’s been three other hospital trips with different people, so I guess repeated exposure has helped de-sensitize me, and de-energize my memories.

For some people it re-traumatizes every time, and hardens into full blown resistance.

Today I see them as opportunities to release and let go.

Our past seems to revisit us but really the patterns are swirling about us all the time. We notice them showing up in our reality, because we’re passing through that pattern. It’s either unraveling or tangling, and we have an opportunity to respond differently.

When I don’t fight the memories, when I see the patterns as opportunities, I can soften to them and not get entangled.

When someone shows up in your story line from the past you can see them as an actor returning for a cameo role. Unless you want them to reenter as a returning cast member. It’s you’re show, you can decide.

Also, as you navigate your life from the perspective of Consciousness, you will notice that some people drop out of your life, because they’re no longer a vibrational match. You can view them as cast members who aren’t renewing their contract this season.

Just because your past is revisiting you, doesn’t mean that you are returning to a previous state. It’s like going home and realizing that your childhood house seems much smaller now. You’re bigger, and maybe no longer a fit for those circumstances.

Even if you want to go home, you’re not returning as the past person that you were. You get to be there in the present moment, as the adult and evolving Consciousness that you are.

Consciousness is expanding rapidly. We are experiencing frequencies accelerating at an unprecedented rate. There’s a lot of turnover happening right now.

Stay in present time and non resistance, and all this can be very enjoyable!


Radio Show Podcast 3/29/17 “Consciousness and World Upheaval”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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March 29

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss Consciousness and World Upheaval. Many of us are upset with what we see happening in the world around us. How do we change it? Tune in today and discover how having a greater perspective as Consciousness can make a real difference in the Collective.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!


Mystic Minute: What Do You Mean, The World Is a Hologram??

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When To Hold On, and When To Let Go ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb

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My dog Emma had a seizure and possible stroke this morning. She’s nearly 15 and her back legs tend to give out, so when I heard noises at 5am, I thought she’d lost her balance on the kitchen floor. Instead she was lying sideways, looking like she was running, except for the drool coming out of her paralyzed face.

We sat with her as it finished and tended to her for what seemed like hours as she regained her ability drink water and then to walk.

Corentin de Chatelperron by Elaine Apa

I flashed back to 2013 when our other dog, Basil, died very slowly, probably from a brain tumor. He’d had an operation in 2010 that was temporarily successful, but when it apparently came back at age 12 we let him complete his life at home. It was an arduous and unnecessarily painful death.

Today, however, I sat with Emma and did my Consciousness Techniques on her, helping her electrical system come back on line when the seizure completed, allowed for the bigger pattern to reorganize, and still was surprised how normal she was when we were able to get her into the vet.

Thinking of Basil, I’d also communicated with her that if this was time for her to go, it was okay.

Basil’s initial illness came during a breakdown-breakthrough time in my life, in fact the operation and the year long repayment for it, helped postpone any decisions. Which lead to my being able to go back East to help my mother the next year. It was a time to hold on. Hold on to Basil, hold on to my mother. Yet I also held on to the on line aspects of my business, my radio show and my phone consultations, while letting go of my Seattle office and in person classes, and wedding business.

2013 was a time of letting go. My mother finally passed in January. We came back to Seattle with a dying dog. Basil passed in April. We let go of our house on Vashon Island that October, and after we moved to Tacoma,  I flew back East to help my father pass. There was also some holding on – my husband was hospitalized in July for what was thought was a heart attack (it was not).

The last few years have been a time of rebuilding, I started a new radio show with a cohost, I started Meetups around the Puget Sound, and I restructured my coaching business. It’s felt like a long time of holding on, holding space to provide stability for new growth.

I’m aware of the cycle shifting again, and I’m wondering what letting go is required. As I wrote this, I got the impression that a sailing analogy was called for. Except I’m not a sailor. So I Google’d “sailing terms” and found this:

Often you can’t sail straight at your destination because of the way the wind is blowing. A sailboat cannot sail straight into the wind. So, if the wind is blowing at you, often you have to work your way toward your destination by turning the bow of the boat back and forth, through the wind. If it’s blowing with you, you turn the stern of the boat through the wind. From

If you’re sailing through life, you have to hold on sometimes, and sometimes let go. If the wind is coming at you, you have to let go of your sail, and the expectation that you’d get there as soon as you’d like. If you hold on at the wrong times, you can get blown over or go off course.

When the wind is at your back, you still have to let go of your sail or it could violently swing and the boom knock you over.

We’re sailing through the energy of life and it requires skill and intuition. Just like sailing a boat, there’s a whole body artistry to it, sometimes holding on and letting go at the same time.

There’s an expression sailors use, to “leave it on the wave behind”. Let go of whatever needs letting go of, hold onto what needs holding, and you’ll get there more swiftly.

Radio Show Podcast: “Consciousness and Core Values”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
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Listen later to TODAY’S PODCAST


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March 22nd

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet share aboutConsciousness and Core Values. What are they? The energetic upheaval is making it easier to notice what is truly important to you and what we take for granted. Tune in to discover what your essential values are, and how to use them to navigate as Consciousness.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

MYSTIC MINUTE: How to See the World Clearly

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How to Create Reality (a simple primer for manifesting as an Infinite Being) ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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Reality is created from the non-physical. It’s created outside of time and space. It’s created beyond thought, although thought has an effect. It starts with an intent, a notion, and is given form through focus. It is created by Consciousness or Source, and which is the spark of life in everything. That includes what we would deem as not alive. It may not have perceivable sentience, but it has Consciousness as it’s source.

It is all Consciousness, and we are Consciousness. Our life Essence is Consciousness. We are creating this reality moment to moment.


Reality is a spectrum and has different densities to it. What we see, physically feel, seems solid, is one part of the spectrum. There is a part that we sense physically that we can’t see, we may describe it as a place’s “atmosphere”. It’s a collective resonance contributed to by all life forms (this can include plants and animals, and historic events).

Emotions are unique to our physical bodies, it’s our body’s communication system, it’s our response to the world and we can create from this part of this spectrum. You can bring your desires into reality by focusing on the feelings they create in you. (We unconsciously bring what we *don’t* want into reality by being preoccupied with uncomfortable feelings)!

Thought is another way to manifest into form. What we think about regularly takes on density, Which is why visualization, affirmations, and vision boards seem to work so well. However, if the mind that is using thought to do this is coming from the perception that there’s something lacking, something wrong, etc. – that will show up in the manifestation as well. Which is why you may find there is always a loophole or a glitch in the things you try to consciously create!

Reality seems solid and real yet can shift in mysterious, magical ways. It’s only part of the program in this physical game, just as time and space are part of the structure. When we create from the emotional or thought levels, it takes time and space to bring things into form. They have to be constructed within physical rules. There’s a rhythm to this kind of creation, it takes two years for things to manifest into form from first conception.

When we create as Consciousness, it is very effortless. It is ‘outside the box’ manifesting. The timeline becomes less fixed and solid. Things can happen instantaneously. Things may seem random. They don’t come in predictable ways, they usually show up ‘out of left field’.

Bring an open minded intention to Consciousness and the results are more than you can possibly imagine. The qualities of Consciousness are playfulness, curiosity, neutrality. As Consciousness, you are lighthearted and amused. There are no mistakes and nothing is ‘bad’. This world is a game, a playground, an experiment.

At this level, we’re not ‘co-creating’, it’s the realm of unity, oneness, I-AM ness. Nothing influences You, nothing is more powerful than You.

As you go about your day, shift your awareness from your normal way of thinking. Start to perceive the world as Consciousness, the Essence of who you really are. See everything as your Conscious creation. Notice what changes when you do that.

Give yourself time to notice what that feels like, without trying, without effort. And watch how your life reorganizes around you without your having to do anything to make it happen. Things start to show up in your reality with delightful synchronicity. All you have to do is appreciate and enjoy the process.

Try thing for the next seven days and see what happens!


Mystic Minute: You Don’t Have to Break Out of the Matrix!

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Radio Show Podcast 3/15/2017 “Fact, Fiction and Consciousness”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Listen LATER to the PODCAST

Listen live on your phone: 401 347 0767

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March 15th

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet we talk about Fact, Fiction and Consciousness. In this current political climate how do we navigate all the distractions we are being assaulted with. Explore with us how to keep focus on what is important. How to use what is showing up around us in useful ways of empowerment.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Enjoying Uncertainty (and Randomness) © 2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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Don’t we all love our routines. We want life to be predictable. We find comfort in the familiar. We go to astrologers and psychics to be told our futures, so we can be certain what it coming ahead for us.

Physical reality feels so solid. A mountain is a mountain, it’s going to be there, in the same place, day after day. The sun comes up every morning and it goes down every night.

“Agua” Photo by Carlos Adampol Galino

Our bodies feel dense, they move us about our day, they help us be here in the world. We enjoy the world through our body, taste, touch, sight, smell, we savor physical sensations.

We want things to stay the same, be predictable, and at the same time we get bored and want change. Not too much change. Maybe a change of scenery, by going on vacation. Maybe a change of routine by moving to a different dwelling or changing jobs. We like that level of differences.

But something bigger is happening, and it’s throwing us all off. We’ve had previews of this coming up. We’ve had shocking times when a relationship suddenly ends, or we get fired, or some natural disaster upends our lives.

This is different. Reality is speeding up and breaking down. It all looks very solid and real, it still feels very solid and real. And yet, at the same time, it’s malleable.

I’ve noticed this recently with time. I’m very time conscious. I’ll know I have about 5-10 minutes to do something before I need to leave the house. I’ll check my watch, my phone, my laptop, multiple times while I’m finishing my tasks. At the numbers don’t move. It stays 10:45am (or whatever time) until I complete what I need to do.

(That’s actually happening now as I write this).

It’s reflecting in daily life as well.

You’ve noticed times where you’ve had synchronicity, you think of someone and they contact you, you think of something and it manifests. You have a song going through your head and then turn on the TV and it’s playing.

And these things are happening more frequently, and in more extreme or bizarre ways.

Life is becoming more random and it can be uncomfortable.

I see these as reminders that this reality is a hologram, a creation of Consciousness. As we each embody greater consciousness, life becomes less certain but it’s not a bad thing.

It means that life is a game to be experienced and enjoyed. Approach each day with curiosity, and wonder. Respond with playfulness, improvise solutions.

As you start to navigate from this higher perspective, you no longer resist what’s going on in the storyline. Negativity stops being negative, no longer triggers you. In fact, entrenched stories completely transform. That awful boss either quits or becomes angelic, for no apparent reason. Your family no longer irritates you, you find them amusing.

Things aren’t happening to you, and nothing is more powerful than You are.

Relax into this new experience and observe reality reorganizing around you. Things you desperately desired you no longer care about. Situations you struggled to create suddenly happen effortlessly.

Inherently it’s a benevolent Universe. Inherently *you* are Consciousness. At your Essence, or as your Essence, you are creating all of this. And we love our creations. You are creating your Self, and You adore you.

You may be at the tipping point of this realization, afraid to take the plunge.

Come in, the water’s fine.

Radio Show Podcast 3/8/2017 “Is Life A Simulation?”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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March 8th

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss Is Life A Simulation?Scientists are debating whether or not this reality is a ‘simulation’ and are even researching how to break out of it. We discuss this from the perspective of Consciousness! Tune in today to learn how how we can be in this game *and* break out of it’s limitations!

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Let It Go, What To Do When Your Identity Dies

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Psychic Kindergarten vs. Quantum University ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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My original training in metaphysics was at a mystery school that described itself as a psychic kindergarten. It meant that we learn by doing. Nothing was written down, it was conducted in an oral tradition, classes were experiential.

I always felt that everyone needed that basic training, especially from a young age. How would the world be different if we all learned how to manage our energy as children, connect with our inner wisdom, and the rudiments of manifestation?

Laurel with a Yoda eyepatch

I still do feel that way, and there are a lot of people out there teaching these basic principles. This information is easily available to you. In fact, I recommend a couple great books:

More people in the world attend kindergarten (or grade school) than University. You could say that you need to go through the early training to get to the next level, but that’s not necessarily the case.
I had one student who said she needed the original training (that I was teaching at the time) to be open to the next level. But for some people, it gets in the way. Practitioners of ancient systems may have an especially difficult time transitioning. Yet there are other people with no background in energy work at all, lawyers and accountants and the like, who take to these new Consciousness techniques like ducks to water. 
There are less people attending Quantum University, partly because this is a new emerging field. It’s on the leading edge, so not a lot of people know about it, it is just coming into awareness.
Quantum University doesn’t seem to require taking the SAT or GCSE, but in getting to the level or desire and interest, to step into Consciousness training, one has usually overcome some hurdles in life.
The entrance requirement is willingness and commitment. A willingness to invest in one’s own transformation and a commitment completely change one’s life.
And as I reflect on this, I realize that the work I do is post-graduate level. And a better metaphor is Jedi-Mastery (without the light sabers and dark side scenarios). I’ve jokingly considered calling myself ‘Joan Kenobi’, although I’m feeling more like Yoda nowadays…
I work individually with people who are fully committed and focused, and who are ready to leave behind their fears, the old worries about money, time, health or whatever. I call it Conscious Mastery and the techniques I’ve developed (and am developing) ‘Consciousness Techniques’ – you won’t find them anywhere else.
Someone described me as a ‘teacher’s teacher’, for people are spiritual teachers and energy workers ready to move to their next level.
We’re all coming into our own. Our own increased Consciousness, our own Inner Wisdom, and it’s requiring that we ‘upgrade’ our old ways of being. It’s unfolding effortlessly.
You can choose to enter Quantum University, or play in Psychic Kindergarten. There’s nothing you *have* to do. You can just show up and see what happens.If you are ready to for advanced Masters level training in Consciousness, I have space now open in my  Private Mentorship program, and receive my individual attention to create a complete transformation!  Email me to find out if it is a fit for you!

Radio Show Podcast 3/1/17 Consciousness and Surrendering To The Sacred

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
Listen to the PODCAST HERE
Listen live on your phone: 401 347 0767

March 1st

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Consciousness and Surrendering to the Sacred. We are updating old frameworks of Being. Our terms are often reflecting the old paradigms of interactions and beliefs with the Divine. Listen in as we share new awareness and new approaches to this old conversation.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!