Archive for January, 2017

Mystic Minute: The Importance of Being In Your Body (but not being your body)

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We Shall Not Regret The Past (Nor Wish To Shut The Door On It) ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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We’re engaged in an uncivil war. 

In this time of fake news, and with even “real” news regurgitating complete falsehoods, it’s too easy to get taken off course by things that are deliberately designed to evoke an emotional reaction.

It’s exhausting and distracting and makes even the most enlightened of us forget that we’re Consciousness, we’re Infinite Beings creating our reality.

Trump’s heralding in a new age.

We are actually in a time of clearing and healing. There is greater Light in the world and it is revealing the most repressed darkness. All the ugliness that has come to the surface is being cleaned. Your home always looks worse when you’re deep cleaning.

It’s triggering each of us at our very core. It’s bringing up childhood memories and generational miasma. You can’t take this baggage with you to the next level of evolution.

Even as we are inspired to take action, we’re disempowered by our own”stuff”. We are at war in our minds, we have insane cabinet members in our heads who threaten to destroy the different departments of our lives.

The news may trigger us, but we’re creating our own drama and feeding it with our thoughts. When we stop fighting in ourselves or wrestling with scenarios, we can take clear action.

Years ago I was married to a covert cocaine addict. In order to regain my sanity, I needed to learn to detach from the emotional roller coaster. I made up my own slogan: “Don’t React Dramatically – Even If It Seems Dramatic.”

If I am triggered, if I am reacting with strong feelings, I am not in present time. I am engaging with a lie. What I am perceiving is not the truth.

I have lost control and I am fighting with the illusion.

We’re powerless over the illusion and we’re powerless over other people’s insanity. We’re powerless over what they say and what they tweet and what they sign. But we’re not powerless over our own voices, our own votes, and our own actions. We just feel powerless when wrestling with the insanity rather than the solution.

Where Real Power is.

We can regain our internal power in several ways.  First, by stepping back and not engaging with crazy people or crazy headlines. Take time to respond rather than react. Take a break from the noise, turn off your devices and take a walk.

I always reconnect with Consciousness when I’m out in nature, even if it is just noticing trees on city streets. There is a power greater than Faux news. And You, at your Essence, are this power.

When you’re reconnected within, you become clear at what your choices are and how you can contribute.

Because this time is not calling us to be in denial or to go back into our caves or bubbles. It is calling us to be fully in our bodies and to participate. You can take truly empowered action when you’re aligned with yourself as Consciousness.

The Bigger Picture of What Is Going On.

The birth of a new era requires expansion and contraction.  Progress experiences ebbs and flows.  This feels like the past because we’re at a new level of releasing those old patterns. After we’ve cleaned the kitchen and the living room, we go upstairs. Just because the bedrooms and bathrooms are dirty doesn’t mean we haven’t been cleaning, we’re just on a new floor.

We’re not going to back to Nazi Germany because we’re America and our basic foundational pattern is freedom. We’re seeing these shadows of the past because they’ve come to the surface to be cleared.

We have checks and balances and we have an inherent sense of our rights. There’s more collective empowerment in this country than 1920’s and 1930’s Europe knew. You cannot control a country founded on rebellion.

Remind yourself that this is 2017, bring yourself into the present moment. In Present Time you are fully connected with yourself as Consciousness. This is where you can transform your reality.

This is where we shall not regret the past (nor wish to shut the door on it). Let the baggage of the past be archived. It’s not forgotten, it’s acknowledged as useful building blocks to where you are now.

I leave you with the Work of Byron Katie. There’s great revelations and relief in this video.

Radio Show Podcast: The Women’s March and Consciousness

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Jan. 25

The Women’s March and Consciousness

The January 21st International Women’s March initiated a shift in the collective Consciousness and ushered in a new era of the Divine Feminine. It was a perfect example of the 100th Monkey phenomenon, affecting everyone’s awareness, whether they know it or not. Want to know what this means for you? Tune into today’s show!

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Mystic Minute: What Is Divine “Feminine” Energy?

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The Curse of Complacency (and the Gift of Desperation) ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb

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One of the times where we can get stuck on our spiritual path is when everything seems to be going well. We have enough to get by, just not enough to achieve our desires.

We’re not in complete survival, but we’re not completely happy or satisfied. But we’re so better off than (where we were, where others are, where we could be)…

It can actually be a pretty horrible place to exist. And people can stay here for years.

Sweet Briar College, 1920

Complacency is like a big, goosedown duvet covering you and your life – on a warm, summer’s day.

Sometimes we’re stuck in complacency as a result of trauma. We’re not really complacent, we’re numb. We’re afraid to move. We’re terrified of risking our status quo.

A clue to being in this state is – how clear are your dreams and desires? When we’re in fear, our vision for the future is a winning lotto ticket, prince charming, someone or something to instantly get you out of this situation.

When we’re complacent, we may not even have dreams and desires, we’re so disconnected from our essence. Everything looks just fine. What have we to complain about?

Sometimes, as Consciousness, we create an opportunity to break out of this state. Something disastrous happens. A betrayal, a layoff, an accident, a national disaster… it wakes us up.

Sometimes the opportunity creeps up on you, you develop an illness that forces you to tune into your body, a loved one’s addiction is revealed, shattering your denial.

Desperation can be a gift, it gets us moving. It gives you the energy to start making positive changes. You can feel more alive in an emergency, because you’re more fully present and alert.

And yet some people get addicted to the adrenalin rush of chaos and drama, and instead of breaking out of their rut they dig themselves in even deeper.

Complacency mustn’t be confused with the neutrality of Consciousness. At the highest level of Consciousness, there is no good or bad, you’re completely detached from pain of what is happening in the physical world. It’s like viewing the planet from the International Space Station, you’re just in awe of the beauty and wonder of the world.

As Consciousness, we provide opportunities to wake up, and no opinion if we choose to stay asleep. As Consciousness there’s no time, so no judgement of how long it’s taking.

However, our core purpose for being here is to experience life in the physical, and express ourselves as Consciousness.  If we’re numb with complacency or spinning our wheels in continual crisis we’re not fully experiencing or expressing from Consciousness.

Now, when we’re in our bodies as Consciousness, it feels good. We’re enjoying ourselves. We inherently know it’s a benevolent Universe. We’re amused, we’re curious, we’re creative.

Our desires look different when we’re creating our life as Consciousness. We don’t need to be rich and famous. We are rich in relationship, we have prosperous lives.

Our own egos/personalities will hold us back, fearing that if Consciousness is in control, they will die. In truth, an aspect that we may have identified with will dissipate, but we will feel freer and more expansive afterwards.

When we operate as Consciousness, we achieve outcomes greater than old personalities could have imagined.

So if you’re in complacency and reading this, know that you have an opportunity to wake up without waiting for a breakdown. You can have a ‘high bottom’.

If you’re in desperation, use this information to propel you forward to new choices and actions.

You don’t have to know how to solve your problems or fix your situation, just take the first step towards the light. Intuitively step towards whatever feels lighter, brighter, clearer, more open. The light is You.

When you connect as Consciousness, you’ll find that the answers and solutions have been in You all the time.


Mystic Minute: Why Karma Doesn’t Exist Anymore

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Radio Show: 1/18/17 Resisting Help and Working As A Team

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Jan. 18

Resisting help, and working as a team. We feel we have to do everything ourselves, that accepting help is a weakness (or that nobody does it as expertly as we do)! What is the greater awareness as Consciousness? Stay tuned as we delve into the underlying cause and the new, emerging paradigm.

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet 

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A Newfound Hope ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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hope noun
  1. 1.
    a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
    synonyms: aspirationdesirewishexpectationambitionaimgoalplan, design


    • a person or thing that may help or save someone.
    • grounds for believing that something good may happen.
      synonyms: hopefulness, optimismexpectation, expectancy
  2. 2.
    a feeling of trust.
verb hoping
I was going to write on a very different topic this morning until I looked out the window. The sunrise changed my mind.
I looked at it and I thought, “Hope”.
There’s not been much to hope for recently. The news is disastrous, the weather is crappy, people are depressed.
It’s hard to believe that any good could come of anything at the moment.
If we really create our reality, why are we creating global warming, poverty, war, and cancer? If we really can manifest anything we truly desire, why isn’t it already here?
Can we even be hopeful when things are so bad? Isn’t that just being in denial?
When we look at life from our body/personality level, it’s going to be frustrating. We feel helpless. We feel blocked.
That’s because our bodies, and to an extent, our personalities, are locked into this reality. Our bodies only exist in the here and now. They take things very seriously. They view things in black and white, life and death. 
Life is a school with lessons to learn, and punishing consequences if you mess up.
It’s you as Consciousness that is creating life down to the smallest detail. 


To Consciousness, this world is a marvelous playground. Life is a game to experience. It’s not about getting good stuff. But it feels good to navigate life from this higher awareness, using consciousness techniques with playful curiosity. 
Living life as Consciousness, feels joyful and lighthearted. You manifest effortlessly and with ease.
How do you do this? It’s not a mental activity. You can’t do this by thinking. In fact, I like to do “tricks” to bypass my thinking. That’s why I enjoy stepping through invisible doors to parallel universes every time I walk my dog. It shifts my feeling state into a new experience.
It’s a deceptively simple technique. The changes are subtle. But the ripple effects are profound. Your mind will try to discount it, because your mind is part of your body’s operating system. It’s designed to keep you on track, but ends up keeping you in the same rut. 
When you navigate life as Consciousness, you manifest results bigger than your mind could have imagined.
When you shift your awareness of yourself to Consciousness, as Consciousness, you can see the infinite possibilities available to you. You regain hope. You get little reminders how big and miraculous this world is. You see sunrises.

Radio Show Podcast: Money and Consciousness

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Jan. 11

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, our topic is Money and Consciousness and our guest is Suzanne Lorenz, LCSW, author of “Wealth and Well Being: How Therapists, Counselors and Helping Professionals can assist clients through the emotional barriers to financial independence”, and the “Wealth and Well Being Workbook: Overcoming Barriers To Financial Independence”. She is a psychotherapist in successful retirement, an artist and a long-time member of money support groups. Her websites are: and

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Mystic Minute: How To Have Mystical Interventions!

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What Do You Really Want? And How Do You Really Make It Happen?

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©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We’re into the first weeks of January, New Year’s resolutions have been made and broken, visions have been created and forgotten, goals have been set and set aside. It feels like the year has begun with a giant belly flop. Why is this?

Most of us have no friggin’ idea how to keep our resolutions, or even create a vision for the year. If your resolution was to lose weight, your vision was to look like Chrissy Teigen or Ryan Reynolds. Or your resolution was to have more money, your vision was a winning lotto ticket. Or you want a relationship, your vision is to be married to Prince Harry.

There’s nothing in any of those resolutions, weight or money or relationship, that give you anything concrete to achieve. Those visions are unattainable, they’re wispy dreams.

We desire transformation and have no clue how to create it or support it. We want magic to happen, by wiggling our nose or blinking our eyes or waving a wand and shouting a spell. 

Here’s the thing. When you desire something, as Consciousness you already have it. It’s in your reality. It’s just not in your body or in it’s experience of the present moment. It’s frustrating and confusing, because a part of you is already there. But the part of you that is here, isn’t there yet.

Magic happens when you’re lined up with yourself as Consciousness.  But when we’re mired in the not-having of our desire, we’re far removed from ourselves as Consciousness.

We feel fat, we want to be thin. We feel poor, we want to be rich.  We feel lonely, we want to be happily married.

We are in a time of embodying greater Consciousness. Manifestation is speeded up.  But as long as we’re in the “not having”, that is what we manifest.

There are lots of books, blogs, courses out there for achieving anything you want. You can hire coaches. Most of them miss an essential element, which is you as Essence.

So you can lose the weight, get the money, attain the relationship, but you’ll still feel like something is missing. And that something is You.

When you start by aligning with YOU as Consciousness and take inspired action from your greater awareness, things unfold easily and effortlessly.

It starts with connecting with our true power source, which isn’t outside of us. Our greater self is within us. When we give Consciousness our focus, then things start to happen.

But here’s the caveat – when we align as Consciousness, and start living *as* Consciousness, our goals change. 

Our smaller selves don’t want to give up our dreams (so they remain dreams). Our smaller selves don’t want to give up control, so they firmly grip the steering wheel (when they’re too small to look over the dashboard to the road ahead). And our smaller selves thing they’re gonna die if they align as Consciousness.

What really happens is, the ego doesn’t die, it just gets rightly placed, where it really is much more comfortable. The dreams transform, and they look different. 

We may lose not lose weight, but like our body more. We may not win the lotto, but we have a prosperous life. We may not find Prince Harry, but we have a great relationship with ourself.

And here’s the big secret – even though our manifestations don’t look perfect, we are really, really, really, really happy with them.

And that’s what we’re really going for. 

Mystic Minute: The Truth About Soul Mates

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What Is Dying In Your Life?

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This has been a long, hard year for many people. And we’ve had some significant deaths, as well. With the recent unexpected passings, I’ve joked that David Bowie and Prince are hosting one heck of a Sky Party.

And for those of us who are staying in our bodies, there have been other kinds of loss. If it hasn’t been material, or in relationship, it’s been within ourselves. Perhaps our world view has changed, or an aspect of our identity has gone. Perhaps we have lost hope, or inspiration.

Chinese Opera, by Nova

In the last couple of months some of these have been sudden and unexpected. We’re in shock, as well as grief.

For months now, I have been aware of an impending death in my life, and am not clear what it is. I’ve been rebuilding since 2013 (the year I helped both parents die, and also my dog, lost my uncle, my house, and my business effectively shut down).

I’ve also been aware of being at a tipping point, a sense of about to dive in, all-or-nothing. Which doesn’t entirely make sense to me, since I’ve always been resolutely committed to my work, which is my purpose and calling in life.

What this reminds me of, is when I did psychic readings and looked at people’s futures. Sometimes their future self would be right there on the timeline, pointing out what was going to happen. At other times, the timeline would disappear into a fog.

I had two interpretations for this image. One was that the person wasn’t meant to see what was coming up, they were supposed to stay in the present moment, otherwise they’d try to skip steps to achieve it. The other was that the future was still being written, it was still being designed.

I sense it is the latter for me. I am letting go of expectations and assumptions. Releasing effort, trying hard. It’s been several years of a lot of action, of running around giving it away, trying to reach as many people as possible. It feels like things are changing, my focus is narrowing to those who can show up and have the information.  It feels like a return to creativity as well. I’ve had a couple books that have been waiting years to come out; perhaps 2017 is a time they will be birthed!

So what is dying for you? What is going away?

Collectively, I think we’ve moved to a new level of Consciousness, so anything of a denser vibration no longer exists in this new reality.

We can use this time to our advantage, to actively release that which we may perceive as dragging or holding us back. Perhaps you’ve been struggling with something for a long time. You can leave it in 2016, and let 2017 be a different Universe for you.

You don’t have to know the solution, or the answer. You just have to step into the space where it exists.

You may find that you haven’t lost anything at all (anything of significance is always stored in Consciousness) and instead gain a whole new world!

©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Radio Show: Sonia Barrett, The Holographic Universe!

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Our guest today is Sonia Barrett,author of The Holographic Canvas: The Fusing of Mind and Matter  and A Journey of Possibilities.  She also published Health: An Inside Job an Outside Business and is the executive producer of the documentary The Business of Disease, her website is:

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!