Archive for December, 2016

Radio Show Podcast 12/28/2016 Memories and Their Influence

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Dec. 28

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet we talk about Memories and their Influence. Reflecting on our pasts, how they might be continuing to dictate our futures. We know our current emotions color our memories. There is no time or space as Consciousness. When we are aligned *as* Consciousness, we’re in the present moment and the past dissolves, the future becomes possibilities. Learn how we separate our truths from our fictionalized versions to help create new patterns to enjoying life.

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Blog: Acceptance Is Not Surrender, Ceding or Giving In

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Acceptance Is Not Surrender, Ceding or Giving In ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

There’s a popular prayer that starts by asking for the serenity to accept the things you cannot change.
It’s a powerful statement. You are accepting what is, but not agreeing to it.

In accepting the situation, you are acknowledging the reality of it. You are not in denial that it is happening, you are not avoiding the reality. You are actually standing in your own power, while being powerless over other’s behavior or external circumstances.

Acceptance allows you to take action, to respond rather than react. You can make better choices when you’re not reacting.

Glowing Flower with Sunlight, photo credit: Tbala11

Now, there’s also an aspect of Surrender that doesn’t mean ceding your power, or giving in. It means you are not resisting the dominating energy. When you resist, you become rigid, you get stuck. You actually attract what you’re resisting.  In non-resistance, the negative energy passes through. You can weave around it. It dissipates.

A few years ago I was in a situation that was intolerable. I was powerless over the outcome. I was powerless over other people’s behavior.

Others might have said, but you could have talked to them about it. This was your opportunity to speak out.

I did not waste energy fighting it or trying to change them. I placed principles before personalities. I focused on the bigger picture. I remained in integrity with my core values.

I was there to do something no one else could do, I brought my awareness of Consciousness to the situation. What unfolded was greater than what anyone there could acknowledge.

And so it is.

You may be going home for the holidays and dreading becoming enmeshed in the dysfunctional family patterns. You might be avoiding certain relatives because of painful memories.

You could be distracted by the news, by the current insanity in politics. You could be outraged by people’s refusal to be involved, or general unconsciousness.

You cannot change, fix, or manipulate the world outside yourself without getting entangled in it. You can detach, by stepping back emotionally.

You can accept that most people aren’t operating at optimal awareness. Most people are playing out invisible programming.

When you can see that and not resist it, you reclaim your energy from it.

You start to see the world through a different lens. You might actually be amused by it.

We have been through dark times before. There is too much light in the world nowadays.

The sun is more powerful than the night.

Stand in your own sunlight, shine in your own truth, and see how that transforms your life!

Radio Show Podcast 12/21/2016

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Dec. 21st

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Light in the Darkness. Today is Winter Solstice Equinox and we are at the darkest time of the year. How do we retain our light as Consciousness amidst the collective dark of the Unconscious? If you want to go back to sleep, are you hibernating or experiencing hypothermia? Tune in this week as we explain what the darkness really is and share how to maintain our light.

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Mystic Minute: The Great Experiment (and an unexpected light show)

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Hitting Bottom

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Sometimes your face has to hit the pavement before you turn around and look up.

Sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better.

We’re watching a group of people imploding because what they believe is true and real, is not. What they think is powerful, is not. They have no true foundation, so what they are building cannot last.

It’s scary to consider they could take the rest of us with them.

But maybe reality has to get just that insane, before we reclaim our power from it.

Do we have to step back and let it self destruct?

Non resistance is the most powerful form of protection. It’s when your energy is so light, so transparent, that negative energy passes right through.

Non resistance has also been a powerful tool for social change. Perhaps we need to access our inner Gandhi, our inner Martin Luther King.

In non resisting, we don’t feed the madness, we don’t participate with crazy.

When you have a loved one who’s an addict or alcoholic, you have to step aside as they are bottoming out. They need the consequences of their own actions. If you’re not going down with them, they can’t blame you for their bottom. But you can be there for them as they’re climbing back out.

It’s a different story when you’re dealing with a narcissist or abuser. There’s similar denial when you are entwined in their story, but it’s not as clean cut to detach and step aside. There’s no bottoming out for them. They’re focused on taking you out first.

The most dangerous time for someone in a domestic violence situation is when they are about to leave or have just left. That’s when they get killed. The abuse may have only been emotional or threatening before.

If an abuser is leaving, he created a campaign to assassinate your character. He spreads rumors, “she’s so cold and unfeeling,” “I’m leaving because of her mental cruelty” (when those adjectives really describe himself).

The best way to unfriend a narcissist is to ghost them. To slowly evaporate from their lives. Otherwise they’ll do a similar campaign.

In leaving an abuser you have to have a plan. Know where you are going, a safe environment, supportive people. It may take months, secreting money away, a suitcase of clothes, learning the legal implications and prepare for possible reactions.

Narcissists and abusers are extremely resistant to therapy. Narcissists are unable to look at themselves. Abusers feel entitled to treat people the way they do. They’ll pretend to respond to treatment and then revert back to their old behaviors the moment they have you back.

When I do the Skybox technique for this current reality, I look down at the field and it’s a riot in a rugby match. Players and fans rolling in the mud, the coaches and even the refs standing on the sidelines, arms folded.

Patterns are rising to the surface with the intent to clear and people are getting entangled in them.

I look for the lightbringers and they are dots in the darkness. They seem to be underground, yet creating a network of light.

The information I can access from the Skybox is that, although as players we may feel powerless over the situation, over other people, places and things, it is time to get in touch with out internal power.

As Consciousness we are infinitely powerful. How we hold our own amidst this chaos is to center into our internal power.

As we each do that, it changes the landscape.

When I move up to the Goodyear Blimp, to get a broader perspective, I see the patterns breaking up faster than anticipated. Those in archaic power structures scrambling to get what they can before it all disappears.

When I focus on areas of the field from this higher viewpoint, I can clear those sections. It gives me a sense of power (and knowing where the power comes from, my highest self, not my player self).

I bring that awareness down to the Skybox and it helps me looking down at the scrimmage on the field. I can see the lightbringers walking inbetween the players bashing each other, recognize the actions being taken to restore harmony to the field. It is the ultimate in non-resistance, not engaging with the fight energy but focusing bringing a different vibration to the whole.

I decide to join them, going down first to the sidelines, where I hear the coaches and refs talking. What I thought was inaction is really discussion and planning. Empowered movement is intended.

You can do this for yourself, for your situation. Go up to the Skybox and view your life from the bigger picture and gain wisdom from your higher self. You can bring it back with you in order to respond rather than react, and make choices and take action from more empowered stance.

I’m very curious to see what unfolds in the next few weeks.

©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC


Don’t Give Up The Ship

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When weather permits, I take daily walks for inspiration and to regain my connection as Consciousness. There’s a house on my route that has a flag hanging off it that says, “Don’t Give Up The Ship.”

I think about it’s message. Don’t give up. Don’t jump ship. Don’t give up the ship.

The ship, to me, is the body you have manifested in which to experience physical reality. We hit times that seem insurmountable, so incredibly painful that we can’t go on.

Yet if we do hang on, these times will pass. Life will get better.

Even if we can’t imagine how, or can’t know when.

As Consciousness, life is something to enjoy. We create being here for the fun of it, for the joy of it. To savor the sun on our face, the taste of chocolate, we love this world.

As Consciousness we are always aware of the bigger picture. We know this lifetime passes in the blink of an eye. We know we are always connected.

Those time that we hit a ‘point of no return’ in the physical, what is really happening is a dream is dying, an expectation of what it is supposed to be like, an aspect of our personality, our identity that we are attached to. Those things are dying, those limitations are breaking open and something bigger is coming in.

When I was sixteen, I was hospitalized for depression. I was there for three months and they released me with a bottle of antidepressants. I took the bus to my old high school and got a ‘dear Joan’ letter. I went to the McDonald’s next door and downed them all.

I was in so much pain I couldn’t think of anything else to do.

I was in a coma for three days. While I don’t remember having an out of body experience, I woke up exhilarated. (My mother thought it was from taking all those antidepressants).

So many things have unfolded in the years since then. So much love and many life experiences that wouldn’t have happened if I’d jumped ship.

Don’t give up the ship to depression or despair. The part of you that can’t see beyond the present circumstances is not the one who should be captaining the vessel. Let yourself as Consciousness do the steering.

It is as simple as shifting awareness to above the cloud cover.

However, it may take help to get there. These are tough times and you don’t need to get through it by yourself. Don’t be alone with your thinking. Be out among people who care and understand. Binge watch comedies.

For myself, on my daily walks I step through doors to parallel universes. I shift my reality to one where things are unfolding in my favor. To where everyone lives happily ever after.

When we navigate as Consciousness, we realize this is a benevolent Universe.

If we all try this, we can create massive change in our lives. Play with this and watch your collective reality transform!

©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Radio Show Dec. 14: Robbie Holz, Aboriginal Healing and Awakening!

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Dec. 14th

Today on Conscious Conversations, our guest is Robbie Holz, an Intuitively-Guided Practitioner of Self-Healing, Consultant and Award-Winning Author of two books, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing and Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening.

Following the ancient Aboriginal principles, Robbie Holz healed herself of Hepatitis C and fibromyalgia. Once a quadriplegic, her husband, the late Dr. Gary Holz regained feeling and increased movement throughout his paralyzed body.  She offers one-on-one sessions, online self-healing course and her speaking services.

Her website is

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Mystic Minute: Are We Having An Earthquake??

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Radio Show Podcast 12/7: Bubbles, Boundaries and Consciousness

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Dec. 7th

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about ‘Bubbles’, ‘Boundaries’, and Consciousness.
When we start to live life from Heart Space, boundaries disappear. The perspective *as* Consciousness is that it’s a benevolent Universe.
Yet there’s a lot of chaos, noise, pain and abuse going on in the world. How do we maintain our clear heart space and yet not be in a privileged ‘bubble’ with those around us that are experiencing a discordant reality?

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Mystic Minute: Who is Your Game’s Programmer?

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Is Resistance Futile? ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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I woke this morning with the lyrics to “Do You Hear The People Sing” from Les Mis going through my head, and felt it was a commentary on the prevelant feeling throughout the world at this time.

“Do you hear the people sing? It is the song of angry men. It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again…”

People are angry. People are protesting. People are grieving. People are rebelling.

People are being called to action. They are speaking out. They are taking stands.

Aikido July 2002 Chateau de Clairvans, Gerard Blaze et Dominique

Then I remembered the scene in Les Mis, during the French Revolution, working class people manning the barricades. And they all got shot.

Is resistance futile? Do the big guys always win? Do our votes really count? Are our voices heard?

The energy of resistance usually attracts what you don’t want. What you resist, persists. So from that perspective, resistance is futile. It perpetuates you in the reality that what you’re resisting has power over you, is dominating you.

However, the energy of anger propels you out of the paralysis of fear. So if you are fighting something, that energy gives you the strength to take action and make changes.

The strongest stance, energetically, is non-resistance. That doesn’t mean that you accept the unacceptable. But it means you can’t be bullied or intimidated or triggered by whatever the other side does. You stand in your own power and negativity passes through without sticking.

Some forms of martial arts use non resistance to their advantage. When an opponent attacks, they respond in such a way that uses their energy against them. They step aside and the attacker falls over by their own force.

How can we possibly be non resistant to all the insanity going on right now? Wouldn’t that be staying in our ‘bubble’ of privilege, or being in denial?

Non resistance doesn’t mean not doing anything. It means to respond rather than react. It means standing back from all the noise and make conscious choices before taking action.

You can have strong feelings about things and still respond with non-resistance.

Bullies thrive on victims. Narcissists thrive on attention, even negative attention. Dominators aim to disempower people by getting them riled up and off balance.

We are all more powerful than we know. What is happening on the planet is that greater Consciousness is coming into form. That means your body is able to hold YOU, as Greater Consciousness, more than ever before.

Shift your perspective to your inner Essence and you will regain your balance.