Birthing The New You
Birthing The New You ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Last night was pretty phenomenally uncomfortable. I woke up feeling constricted with competition. It was such a surprise to me, because I don’t operate on that level any more. My work is so new, the focus is different, that it doesn’t compare to what anyone else is doing. It would be like a runner competing with a hang glider. Different sports, different areas.
I’m not certain whose reality I was experiencing, but I would dearly love them to know –
Playing in the realm of Consciousness, you realize there’s plenty for everyone. There’s space for everyone to succeed. There’s enough time, money, love.

Newborn in Nepal – photo credit Krish Dulal
Even if you’re not feeling it right now, your inner Self knows it.This world may seem rigid and finite, an adventure in Density and Effort, but when you’re playing as Consciousness, you realize that it’s all malleable. Time expands (or contracts) depending on your focus. Money is infinitely available (and usually comes out of left field rather than from the direction you’re expecting it). You are enveloped in Love. You ARE Love. There is always enough.
What it feels like now, is that we’re going through a collective Quickening. We’re feeling our creation kick. Their foot may actually be stuck under our ribcage. It’s when your pregnancy goes from just being morning sickness and weight gain, to the awareness that there’s something alive growing within you. It’s exciting and a little terrifying.
For some who have felt this evolution longer, it may be actual Transition. The most intense phase of labor, the most painful part as the baby is moving out through your cervix to slide down your birth canal.
In my two pregnancies, which were both at home and without drugs, when labor started I thought, ‘I’ve changed my mind!’ Whoops – too late. The baby is coming. Your body knows what to do. Breathe and relax and push when you’re in Transition.
You are giving birth to your New Self. The Greater Aspect of You is coming into form. It is powerful, it is exciting, it is thrilling and, yeah, a bit scary.
You’ve been going through contractions as you hit your internal limitations, all the programming and patterns created to convince you that you’re the opposite of who You truly are.
The world has been reflecting this, as people are having meltdowns, people are losing their shit, archaic beliefs are rising up, people are collectively crying out, no longer tolerating the intolerable.
When you don’t resist what is breaking down, when you don’t hold on to what is disintegrating within your fingers, you can enjoy this process so much more.
What’s on the other side of this is glorious. It is a love more profound than you can imagine. It is a greater relationship (with your Self) than you could have thought possible. It is the life of your dreams.
You are birthing You, you are magnificent, and adorable. You are loved, loveable, and worthy of love. You are surrounded by support. Everyone who shows up is a midwife or a doula to your new experience.
Relax, breath, and see what happens!