Mystic Musings: The New Way To Navigate!
The New Way To Navigate ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
My brother and I were in the laundry room of his apartment building in Queens, NY. All the washers were full but had finished their cycle. He said to take the wet clothes out of one so we could use it.
“Shouldn’t we wait to see if they come for it?” I asked.
“No,” he said. “It’s the New York way.”
So we did, and actually never saw anyone else in the laundry room during the time we were doing our wash.
It was an unusual experience for me because I’ve not used public laundry facilities for nearly 40 years. I have a different sense of space and ownership.
Their neighbor on their floor is an elderly woman whose television plays 24/7. Right next to my brother’s bedroom. The people upstairs keep unusual hours, you hear their shoes tromping above you at all times of the day and night.
Outside, New Yorkers have no trouble expressing themselves with their car horns and voices. They’ll honk when two cars ahead of them there’s a school bus.
It’s not my way. I don’t know how much of it is growing up in different countries and cultures, lead to my quietly navigating around and through. Or being empathic, I consider others when choosing my own actions.
In highly populated areas there’s a different experience of density and effort. On one hand it’s a mosaic of individuals and their radiant energies. On the other hand it’s a tangled snarl of opposing patterns.
The old paradigm of having boundaries in these circumstances would be to loudly express yourself, to physically dominate your location, to densify your personality to make your presence known.
There’s a different way to navigate all of this from 5D. You can own your space without dominance, without noise. You can be loud, as in joyfully singing your own music into the world. You can be present, and your Presence is inherently noticeable.
You can own your space calmly in the face of others reacting to your changing frequency.
You don’t have to match the energy of the crowd, nor do you need to resist it. You can expand your inner openness. In non-resistance, you let the energy pass through and dissipate.
Even as I know these things, I don’t always practice them perfectly. I’ve gotten angry here at a volume that would be offensive in Seattle and in New York, nobody blinks. But I’ve also found the most potent way to be Presence on the subway is to smile.
Consciousness is shifting, our frequency is becoming lighter and more expansive. The rules for navigating are different on this level. There’s no clear guide book, as we’re all entering this brave new world somewhat together (and some kicking and screaming).
The old ways are effective in this new reality. We need to upgrade our old techniques, improvise and make stuff up.
New navigation is fun, experiential, done from a sense of play and curiosity. When you start to move through the world in these new ways, your entire life transforms.