Conscious Conversations Meetup in Tacoma, WA!

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This group is for anyone interested in living life from the expanded perspective of Consciousness. This meetup will show you how to approach life from an expanded perspective, transforming problems into joys and resulting in unexpected miracles! If you have been having new and inexplicable experiences of expansion, it will give you the language to understand, and tools to facilitate this growth phase of our collective evolution. If you’ve been doing personal growth and energy healing work all of your life and find it’s no longer effective, this will give you help upgrade your techniques, going from dialup to wifi, to move you forward on your path.

WHEN:  Saturday, July 18, 2015  2:30 PM

WHERE: Anna Lemon Wheelock Library 3722 North 26th Street, Tacoma, WA

Each meeting has a different topic, with a Q&A at the end for different pressing issues. We talk about life experiences from the higher perspective of Consciousness, and how to navigate them with energy techniques.

Click HERE to join us!


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