Consciousness Techniques
*purchase by 9/13/2015 and get $50 off the upcoming Consciousness Techniques 6-part Series! (that’s like getting this recording *for free*)
Ever had times where your life just flowed with synchronicity or serendipity?
Wouldn’t you like to experience that more often?
~Learn simple yet profound techniques for navigating life as Consciousness!
~Gain greater confidence for showing up and taking action!
~Step out of the drama and into a bigger experience of Life.
~Transform problems into joys!
Added Benefits from using Consciousness Techniques
~They have a “ripple effect” on friends, family, co-workers
~It feels *great* to be in Unified Consciousness!
~Doors open into infinite possibilities for you!
~Life becomes a playground to have fun, instead of a school of hard knocks.
On Line Webinar
Only $97 $44*
*purchase by 9/30/2015 and get $50 off the upcoming Consciousness Techniques 6-part Series!