Tag: United Earth Ecclesia
Radio Show: August 10th – Duane Stjernholm, United Earth Ecclesia
Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet on Wednesdays at 11am PT, 2pm ET!
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Duane Stjernholm
This week our guest is Duane Stjernholm founder of United Earth Ecclesia dedicated to the Co-Creation of the Greatest and Highest Good for all Earth Citizens. He is the author of two books UEE or Not UEE That is the Question: Whether ‘Tis Wiser to Suffer in the Modern World or Take Action Against the Inequities in it and The Earth Citizen’s Guide to Co-Creating The Greatest And Highest Good. United Earth Ecclesia seeks to use the global connective power of the internet to change the prevalent competitive mind-set of the human race to a more sustainable and prosperous Cooperative and Collaborative mind-set. Their website is exlo.org