Tag: Unconsciousness

Unconsciousness Exposed

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Unconsciousness Exposed ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’ve been watching short clips of U.S. Congressional Hearings, where each member has five minutes to ask questions of a person or persons brought before them for different reasons. It’s a fascinating process.
Whether they’re grilling bank CEOs on underpaying their employees, or the Education Secretary’s decision to cut funding for all reading programs from the budget, the member’s questions shine a light on their unconsciousness. It’s a great example of the working of the U.S. government, but it also what is happening as Consciousness on a global level.
There’s a huge wave of resentment towards rich people, specifically billionaires, and it struck me that it’s not because they’re rich, but because they behave unconsciously. How can back CEOs have so much money when a bank teller can’t afford to support her child on her paycheck. How can the Secretary of Education cut reading programs, when the sale of one of her yachts would fund the entire budget.
You could say the wealthier people are, the more unconscious they seem to be, that they are disconnected from the needs of regular people. That’s not a fair generalization, because the are wealthy people doing good things, to help eradicate disease and poverty, around the world.
The current shift in Consciousness is causing a greater light to be shone on unconsciousness. As Consciousness comes into form, it heightens awareness on every level. You can describe it as waking up, because it feels like you’ve come out of a deep sleep, that the sun has risen. In reality Consciousness has always been coming into form, it’s just that our current form can now embody more of Consciousness.
So each one of us is feeling that effervescent life force more acutely within. It is bringing an innate sense of self worth, that who we are is of value, our uniqueness matters. Our voices are being heard.
It’s causing a great reorganization of power. From the old paradigm of dominance and separation, to new new paradigm of cooperation and inclusion. 
It may seem like things are more unfair than ever, that “bad” is triumphing over “good”, but it only looks that way because the lights are on and we’re seeing it more clearly. And there is more good, but bad is just louder. 
Power is not force or dominance. True power is quiet, soft, inner strength, clarity, transparency. 
What’s reorganizing in your life? Where are the lights turning on? Who are you becoming, what is your Essence calling you to express?
When you shine light on unconsciousness, it either wakes up or disappears. Where ever you’ve felt restricted or whatever you’ve felt has been holding you back, it in the process of dissipating. Don’t resist it, and you’ll have the most delicious expansion into a life beyond your wildest imagination!


Mystic Musings: How To Navigate Through Fog!

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©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

It’s been a strange week. I’ve been home, my third of the month that I get to be here, time off from caring for my brother in New York. And I’ve had to submit a description for a talk I’m giving next month. Usually it’s easy to come up with an idea and whip something off. This week, though, I got nothing.

Energetically, it’s felt like being fogged in. Disorienting. No intuitive sense of how to move forward. Other people have reported similar feelings.

It seems to me that there’s a disconnect going on. Folks are feeling out of touch with inner selves or their usual guidance.

At the same time, I’ve been getting intuitive hits. Time has been stretching and reorganizing in my favor. All of which is validation, to me, that I’m still operating as 5D in a hologram. But it’s a sense of flying blind, and not certain if the radar is working.

There’s a couple of reasons for this. One is due to an extreme acceleration of Consciousness. The frequency is so high, it disconnects from the physical. Our body and personality can feel quite lost until they readjust.

The other is due to extreme resistance, by unconsciousness. When our bodies and personalities and entangled in unconscious patterns, the resulting compulsions, or addictions, can separate us from our Essence.

Now, Consciousness is always there, always present. But how can you reconnect when you feel so off course?

It may seem counter-intuitive, when the body appears to be lagging so far behind Consciousness, but slowing down or even stopping, is a very powerful way to get back on track. People in these situations feel like they can’t take the time to meditate and yet that’s exactly what’s needed. Not necessarily the sitting still for hours saying ‘om’ kind of meditation, but turning off your phone and social media for an hour can do it.

Connecting with Nature can do it very quickly. Just stand in your backyard, if you have one, or walk in a park. Say “hello” to the trees and notice them saying hello back. I especially come alive if I’m near water, especially a creek, river, waterfall, or ocean.

Doing this may not solve all your problems, but can give you sunbreaks of relief amidst the fog.

Know that you’re always going towards expansion. You’re always naturally evolving towards the light, even if it seems the opposite at times. You, at your Essence, *are* Consciousness and that which disconnects you is simply the unconsciousness that is in the process of disintegrating as you step into your own Light.

Radio Show Podcast 12/21/2016

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Dec. 21st

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Light in the Darkness. Today is Winter Solstice Equinox and we are at the darkest time of the year. How do we retain our light as Consciousness amidst the collective dark of the Unconscious? If you want to go back to sleep, are you hibernating or experiencing hypothermia? Tune in this week as we explain what the darkness really is and share how to maintain our light.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!