Tag: resistance
Mystic Musings: Leaning Into Enormous Growth
Leaning In To Enormous Growth ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It’s been an emotional week, in a way that I’ve not been familiar with in a long time. Last Saturday I went to the Bronx and got stuck talking with a crazy lady (nice, but crazy) for 90 minutes. Normally I would have handled this with humor and grace. That day, I felt like running screaming from the room. Then I went to the Whole Foods in Harlem (it seems to be my mission to visit every Whole Foods in New York City) and the population density just tipped me over. I’m not used to not enjoying myself to this extent.
Wow, I said to myself. I’m in a huge growth space.
Six months ago at a Meetup I was leading in Tacoma, we were playing with walking through doors to parallel universes, and I hit this kind of resistance as I stepped through one. I realized I was initiating something momentous. I recall leaning into it and wondering what shift was set in motion at the time.
Of course, this began in August but whatever is going on this week is moving it to a whole new level.
Sunday, my sister-in-law’s 70 year old brother came from Taiwan to help. He’s here until February. All I knew about him was that he became a nurse’s aide when he retired from the army. So we’ve been very excited about his arrival, because he can take over a lot of the physical therapy.
What’s struck me at first is his very kind face. And he’s far more gentle with my brother than I am.
In fact, all of my sister-in-law’s friends and family that have come so far have been extraordinarily kind and gentle. You can tell they genuinely love my brother.
But this guy has been driving me crazy in ways I would normally be able to rise above. There’s a 13 hour time difference between here and Taipei. That’s a lotta days of jet lag. I feel I’ve been enormously rude and petty. But we’ve weathered it so far and yesterday I felt like I’ve broken through some of my stuff. I mean, he cooked my organic onion for his dinner and I didn’t feel ballistic. That’s progress.
There’s a lot of reorganization going on here. Even as I lose physical space, sharing the room with him, I’m gaining time. Now all I have to do is phone calls and paperwork. And I can leave the apartment during the day. Freedom.
My business is shifting, too. I have a two week pause with clients. I feel something else is emerging and I don’t know what it is. I just need to lean into it, and see what I step through to.
Astrologically, this is my natal Jupiter return and the last time this happened was when my work and my world shifted from Newtonian Physics to Quantum Physics. That’s all. I can’t imagine what this year will bring.
But it’s such a time of breaking down, loss of old creations, stepping into new and unfamiliar things every day.
This is happening in different ways to everyone. How are you experiencing it?
What are you losing? What are you gaining?
This week ended with the delivery of a hemi cane. It will help my brother, who’s partially paralyzed on the right side of his body, get out of his wheelchair and walk again. This is a significant step towards independence for him.
And, it snowed.
Radio Show Podcast 8/22/18 “Is Life A Slap In The Face Or A Gentle Caress?”
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August 22, 2018
Is life a slap in the face or a gentle caress of awareness?
Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about how life can seem like a slap in the face or a gentle caress. Depending on how we relate ourselves and others, we can either resist or accept. Join us as we explore as Consciousness our opportunities to feel differently, to think differently, to respond differently.
Mystic Musings: Nonviolent Civil Nonresistance
Nonviolent Civil Nonresistance ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
We’re in a time of tremendous turbulence, and oh, there is so much to resist! There are some really terrible things happening, it’s almost cartoonish how bad the bad guys are. Except they aren’t one dimensional and the plot is much more complicated than any comic can portray.
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Egyptian Tank Man – Tarek Wajeh, Ahmad Shahin |
What’s happening is the old power dynamics are appearing more extreme even as they are in the process of going away. We are witnessing every old ploy in the book, dominance and manipulation, designed to make old white guys more rich and powerful. Part of their technique is to deliberately create crises, intended to throw the rest of us into chaos. We’re riled up because they want to rile us up, and they want to get us emotionally exhausted. Because, in the lower dimensional, old paradigm game, that’s how they “win”.
But here’s the thing, it’s an energetically weak stance, to try to dominate other people. All your power is outside yourself. You’re actually dependant on those people beneath you. No rich man drives his own car, makes his own meals, staffs his companies.
It’s understandable to react to the pain and suffering they’re causing people. But the response shouldn’t be resistance. Resistance energetically attracts that which you are resisting. Resistance gives that which you are resisting more power.
Non resistance is the most powerful stance. It’s a very high vibration that appears transparent. You remain open. Negativity passes through you.
There’s a martial arts called Aikido, which focuses not on punching or kicking opponents, but rather on using their own energy to gain control of them or to throw them away from you. It is not a static art, but places great emphasis on motion and the dynamics of movement.
So this is a clue how to respond to what’s currently happening in the world. Yes, you can go march, hold signs, get arrested. You can call your congresspeople, make phone calls, sign petitions. But there’s a bigger way to respond.
Take back your power from that which you resist. Do not contribute to anything it represents. When you stand in non-resistance, you are immensely powerful. Now imagine an entire group of people standing in non-resistance.
The non resistance technique I teach is to make yourself transparent. It energetically opens you so negative energy passes through. It actually feels like your molecules separate. The old name for this technique was ‘body of glass’ but to me glass isn’t a great term, since glass can shatter. In stead, you can think of it like wind blowing through a screen door, or like wearing a Harry Potter type invisibility cloak. You aren’t necessarily invisible (unless you want to be).
What it reveals, also, is that your “opponents” are actually in resistance themselves. They’re coming from a very dense space. They can throw energy at you, but it will have no effect on you. They can charge at you, and you can effortlessly step aside.
How this looks in your daily life is by not reacting to emotional manipulation in the news. By making choices, like economically boycotting stores that belong to or financially contribute to those that represent the denser energies.
The numbers are on your side. Evolution is happening. Light eradicates dark.
When you come from your inner power, you feel no resistance to the power games around you. As you stand in your power, it gives permission to others to be in their power. This is already happening, all you need to do is participate in it. And see how the world transforms!
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Don’t Be Afraid To Dive Deep!
We all have an unique expression in this world -What is Yours?
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How To Handle The Waves of Change ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Wow, this is an intense time. So many things are coming at us. We have to handle multiple things at once. There’s no time to rest. There’s certainly no sleep at night!!
Now, some people may find this exhilarating. They may feel on top of their game. Yay, them.
Most folks are finding this challenging and overwhelming. If this is you, even though your circumstances are unique, you’re not alone!
What is happening is that Greater Consciousness is coming into form. This is stirring things up.
This will show up in your life in situations or relationships provoking feelings of conflict, resistance, pain, fear, anger, or just wanting to sleep all day!
How to handle these waves of change?
You can fight it. This might be energizing to some. It may keep them from being paralyzed with fear. It might help them break through to the next experience. Or it might get you more enmeshed in it.
You can pretend it’s not happening. This is a different tactic. Just keep going to work and home and act as if nothing unusual is going on. Fake it ’til you make it. This strategy is useful to some folks, a way to hunker down and get through it. However this can also backfire, the situation can accelerate until you have to pay attention to it!
You can ride with it. Life is like kayaking, sometimes we hit white water, grab hold of your paddles! This is a great way not to resist and ‘go with the flow’ no matter how fast and rough it may seem.
You can dive through the waves. If you’re standing in the water at the beach and the wave seems too big, just dive through it! You’d be surprised how quick you get to the other side.
Old patterns are breaking down. Situations that don’t serve are either going away or getting worse. It’s an opportunity for you to try something new or different, or put into practice what you already know.
However it’s on the way to getting better. You could come out of this time period completely transformed! Don’t resist the ride.
If you really, really want things to be different, this is your chance to change things! Portals of change are opening and are everywhere. All you have to do stay is stay alert, and step through them!
Getting Out of Your Discomfort Zone
Getting Out of Your Discomfort Zone ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
One of the things I’ve discovered, as everything is breaking down and reorganizing, is that often what is required is the complete opposite of whatever has worked before.
Tried and true techniques and systems are no longer effective. Things that were absolutely the wrong thing to do in my old practice is the absolute right thing to do in my new practice.
So, for instance, something has been going on today – I’ve been feeling a very high, vibrational frequency in/on the top of my head. In the old days I would have judged this as bad. I would have thought someone was invading my space. I would have wrestled with this energy all day long.
Now, what it feels like isn’t bad. Nor is it invasive. I’m not really sure what it is. Is it a female energy in my head? Or is it a download of something new? Heck, maybe it’s just that I’ve been drinking jasmine green tea today instead of earl grey.
In the old days I would have absolutely had to know where it’s coming from and what to do about it.
Instead, I’ve just gone about my day, noticing what is different. And pretty much everything about today has been different, starting with this energy. I’m curious to see what unfolds from this.
What this reminds me of, is someone who went to one of my Meetups and did the walking through doors to parallel universes. The next day I talked with her, she’d taken medicine for vertigo. “Is it unpleasant?” I asked. Turned out it wasn’t vertigo, but that wavy feeling of expansion that happens when you play on this level of Consciousness.
A couple went to my cohost Janet’s meetup in Portland, and then they went dancing afterwards. Her husband had a difficult time because he felt too ‘lightheaded’. Hmm. Not really surprising after major transformational energy work.
Rather than resisting or turning away from new sensations, I turn towards them. I move more deeply into something rather than trying to get it out of my space.
Moving through the world in this new way of being requires being improvisational. Requires not knowing. Requires curiosity.
If something isn’t working for you, then it’s time to do something else. But don’t mistake discomfort as an indicator that something is wrong.
Birthing a new self doesn’t have to be hard. Just breathe through it. Sometimes action is required, but sometimes that may look like taking a walk. Or a nap. Maybe it’s just to stop doing whatever it is that isn’t working, and wait to see what emerges instead.
When you stop trying to make things fit within your comfort zone, then what manifests can be bigger than you can imagine.