Tag: reorganizing
Mystic Musings: Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing!
Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It’s been a wonky week. The energy feels off kilter. I can’t put it down to Mercury Retrograde (although there’s definitely been some of that – communications and electronics mishaps).
But this reminds me of two years ago, at the time of the Brexit vote and then the U.S. election, where many of us felt sideswiped by the results. Back then it felt like being shoved into an alternate universe.
This feels reality is reorganizing. The pendulum swinging back into balance (I hope not before swinging to another extreme). It’s like the part of the movie where things start to get resolved.
In some ways it’s been annoying. Like knowing the end of the movie but not knowing *how* the story gets there.
And also knowing that we’re not done yet with wild, unpredictable, out of the blue, plot twists and turns.
To me, it’s all been an affirmation that we’re living in a hologram. Things that can’t possibly happen have been happening. It’s kind of like the Saturday Night Live writers have taken over the Cosmic screen play and they’re competing with each other for best skit. You think that today’s news cycle was outrageous? Hold my beer, the next comic says.
We can have a variety of reactions to what’s happening. We can hunker down and let things unfold. That can feel like reality is happening to us, but even no action is a chosen action.
We can resist and fight what’s happening. Try to make people listen to us. Make the government change their minds. Throw money at the problem. Move to another country.
That’s like wrestling with the scenery on a movie set. Shouting over other people’s lines. Or storming out of the room, as if that will change anything.
We can also engage and listen. Call, and write, and vote.
And those of us who dance to a different drum, who heed a higher calling, who may be feeling the wonkiness more than most, what can we do? Change our inner state, change our minds, shift our energy, step into a parallel universe where it’s all unfolding in our favor, where it’s a benevolent Universe, where it’s all unfolding in everyone’s favor.
Responding as Consciousness, you can be amused at the storyline. You can appreciate wonkiness. You can recognize that everything is validation that this is a hologram created by Consciousness. That everything is a story within the hologram (even this explanation is a story within the hologram).
The time is ripe to make this shift. And all it takes is a change of viewpoint. See yourself as greater Consciousness embodying into form. You love your body and your personality, it’s Your creation as a vehicle in this world, and a way to fully feel and engage in this world. Others are also Consciousness in form, other aspects of yourself, other players in this online game.
Yet reality is malleable, and others show up in your storyline but do not influence it without you creating it as part of your own plot. (And you show up in theirs the same way).
Playing in this way and at this level is effortless, fun, and enjoyable.
You inherently know all is very, very well.