Tag: perspective

Mystic Minute: Take Off Your Crazy Glasses!

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Take Off Your Crazy Glasses ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

This morning someone was talking about how their life was going easier, but there was still chaos. They are shifting jobs where they won’t be so busy, but that feels really uncomfortable to their body-personality.

Our body-personality is always mimicking Consciousness. It tries to create reality by manipulation and control. It reacts to what is, rather than responds to what is.

When you relax into operating as Consciousness, you realize you as Consciousness are creating all of it.

When we start navigating life as Consciousness, there’s no need to control the flow, but that doesn’t mean the flow is out of control.

My body-personality wants to make something happen (“make it a great day” strikes me as very body-personality).  It wants to change or fix things. It wants things to happen faster.

As Consciousness, everything happens in perfect timing. Sometimes instantaneously, sometimes eventually.

It’s not because you need to learn lessons before you attain what you want. It’s not because you’re blocking something.

You can engage the world of more effort, or respond from no effort.

Your body personality is going to interpret things through it’s lenses, pictures, concepts, or impressions. It will interpret something as crazy, or chaotic, and get you all riled up feeling you need to change it the hard way.

A clue to not operating as Consciousness, is when I’m trying to change people and the world around me, rather than simply shifting within myself. If I feel crazy or out of control, it’s a sure indicator that my attention is outside myself.

No matter what is going on in my storyline, when I’m centered within myself as Consciousness, everything is ok. All is going very, very well.

Take off your crazy glasses and you will see that in your own life as well.

Mystic Musings 9/21 “Our Crazing Is Beautiful”

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Our Crazing Is Beautiful ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I came across a word the other day:
Crazing: cracks that occur in ceramics, usually with overlying glaze. A similar effect is found in glassware, called crackle glass.
photo credit Lara604

And I thought it a great metaphor for what happens to us as we interact with the external world. 

We come out as whole and pure. We are bright, shining lights of Consciousness in a chubby body that can’t yet roll over, much less walk or talk.
We are also treasure chests of information and possibilities. Each one of us is Consciousness expressing in form, and as Consciousness we already know and have everything we need to make real all that we wish to create in this life.
Yet prior to birth we are glazed with the expectations and assumptions from the body that contained us and the bodies that surrounded us. The glaze thickened after we emerged from the projections of culture and society.
Crazing occurs when you attempt to expand beyond all these limits.
You feel like something is wrong with you because the inner you doesn’t match the outer imposed identity. It starts to crack as you as Consciousness grow to fulfill your potential.

You feel crazy when you realize your Truth is different than the stories told you by family and school. 

The world looks crazy to you when you stand in integrity with your Truth. You see so many others operating out of alignment with their essential selves as Consciousness.

However, when you look at ceramics, you can see beauty in crazing. Just as uniquely beautiful as the wrinkled face of an older person.

In ceramics, crazing can precede fracture, which can destroy the piece (or transmute it into another art form). Yet crackle glass is highly prized and collectable.

This world is one of polarities and filled with dichotomies. It is a creation of Consciousness to experience the opposite of what Consciousness is, which is unity, joyousness, wisdom, timeless and formless. 

It is meant to be an experience of density and effort. And at the same time we can move through the world easily and without resistance, if we maintain our awareness as Consciousness. 

When we see our life as Consciousness, we can be amused by the insanity around us. We can fully appreciate being in form and being beyond form at the same time.

As Consciousness we love our body-personality, and we love our life. We play in our storyline with curiosity and wonder.

Shift your perspective to Consciousness, and you’ll see the beauty in your crazing as well.