Tag: pattern disrupters
Mystic Musings: Pattern Interrupts, Pattern Disrupters
Pattern interrupts, pattern disrupters. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
There’s a neuro linguistic programming term, “pattern interrupt”, which is meant to disrupt your habitual thinking, causing you to be more receptive to new ideas.
In your life any number of things could occur as “pattern interrupts”. Going on vacation changes your routine. Moving in with someone, getting married, are major pattern interrupts as you and your partner adjust to life together. A new job, a move to a different neighborhood disrupts your pattern as well.
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Photo credit: Scotchbrother1 |
Some people are born pattern interrupters. They come into the world to help move things forward, although it may not seem that way at first. They help disintegrate dysfunctional family patterns, which may not be appreciated by members who created or perpetuate them. They shine a spotlight on that which needs to be changed.
I’m experiencing being a pattern interruptor in my current situation. My little brother had a stroke and I went back East to help. When I arrived, he’d been in acute rehab for 11 days (after an 11 day stay in the hospital. His wife works, so I stepped into the daytime “shift”, talking to hospital staff and helping with his care.
Now, I’ve ridden a rodeo like this before, when my mother broke her pelvis. She had Alzheimer’s so required a different kind of advocacy, than my brother who is mentally capable but barely speak at this time.
But they weren’t used to having someone request a list of his medication, question things, and generally hang out all day with him (except for quick breaks to take client calls). To speak up when something was amiss (watching an aide handle his paralyzed side’s shoulder in a way the OT had warned could injure it). To step in when no one was available to help him with immediate needs. To allow him to sleep after an intense day of rehab exercises.
He was moved to subacute rehab a couple days ago, a new level of normal. More chaotic but more friendly, still surprising them with my presence and my persistence. Discovered a laxative which was supposed to be given “on demand” was being given “daily” instead.
It seems like people give up space to medical professionals and institutions, not asking questions and not questioning actions. The doctors in the hospital were (and the nursing staff here at rehab are) very responsive and willing to explain things.
Disrupting patterns does not have to be negative. It really depends on resistance to change.
In my consciousness work, I’ve mostly made it a point not to change, fix, or manipulate the hologram. Whatever’s going on, I go with the flow, respond rather than react. I use my techniques to step myself into a different universe, which leads to different outcomes.
In this situation it works beautifully. My brother got transferred to a private room in 24 hours instead of waiting a week.
When I’ve tried to manipulate it just makes things worse. I think I may be permanently kicked out of his PT room. (Unless I show up in a another universe today where everything’s different).
You can be your own pattern disruptor by deliberately changing habits, or by welcoming anything that shifts your routine. When you welcome rather than resisting, it transforms it to a positive growth experience.
I’m going back to Seattle for 2 weeks so today I’m teaching my brother to use some of my Consciousness Techniques meditate. It’ll give him something to do while he’s stuck waiting around in rehab. And he can use it to shift his reality, too.
We’ll see what happens!