Tag: parallel universes

Mystic Musings: Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing!

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Off Kilter Wonkiness Is Reality Reorganizing ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

It’s been a wonky week. The energy feels off kilter. I can’t put it down to Mercury Retrograde (although there’s definitely been some of that – communications and electronics mishaps).

But this reminds me of two years ago, at the time of the Brexit vote and then the U.S. election, where many of us felt sideswiped by the results. Back then it felt like being shoved into an alternate universe.

This feels reality is reorganizing. The pendulum swinging back into balance (I hope not before swinging to another extreme). It’s like the part of the movie where things start to get resolved.

In some ways it’s been annoying. Like knowing the end of the movie but not knowing *how* the story gets there.

And also knowing that we’re not done yet with wild, unpredictable, out of the blue, plot twists and turns.

To me, it’s all been an affirmation that we’re living in a hologram. Things that can’t possibly happen have been happening. It’s kind of like the Saturday Night Live writers have taken over the Cosmic screen play and they’re competing with each other for best skit. You think that today’s news cycle was outrageous? Hold my beer, the next comic says.

We can have a variety of reactions to what’s happening. We can hunker down and let things unfold. That can feel like reality is happening to us, but even no action is a chosen action.

We can resist and fight what’s happening. Try to make people listen to us. Make the government change their minds. Throw money at the problem. Move to another country.

That’s like wrestling with the scenery on a movie set. Shouting over other people’s lines. Or storming out of the room, as if that will change anything.

We can also engage and listen. Call, and write, and vote.

And those of us who dance to a different drum, who heed a higher calling, who may be feeling the wonkiness more than most, what can we do? Change our inner state, change our minds, shift our energy, step into a parallel universe where it’s all unfolding in our favor, where it’s a benevolent Universe, where it’s all unfolding in everyone’s favor.

Responding as Consciousness, you can be amused at the storyline. You can appreciate wonkiness. You can recognize that everything is validation that this is a hologram created by Consciousness. That everything is a story within the hologram (even this explanation is a story within the hologram).

The time is ripe to make this shift. And all it takes is a change of viewpoint. See yourself as greater Consciousness embodying into form. You love your body and your personality, it’s Your creation as a vehicle in this world, and a way to fully feel and engage in this world. Others are also Consciousness in form, other aspects of yourself, other players in this online game.

Yet reality is malleable, and others show up in your storyline but do not influence it without you creating it as part of your own plot. (And you show up in theirs the same way).

Playing in this way and at this level is effortless, fun, and enjoyable.

You inherently know all is very, very well.

Mystic Minute: Hover Above The Holidays

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Hover Above The Holidays ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We in a potentially contentious holiday season, with things seeming more inflammatory than usual. What’s the best way to get through them without napalming bridges between family and friends?

When you find yourself at the dinner table with racist and sexist remarks flying, I invite you to take a mental step back and shift your perspective.

You don’t necessarily have to leave the room (although I’ll share a useful technique later that uses that action). Just imagine hovering above the table, like you’re watching a movie.

Because in reality, you *are* watching a movie. When people go unconscious, as they do at the holidays, they start spouting lines and playing roles that don’t reflect who they really are as Essence. You’ll see the worst of Uncle Kevin or your sister, because they’re as triggered as you are in family settings at the holiday. They’re just most used to operating without awareness than you are. (I’m presuming, since you’re reading this).

You are Consciousness, experiencing life in a physical form that has emotions and feels sensations. You are bigger than the story that is happening at the moment.

Your relatives that proudly trace their lineage to Robert E. Lee and spout Faux News headlines, are also Consciousness. As entangled in the story as they seem, they’re more than the characters they’re playing.

Hovering above allows you to detach from the intensity of the scenario. It helps you be able to respond rather than react. You may even discover your heart opening, and find these nut jobs endearing.

When you’re not engaged in reality as it seems to be, you get to experience reality as it really is. You may find yourself having deep insights and revelations, when you’re viewing things from a higher perspective.

Now if the festivities get too much to handle and you want to leave way earlier than it would b socially acceptable to do so (and this works even if you’ve just gotten out of your car and haven’t even gone into the house or restaurant yet), you can play a little game I call Parallel Universes.

As Consciousness, we’re experiencing reality on a multitude of levels, and we’re actually experiencing all possibilities at once. It’s just our body-personalities that feel like they’re going along a linear timeline and being in only one version of reality with a set script and inevitable outcome.

As Consciousness you can shift your storyline by stepping through invisible doors to different ones. Now you aren’t going to step through an invisible door and teleport to a white sand beach in Thailand. But you can step into a different version of a family gathering.

So if it’s about to be World War III at your dinner table, you can get up to go to the restroom or the kitchen and imagine stepping through invisible doors where it’s unfolding differently, where it’s al harmony and love (some open ended intention). Leaving the room you’re actually passing through a portal anyway – every door and archway can be one. And when you walk back in you may find a reality where people are getting along.

This also works if you haven’t even gone into the gathering yet. Stepping through invisible doors from your car to the front door, you can shift being in a different storyline altogether. You can discover an Uncle Kevin (or sister) who’s newly in recovery and not drinking, for instance.

It doesn’t work if you set a specific intention like, they’re not drinking or they’re not racisit anymore because that’s coming from your personality that wants to control. When you step through doors with open ended intentions what results is something your mind can’t preconceive. It’s beyond your wildest imagination.

Go into the holidays with a sense of playful curiosity, what will happen if I do this? I wonder what will it be like if I hover above?

Play with this, and let me know what happens!

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: The Part Of You That’s Really Is Charge

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isn’t what you think!

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Mystic Musings: Manipulating Reality

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Manipulating Reality ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We all seem to be seeking change. We want aspects of our reality to be different. We try to make this happen, either by asking/invoking something outside of ourselves to do it, or by trying to do it ourselves. We use pure effort, we try strategies, we employ systems, we practice or we pray.

I taught techniques on how to create your reality for many years, which were very effective, until I went through a Consciousness Shift myself and those things stopped working. Then I learned (and developed) different ways to move through life to create different experiences.

And then went through a period of time when I was just responding to what showed up, with no motivation to try to change, fix, or manipulate reality at all.

Once in a while, though, I hit times when I feel highly motivated to pull out the old toolkit. One of those was recently, when there was a child abduction case in our neighborhood. Kids at a playground filmed on their phones an old, white, man in a hat and glasses, tying up a ten year old with duct tape, before putting him in a car and driving away.

When I got home and learned this, helicopters had been flying overhead for a couple hours as the police was searching for this guy.

I picked up different bits of information off of social media, all very disturbing, and at some point I kinesiology tested whether they’d find the kid. I got a yes. And then I tested whether he’d be alive, and I didn’t get a clear answer.

Mind you, I was picking up on *everyone’s* reaction to the photos, which didn’t help my testing.

So I got pissed. I decided that I was going to manipulate the shit out of reality. I drew in an enormous amount of “power” and energetically picked up the man by the neck, and scattered his molecules. I may have threatened him with obliteration if the kid wasn’t released, I can’t quite remember. It was very quick and intuitive. But then I decided that *I* could step into a reality that had a different outcome – and suddenly the energy dissipated.  The charge wasn’t there. It was done.

I was still quite shook up about it, so over then next twenty minutes I’d try one thing or another, but it all fell flat.

After that I went back on social media and discovered the police called off the search. The man turned out to be the kid’s grandfather, and the story was that the kid was autistic and running into traffic so he used duct tape to subdue him. (CPS was now investigating).

So who knows what really happened but what I notice for myself is that *I* changed the reality I was experiencing, and then the story about what was happening changed. Even though there are still some shifty details to work out.

But here’s the perspective from Consciousness – we’re all Infinite Beings, including the 10 year old, the grandfather, and me. Myself as Consciousness created a story I became aware of. I created a response to it. I did some actions (or reactions).

The first part – fear, then rage, was *not* myself as Consciousness, but the part of me that was felt the need to draw on power that was outside itself in order to manipulate a story that was also outside of itself.

When the energy changed was me employing an actual Consciousness Technique – stepping myself into a reality with a different outcome.

Because you can’t really change things by manipulating. I mean, you can move stuff around and make it look different, but the same core patterns will keep running, so whatever you want to avoid or fix will keep replicating in whatever you try to replace it with.

Playing in Consciousness is an art, it doesn’t work if you’re try to make it a system. When you’re playing *as* Consciousness, you’re at a level beyond thought, beyond your intellect, your mind machine “GPS”.

Shifting yourself in this way creates results beyond what your mind can imagine.

Try this, this week, and see what happens.

Is There Any Such Thing As Perfect Timing?

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Is There Any Such Thing As Perfect Timing? ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb

Today I’m musing about timing. I’ve been having things come into form that have taken ten years to manifest. My first book, originally written in April of 1996, was self published in 2006. I’m getting a handle on money issues that have been around at least that long, if not longer. I’m in a relationship that’s everything I’ve always wanted – and have been consciously praying for and energetically working on manifesting since the early 80’s.

Then I think about manifestations from my earlier years – my two kids were planned pregnancies that occurred without effort, with quick births, yet they had their own timing for being born.

Why do some things happen quickly and some things take forever to show up?

When I was a teenager I lost 50 pounds, simply by charting what I ate, limiting calories, and walking to school and back every day (about 5 or 6 miles). It took most of a year to do this, and was tremendously transformative and empowering.

Buoyed by this experience, I set my sights on a relationship, which took about five months to get the guy to go out with me. It was initially wonderful but then heart breaking.

As I look back over my different life experiences, some consciously manifested, some unconsciously attracted, and there has been a sense of what I used to call Divine Timing in all of it.

“The Universe gives you what you can handle” is one way I used to look at it. You attract what you’re ready for, is another way. I’ve resisted what I thought the Universe was giving me; at times I’d say “it thinks I’m too friggin’ capable”.

But now I have a different perspective as Consciousness,  reframing my experience of timing, and also of manifestation.

It’s not the Universe giving me anything, it’s me as Consciousness creating everything I experience in the physical.

Someone once mentioned that reincarnation didn’t make any sense to them because everything was happening at once. I got the instant understanding that there is no time or space as Consciousness, so from the perspective of Consciousness, all past and future lives are happening ‘at the same time’ this one is. There is no linear link from past to future, it’s not like going up grades in school. And if you can grasp that in Consciousness there is no individuality, then there’s really no one spark of light going through a series of experiences (like grades in school). As aspects of Consciousness we just jump into the pool of life, splash about, and then jump out into the All-That-Is.

As I reconcile it taking me so long to get to where I am at, I realize that it really took no time at all. Each lifetime is just a blink of an eye. And what I’ve accomplished in this one is just a glimmer of the great Spark of all of creation.

As I relax into a perspective of creating as Consciousness, it really doesn’t matter how much or how little I have achieved. It’s all about Creation. It’s all about playfully creating in the physical. I either manifest something, or I don’t. It either happens now, or later, or not. I create this, or I create something else. And I can choose to create happy thoughts, happy experiences, or challenging ones.

When I shift to navigating life as Consciousness, what shows up is bigger than my little mind can imagine.

And when you add the awareness of Parallel Universes into the mix, you realize that you as Consciousness are simultaneously experiencing other possibilities within this storyline. There’s a parallel self that has experienced success earlier in life, there’s a parallel self that is already experiencing whatever I want to create right now.

Whatever you want to create, it already exists, you just need to step into the Universe where you already have it.

It becomes a much more fun way to experience life. And I can welcome all these wonderful things coming into my life and enjoy my time with them Now. Which is really the only time there is.

Revised 2017, original post from 2009 

When It’s Good To Lose Your Cookies (and How To Keep What You Don’t Want To Lose) ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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We are multidimensional beings, so much more than just bodies and minds. Out energy exists both within and outside of time and space. We intuitively know that coming into this life but the world of density and effort diverts our attention. We quickly forget that we are Consciousness creating in form.

From the moment we’re conceived, we’re creating and absorbing impressions. Our bodies and energy systems are picture galleries. Our experience of the world is colored by all the data we collect.

By the time we’re adults are hard drives are filled with every memory we’ve lived and every concept we’ve taken in. We’re quite solidified in our beliefs about reality.

When we go through changes, we release anything that shaped our prior reality and create new ones. When our body/personalities are in agreement with these changes, or at least know what’s coming up, it’s easier. There may still be an adjustment but the discomfort is less when our body/personalities know what’s coming up.

From the body/personality level, in order to move forward we need to delete our cookies. This can take time if we choose to “process”, use rituals, or talk it out.  It can also take forever if you don’t want to lose pictures or memories that you feel are precious. They may be painful, but you feel are significant to your identity.

At the next level up, in the mind, thought, Spirit realm, you can de-energize the cookies (you can symbolically blow them up, make them disappear, or highlight and delete them). But you face the same stumbling blocks.

The level beyond is Consciousness, where transformation is instant and effortless. It’s a shift in dimensional frequency where you can still be “here”, fully embodied and present, but not in the density of the story. Rather than clearing blocks or deleting cookies, you just step into a parallel universe where everything is different.

You don’t need to think it out when you’re operating as Consciousness. You come from a place of playful curiosity.  It’s subtle but very profound. It’s pictures beyond pixels, reality beyond atoms and molecules.

It’s helpful to know that nothing you care about is ever energetically lost, even if it’s gone from your experience. Everything still exists as Consciousness, you can imagine storing them in the cloud. As Consciousness we have infinite storage. A simple way to do this is to decide to ‘delete cookies’ when you go to sleep at night, and that anything you don’t want deleted can get moved to your cloud storage.

Play with this for the next few days and see what happens!


Manifesting In The New Consciousness

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Manifesting In The New Consciousness ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I recently created a scenario which seemed to require conscious manifesting. In the old days I would have written about it, vision boarded it, affirmed it, put it in a pink balloon, two pointed to where ever it already exists, and, yes, stepped through doors to parallel universes where it’s already happening.

Because yeah, man, I’m an expert and I already know this stuff.

And I didn’t do any of those things. I created something that afternoon that wasn’t quite the thing. I sat with it, and watched other possibilities unfold. This required interacting with others in my storyline, and dances with relationships.

It was (and is) very interesting to see what is coming into form. And very interesting to see my discomfort with not being entirely in control of the creation.

It’s still not fully in form. The agreements are still being drawn up. And Mercury is going retrograde on Saturday!

But something bigger is unfolding, beyond what I can imagine, and a part of me is excited to be stepping into the unknown, to having something more that what my mind wants to design.

There’s so much potential for drama and disagreements. And yet all that dissipates when I don’t resist what is.

Manifesting in the new Consciousness is the opposite of how it was before. It isn’t about changing, fixing, or manipulating the circumstances. It’s not about claiming power and declaring it to the Universe. It’s not about specifics and time limits.

All of that was Ego/Personality/Mind wanting to control the outcome. The part that is fearful, the part that feels powerless, the part that is based in survival.

Consciousness is creating all of this. You are Consciousness. You’re creating all of this. All possibilities exist within this creation. You are dancing between possibilities.

It’s all good, because as Consciousness, you love your creations, you love your Self that is playing in this field of reality.

Playing this way you totally know it’s a benevolent You-niverse. Wherever you fall, you are being caught.

There are no mistakes, because all possibilities are running simultaneously and you chose this one in the moment. Things can transform themselves, when you play at this level, when you expand to a different outcome.

Manifesting in the new Consciousness is about creating, not control. This is a playground, we are here to create, it’s all about creating and being creative.

As Consciousness you are benignly neutral. There’s no good or bad to what you create. If you manifest disasters, it’s equally as creative as manifesting miracles. If you want to create something different it’s a very subtle shift in direction.

It’s incredibly freeing to let go of control, and to go forward completely improvising as things come up.

Creating as Consciousness allows you to manifest beyond your wildest imagination.