Tag: Joan Newcomb

Mystic Minute: How To Find Quiet In The Midst of Chaos

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Mystic Musings: How To Navigate Through Fog!

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©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

It’s been a strange week. I’ve been home, my third of the month that I get to be here, time off from caring for my brother in New York. And I’ve had to submit a description for a talk I’m giving next month. Usually it’s easy to come up with an idea and whip something off. This week, though, I got nothing.

Energetically, it’s felt like being fogged in. Disorienting. No intuitive sense of how to move forward. Other people have reported similar feelings.

It seems to me that there’s a disconnect going on. Folks are feeling out of touch with inner selves or their usual guidance.

At the same time, I’ve been getting intuitive hits. Time has been stretching and reorganizing in my favor. All of which is validation, to me, that I’m still operating as 5D in a hologram. But it’s a sense of flying blind, and not certain if the radar is working.

There’s a couple of reasons for this. One is due to an extreme acceleration of Consciousness. The frequency is so high, it disconnects from the physical. Our body and personality can feel quite lost until they readjust.

The other is due to extreme resistance, by unconsciousness. When our bodies and personalities and entangled in unconscious patterns, the resulting compulsions, or addictions, can separate us from our Essence.

Now, Consciousness is always there, always present. But how can you reconnect when you feel so off course?

It may seem counter-intuitive, when the body appears to be lagging so far behind Consciousness, but slowing down or even stopping, is a very powerful way to get back on track. People in these situations feel like they can’t take the time to meditate and yet that’s exactly what’s needed. Not necessarily the sitting still for hours saying ‘om’ kind of meditation, but turning off your phone and social media for an hour can do it.

Connecting with Nature can do it very quickly. Just stand in your backyard, if you have one, or walk in a park. Say “hello” to the trees and notice them saying hello back. I especially come alive if I’m near water, especially a creek, river, waterfall, or ocean.

Doing this may not solve all your problems, but can give you sunbreaks of relief amidst the fog.

Know that you’re always going towards expansion. You’re always naturally evolving towards the light, even if it seems the opposite at times. You, at your Essence, *are* Consciousness and that which disconnects you is simply the unconsciousness that is in the process of disintegrating as you step into your own Light.

Joan’s Blog “Everyone Is Evolving, Some Just Don’t Know It”

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Everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

One of my clients said the other day, “it’s happening to everyone, isn’t it?”. She meant the shift that she is now fully aware that she’s experiencing. And my answer is, yes, everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it.

Everyone is going through this shift in Consciousness. We’re all perceiving it differently. For some folks, it’s exhilarating. For some it’s painful and terrifying.

It looks completely different for everyone. If you have a spiritual practice of any sort, you’ll know *something* is going on. It’s a huge, honking, growth experience. But for others who are used to being in every day reality, it seems like their world falling apart.

Whatever you hold as solid and real is disintegrating. For me it was my energy work, because the unseen was solid and real to me. Everything I’d trained in, everything I’d taught, everything I believed, got turned on it’s ear. My old techniques were like Newtonian Physics, measurable and certain. My new reality was like Quantum Physics, unpredictable and random.

It’s affected people’s personal identity. My husband lost his career in the crash of 2008, but reawakened his spiritual practice. And even that is shifting now in ways he can’t explain.

A loved one, with three Master’s Degrees and in the midst of writing his Ph.D dissertation, just had a stroke. It’s effectively knocking him “off line” for the good part of a year. He’s identified with academia his entire life. And now he’s experiencing something completely different.

Here’s how I see it, from a bigger viewpoint. Consciousness is the greater awareness, the essence of who we each are. It is a higher vibration, a brighter light, coming more into form. It means that we’re each experiencing our essential greater consciousness more in our body than ever before. We’re all becoming more “enlightened”.

When you shine a spotlight inside yourself, it reveals whatever is stuck, dark or dense. Whatever we identify as reality will have that density. Whatever we are attached to or believe that we are, will be a heavier vibration. Whatever lies we hold as truth, will be dark within.

And all of that is disintegrating, as our light shines brighter and brighter.

As that old stuff goes away, we’ll feel expanded. We may notice our external reality being different as well, lighter, and less grounded (because gravity is changing as well).

It’s ultimately a good thing, we’re all becoming more authentically our True Selves. But we’ve been crouched down in distorted perceptions for a long time, so it’s a big adjustment to stand up free and fully ourselves.

It’s an exciting time, from the perspective of Consciousness. And we can have compassion for the other aspects of Consciousness who are having an extremely uncomfortable time.

Breathe and release, as we all contract and expand. And know that all is very, very well.

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: How To Discern Your Inner Being (Pt. 2)

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Mystic Minute YouTube Video: How To Discern Your Inner Being From All Those Other Voices (part 1)

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Accessing Unseen Help (For Your Life, Health & Business)

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For Your Life, Health and Business

You are not alone! Unseen support is available to help you transform your life, health, and business! Learn to effortlessly connect and receive communication from your ‘invisible friends’!

Additional bonus: If you’ve worked with guides, guardian angels, spirit guides in the past, receive an ‘upgrade’ for more effective interaction in today’s higher frequencies!


Why Access Unseen Help? (actual results)

In Life – support during divorce, achieving ‘bucket list’ life goals, changing careers

In Health – healed dental cavities (!), shrunk tumors, helped with depression

In Business – boosted sales & clients, grew business to million dollar + revenue

Unseen Help can help YOU in any area you want or need!



Joan will be talking about Accessing Unseen Help For Your Life, Health and Business,

phone in to get a reading from her on the air and for a new online course!

WHEN: Tuesday, May 29th, 2:00pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern

WHERE: On line at TheTransformationShow.com

Rev. Joan M. Newcomb, CPC is an international Conscious Mastery Coach, Energy Teacher, & Radio Show Host. She’s helped people access the power of their own Inner Wisdom for 30+ yrs.

Mystic Minute: All About (Friggin’) Growth Periods!

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Mystic Minute YouTube Video: What To Do About Other People In Your Storyline

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Mystic Minute: #MeToo, Anthony Robbins, And What Real Power Is

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Mystic Minute: How (And Why) To View Things As Consciousness

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It’s more than an intellectual exercise and it will profoundly transform your life!

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Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Time and Space Updated

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Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Can You Integrate The Old With The New?

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Joan’s Blog: Why There Is No Karma

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Why There Is No Karma ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Humans are always interpreting the world through their linear viewpoint. It’s like fish interpreting the Universe from their underwater perspective.

Physical bodies move through time from birth to death, and we expect spiritual reality to be governed by the same restrictions.

Our personalities have flaws and we make mistakes as we stumble through this life. And Karma assumes that these carry over to the next lifetime. Just as it assumes that such things carry on from previous lifetimes.

From the perspective of Consciousness, this makes no sense. Consciousness does not experience time nor space. To Consciousness, all lifetimes are happening at once. Consciousness is all knowing, all wisdom. There are no progressions, spiritual learning or maturity or development.

The idea of Karma is a distorted interpretation of energetic cause and effect. If you are under water and you wave your hands, there may be a ripple created, but it doesn’t carry up to the air above, and nor does it carry to the next pond (or ocean).

And Consciousness it ultimately neutral. It doesn’t judge things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Everything that happens in the physical, to Consciousness, is beneficial as experience. Pain isn’t good or bad. Destruction is as creative as Construction.

The idea of ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘sin’, etc. is a human distortion. Which doesn’t mean we all can go careening off our life paths and creating rampant chaos in the world. We can, but do we want to?

The Ten Commandments, if you look at them as Consciousness, is man’s interpretation of ways to interact within time and space. These are basic guidelines for navigating on this planet and discerning “mine” from “yours”.

I find when you shift your perception to operating as Consciousness, there’s both a disintegration of boundaries (an awareness that we are One) and clarity of our own definitions (the particular body-personality we’re navigating through at this moment).

And from this perspective, there’s no desire to cross boundaries, destroy other bodies, covet neighbor’s asses, or anything else.

As greater Consciousness comes into form, everything falls into place, everything reorganizes, there’s an innate harmony to everything.

But what about all the bad people out there? What about all the horrible, terrible things they’re doing? Aren’t they going to be punished?

Imagine going high up in the air, what would the news headlines be like from flying in an airplane? The idea of punishment doesn’t make sense from above the clouds.

This planet is a playground, an adventure in density and effort. In Disney World, you wouldn’t punish a Disney character for playing their part in the storyline.

Actually, Consciousness experience with the world is more like viewing it all from the International Space Station.  There’s immense love for all of creation.

As you shift your perception, you experience more neutrality about the stories going on. You have a  appreciation for all aspects of this worldly existence. And, most fun of all, as you realize that *you* are Consciousness, this immense love for all of Your creation.

Mystic Minute: Accessing Unseen Help (Updated Info)!

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Accessing Unseen Help
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Facebook Live: Being Authentic

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Join me Tuesdays at 9:30am Pacific, 12:30pm Eastern for my Facebook Live

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Responsibility and Non Responsibility!

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Mystic Minute: Different Versions of Reality!

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Radio Show Podcast 6/14/2017 Consciousness and Releasing Protections

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
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Check out our radio show’s website!

June 14thToday on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Consciousness and releasing the need for Protection. This world seems chaotic and contentious nowadays. A lot of sensitive people feel like they have to shield themselves from “negative” energies. This is an old paradigm. Tune in today and learn how to be different with this from the greater perspective as Consciousness.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Oct: 27th: FREE TELESEMINAR Deeper Consciousness Tools For TRANSFORMATION

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Deeper Consciousness Tools For


Tuesday, October 25th, 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern

Free Teleseminar! Listen with the comfort of your own phone!

  • learn essential energy secrets to Consciously Creating Change
  • easily manifest exactly what You want
  • simple techniques to feel happier and more fulfilled
  • powerful tools to navigate your life *as* Consciousness!

Feeling strange shifts and changes going on? Want to know what’s going on and what to do about it? We’re in a time of huge transformation! We are feeling this both collectively and personally, although we may not have the language to explain it. Things in our lives are breaking down – health, relationships, work, and more. We need to ‘upgrade’ our practices and techniques as we’ve gone from spiritual ‘dialup’ to ‘wifi’. Learn who you really are, and why you are here, and how to navigate life from a 5D experience.

You can completely metamorpho-size yourself and your life in a very short period of time (if not instantaneously)! You will learn what it takes to consciously create change in your life! 

Register HERE to receive the phone number and access code.


Tuesday, October 25th, 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern