Tag: expansion
Mystic Minute: Rising Above
Mystic Musings Blog: Beauty Amidst Ugliness
Beauty Amidst Ugliness ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’m currently in Queens, NY. It’s a completely different urban experience than Seattle. The population of the borough of Queens is 2,350,000. The population of Seattle is a little under 705,000.
Besides the density, it’s an area that’s been lived in for a long, long time. There’s dirt, sweltering heat, smells, and… peaks of beauty.
There are little reminders everywhere that beauty exists even in the midst of ugliness. And, as any artist will tell you, there’s beauty in ugliness, too.
We’re seeing different examples of ugliness in the world today, from human behaviors that are unkind or downright evil, to natural disasters intensifying as the climate changes.
It’s easy to get caught up in this reality, feeling swept away by forces that seem more powerful, or out of control.
Yet all of this is a creation of Consciousness, by Consciousness. At your essence, you *are* Consciousness and what you’re experiencing in your reality is created by You.
That doesn’t mean Climate Change is your fault, or that you’re responsible for the shitshow on the news. Or that people are dying because you had negative thoughts.
It means that you’re the composer, conductor, soloist, and lead chair of this orchestra. The music is pretty dramatic and clashing right now. It’s more Wagnerian than Bach. Or maybe in your reality it’s heavy metal.
As Consciousness you delight in all of your creations. Even as it seems frustrating to your body personality aspect. And when you shift your perspective to living life as Consciousness, the surrounding world comes into sharp focus. Colors seem brighter, it feels expansive and effortless.
And on a dingy, graffiti’d street in Flushing, a pink rose will appear to remind you that there is beauty in the midst of ugliness. All of this is indeed a creation of Consciousness.
We’re going through a huge evolutionary shift at this time. Increasing Consciousness is coming into form. We’re able to embody more light than ever before. And as we bring this in, it illuminates the darkness, it reveals where we haven’t dusted, it shows up in our surrounding reality as well.
All the ugliness in the news is a reflection of the darkness that is in the process of dissipating. Shadows go away when light floods in. What we’re seeing collectively is the light of Truth revealing the darkness of lies and distortions. People who’ve lived with those distortions as their reality are experiencing a lot of fear and discomfort.
And within each of us, that which our Light is not in alignment with, is disappearing as well. It can feel like a shock or a loss if you’re strongly attached to those things.
When your relax and allow yourself to operated as Consciousness, everything easily reorganizes in your favor.
Try this, and you’ll discover what manifests is beyond what your mind can possibly imagine.
Mystic Minute: All About (Friggin’) Growth Periods!
Mystic Musings: Solidity versus Stability; what is safer during these changing times?
Solidity versus Stability; what is safer during these changing times? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
We’re going through a pretty chaotic time. Monumental changes are happening, faster than ever before. We’re needing to adjust at lightening speed.
It’s daunting and disorienting. How do we feel safe during all this expansion? How do we maintain our equilibrium?
The old or traditional ways of doing this aren’t working any more. In the past, it would be creating or seeking some kind of anchor. That anchor may be in the form of a reliable job, an established belief system such as a religion, or even a persona, like being a “a solid citizen”.
However, solidity is no longer an effective way to to respond to growth. The vibrational frequency of this Consciousness Shift is so high (and increasing exponentially) that trying to anchor into density is about as safe as staying inside a brick building during an earthquake.
Wait, I can hear all your analytical minds buzzing – doesn’t stability equate with solidity? Isn’t it the same thing? Are you stronger when you’re solid?
Not necessarily. When you’re in the amount of expansion we’re experiencing, you need sea legs under you. Trying to stay immovably firm during these energy fluctuations, you’ll topple over.
What’s already happening is, any antiquated concept or tightly held belief within you is disintegrated, like mortar between bricks. Heck, for some people, even the bricks are turning to dust. Or maybe just their brick façades.
What creates stability instead? Think of it like trying to stay upright on a boat in the ocean, or even on a surf board (during some growth periods). Your focus goes inwards, to your core. Your feet may flat on the floor, yet your stance is flexible.
It’s a different way of anchoring, going within, than going down into the planet. It may not seem very stable at first. In fact, it seems the opposite. Yet I’ve found in this new Consciousness, everything is often the opposite of what we were originally taught.
Reality is under renovation right now, it isn’t the most secure anchor point. When you anchor within yourself, you’re accessing your greater aspect of Consciousness. It’s going deeper into the essence of who you really are, rather than the illusion of what is.
We don’t need the old forms of grounding or protection. Protection is often a form of resistance anyway, and resistance magnetically attracts what you don’t want. Consciousness is more powerful than anything. There’s no need for protections in this new world.
When you connect inward to Consciousness, you innately know it’s a benevolent Universe. You innately know that all is very, very well.
Blog: Reality Isn’t What You Think
Reality Isn’t What You Think ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
When we go through a Consciousness Shift, it can be pretty disorienting. We’re sensing and experiencing things so differently than before. It can feel expansive, joyous, overwhelming.
Our minds kick into high gear trying to figure out what is going on and how to handle it. Our minds want to create some sort of equilibrium, but they only know what they’ve experience before, so they end up directing us back to our previous state.
When I went to Findhorn the first time, the shift was seismic. I started feeling it when I booked my Experience Week, six months earlier. Now I see that I was welcoming in the greater light of Consciousness.
A couple months before I left for Scotland, I started feeling enveloped in overwhelming love. I also started having premonitions about my time there. I was concerned I was going to fall in love if I went there. It seemed pretty clichéd, as everyone falls in love when they go to Findhorn.
So of course, I fell in love with one of my focalisers, who subsequently turned out to be gay, which eventually transmuted into a friendship.
What I see now is that I couldn’t just receive the enveloping Love of Consciousness (it turns out that the focalisers meditate on their upcoming Experience groups, blessing them with love, and that’s what I’d been experiencing). I was viewing it through my mind’s preconceived notion that it had to be expressed through an “in-love” relationship.
The second time I felt this same enveloping Love, it was after leaving a dysfunctional relationship. I had about nine months of this extraordinary experience, which then dissipated when I fell “in-love” with someone who checked all the boxes of my mind’s expectations (tall and wealthy were two of the boxes), but who was spiritually incompatible. When it ended, it was traumatic, and I plunged into a pool of shame and depression.
The evolving Consciousness Shift I’ve been experiencing for the last decade has been different. It’s called into question everything I believed was solid and real. Whereas my old techniques brought me more into the density of form (I would say that “gravity increased” when I used them), my new experiences shift me into a reality that is expansive and buoyant.
My mind thought this was awfully flakey. It judged me as being “ungrounded”. But when I tried to use my old techniques, they don’t work on this level. It’s like trying to run MS-DOS on a MacBook Air. Or picking up a landline expecting to send a text message.
All around us you can see minds losing their shit and trying to redirect reality back to what was familiar to them. And when you stop and look at what used to be, it wasn’t really all that fun or lovely. It was probably pretty painful.
The rules for operating in this new reality are, in many ways, opposite of the way things were before.
Our minds are going to get us to where ever we want to go. Even if they’re thinking “outside the box”, they’re still thinking. They’re trying to figure it out.
The solution is to be intuitive, and improvisational. Exploring with curiosity. Being present without expectations.
If you’d like to learn more about how to do this, check out my free video series here.
Mystic Musings: When Growth Gets Messy
When Growth Gets Messy ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
We’d all like personal growth to be effortless and easy, smelling like spring flowers. It’s not always that way. Growth can get messy. Even when it’s something that we want, the precursor to, or the fallout from, the change can be really messy.
When we have a something we want to manifest, whether it’s a material thing, a relationship, or a condition change, to Consciousness it already exists. We just have to shift ourselves to that reality. But sometimes that shift is seismic.
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It’s going to look so much better when you’re done |
I’m reminded of a woman I met who’d lost over 200lbs. Now, 200lbs is like dropping an entire human being out of your space. I asked her what contributed to her success and she shared that she’d done a lot of emotional work prior to the weight loss. That EFT had helped her work on core inner issues that supported external results.
I’ve had several times in my life where I called in enormous transformation, only to see my currently life razed to the ground before a new reality became established. Each time, it revealed flaws in my foundation. Let me correct that, *sometimes* there were flaws that came to light. Other times it was just that a new operating system was installed and all my old programs didn’t work any more.
(Now, if you’re going through a huge paradigm alteration, often the response to such growth can also feel “blah” or a weird sort of apathy. When you expand as Consciousness then all your old measures of success disappear. You no longer desire the material things you once thought were necessary. You lose that urge to compulsively fill empty needs. Satisfaction can seem boring. )
Messiness can look like a divorce, an illness, or big emotional reactions.
How you respond to this mess depends on whether you’re experiencing it as your body personality or as Consciousness. If you’re reacting as your body personality, you’re going to go through it kicking and screaming. I know, there were times in my past when I’d drive and scream at the top of my lungs, it was so painful.
If you’re responding as Consciousness, you might actually feel excited. You may be amused. You feel empowered and invigorated. You know that You, as Consciousness, are coming more into form. You are occupying your body space more fully.
You know you’re going through a life renovation or remodel. It’s possible to do this without getting divorced or sick. When you do this as Consciousness, you can create your loved one’s coming along for the ride.
I experienced this kind of remodel over a period from 2010-2013. My business was earning more than I’d ever had before, but my marriage was filled with conflict. Then my mother came down with Alzheimers and I left Seattle to go Washington DC for what I thought was a few months, to help her move. I ended up there for two years to help her die. My husband joined us after a year, and going through that ordeal brought us closer.
The relationship I have now is one I never imagined possible. We are more in love now than ever before. We have a prosperous life together. And my work has expanded to areas I’d never dreamed of.
You may be in the mess of your own Consciousness remodel. You can change your experience by shifting your awareness to viewing it as You as greater Consciousness.
As Consciousness you know the bigger picture. When you go through your growth experience as Consciousness, it actually is comforting to your body personality. As much as your analytical mind wants to control the show, it’s relieved that you as Consciousness are driving the bus.
Mystic Musings: How Can You Tell If You’re Going Through A Consciousness Shift?
How Can You Tell If You Are Going Through A Consciousness Shift? ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb
We hear all about this Consciousness Shift that’s happening, but how can you tell if it’s happening to you?
People like Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie had very marked transformations. They each literally woke up one morning and each found their ego had dissolved.
And, you know, they’re famous people. They have best selling books. They’ve been on Oprah. So that must be what happens when you shift, right? No more pain, no more money worries, and you’re instantly enlightened.
That’s what happened to them. That’s what’s happened to some people. I talked to a woman in New England who’d had a similar experience, but lived a very quiet life afterwards.
It was a relief to connect with her. Because I was worried about turning into Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle. I think it would be a pain in the ass to live with them. I can’t imagine staying married or having my kids around me, if I were questioning every thought or being constantly in the present moment.
Of course that’s the monkey mind ego talking. Because in reality, Byron Katie has a better relationship now with her adult children than when they were growing up. And has a loving relationship with her husband. Eckhart Tolle is also married (although I remember reading how he drove his wife crazy sorting out the recycling a piece at a time, when she just wanted to get it to the curb for pickup).
But the Consciousness Shift is different for everyone. It’s like being at a baseball game and the crowd does “the Wave”. People across the stadium start standing up, and it goes around the stands until it comes to you. Not everyone is standing up at once. And not everyone experiences it in the same way.
I’ve been evolving as Consciousness since 1974, consciously using techniques since 1981, and my language and experience has changed and expanded along the way. In 2006 I reached a tipping point, which propelled me into a new way of being.
Some people are finding themselves hyper sensitive, they’re feeling or sensing everyone around them. Some are having a hard time sleeping. Many feel uncomfortable and out of sorts with their old lives, and yet excited and impassioned about what seems to be awakening within.
A lawyer I know felt crazy because she wanted to quit her practice and be a Reiki Master.
A Christian who spent every Sunday in Church since childhood, left her community and discovered a deeper spirituality than she’d ever thought possible.
What happened to me is my old practice stopped working, my old belief system disintegrated. It was very disorienting, since I was very identified with my teachings. I was an energy expert, in techniques that have been around for thousands of years.
I’ve successfully “upgraded” those original techniques, and found new ways to navigate. I had to learn to bypass my intellect, and be improvisational, responding to whatever shows up in the moment.
In the past few years my empathy has gone through the roof. I sense family members who live 3,000 and 6,000 miles away. I know when someone has read an email I’ve sent. And that’s just with people who are still alive.
Ten years ago when I had a stint as a phone psychic, I developed clairvoyant techniques for talking with dead people. However what I experience now is kinesthetic, I’ll feel them waft through me. And visual, usually symbolic reminders that they’re around, although recently I’m actually detecting thought forms. Which might be more about time and space breaking down for me than actually connecting with the being in it’s deceased non-physical form.
The newest experience for me is noticing gridlines. Not vertical like in the movie the Matrix, but horizontal, and sparkly, superimposed over physical reality.
The other day I was having a challenging time, taking someone recently diagnosed with dementia to a support group. It was bringing up memories of doing the same thing for my mother, although this situation and this person is completely different. Experiences like this have been coming up recently and they’re an opportunity to be in present time, and release past energy.
When I was in the present moment, I would see these gridlines. When I sunk into my thoughts, they went away. Or, more accurately, I sunk into density and my ability to notice the gridlines went away. I’m choosing not to label or define it, I’m just noticing what is happening.
It’s a very subtle shift. And I suspect for everyone, their expansion into Consciousness on one hand is subtle but profound.
On the other hand, physical reality could be completely falling apart around you. That does tend to happen when we move to a new level. When you no longer match the density you’re in, reality reorganizes.
It’s less painful when you don’t resist the changes. It’s more graceful when you navigate it as Consciousness.
You don’t have to try to do anything to expand. It’s happening without any effort on your part. You just have to notice. And enjoy the ride.
Getting Out of Your Discomfort Zone
Getting Out of Your Discomfort Zone ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
One of the things I’ve discovered, as everything is breaking down and reorganizing, is that often what is required is the complete opposite of whatever has worked before.
Tried and true techniques and systems are no longer effective. Things that were absolutely the wrong thing to do in my old practice is the absolute right thing to do in my new practice.
So, for instance, something has been going on today – I’ve been feeling a very high, vibrational frequency in/on the top of my head. In the old days I would have judged this as bad. I would have thought someone was invading my space. I would have wrestled with this energy all day long.
Now, what it feels like isn’t bad. Nor is it invasive. I’m not really sure what it is. Is it a female energy in my head? Or is it a download of something new? Heck, maybe it’s just that I’ve been drinking jasmine green tea today instead of earl grey.
In the old days I would have absolutely had to know where it’s coming from and what to do about it.
Instead, I’ve just gone about my day, noticing what is different. And pretty much everything about today has been different, starting with this energy. I’m curious to see what unfolds from this.
What this reminds me of, is someone who went to one of my Meetups and did the walking through doors to parallel universes. The next day I talked with her, she’d taken medicine for vertigo. “Is it unpleasant?” I asked. Turned out it wasn’t vertigo, but that wavy feeling of expansion that happens when you play on this level of Consciousness.
A couple went to my cohost Janet’s meetup in Portland, and then they went dancing afterwards. Her husband had a difficult time because he felt too ‘lightheaded’. Hmm. Not really surprising after major transformational energy work.
Rather than resisting or turning away from new sensations, I turn towards them. I move more deeply into something rather than trying to get it out of my space.
Moving through the world in this new way of being requires being improvisational. Requires not knowing. Requires curiosity.
If something isn’t working for you, then it’s time to do something else. But don’t mistake discomfort as an indicator that something is wrong.
Birthing a new self doesn’t have to be hard. Just breathe through it. Sometimes action is required, but sometimes that may look like taking a walk. Or a nap. Maybe it’s just to stop doing whatever it is that isn’t working, and wait to see what emerges instead.
When you stop trying to make things fit within your comfort zone, then what manifests can be bigger than you can imagine.