Tag: Effort
Mystic Musings: The New Way To Navigate!
The New Way To Navigate ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
My brother and I were in the laundry room of his apartment building in Queens, NY. All the washers were full but had finished their cycle. He said to take the wet clothes out of one so we could use it.
“Shouldn’t we wait to see if they come for it?” I asked.
“No,” he said. “It’s the New York way.”
So we did, and actually never saw anyone else in the laundry room during the time we were doing our wash.
It was an unusual experience for me because I’ve not used public laundry facilities for nearly 40 years. I have a different sense of space and ownership.
Their neighbor on their floor is an elderly woman whose television plays 24/7. Right next to my brother’s bedroom. The people upstairs keep unusual hours, you hear their shoes tromping above you at all times of the day and night.
Outside, New Yorkers have no trouble expressing themselves with their car horns and voices. They’ll honk when two cars ahead of them there’s a school bus.
It’s not my way. I don’t know how much of it is growing up in different countries and cultures, lead to my quietly navigating around and through. Or being empathic, I consider others when choosing my own actions.
In highly populated areas there’s a different experience of density and effort. On one hand it’s a mosaic of individuals and their radiant energies. On the other hand it’s a tangled snarl of opposing patterns.
The old paradigm of having boundaries in these circumstances would be to loudly express yourself, to physically dominate your location, to densify your personality to make your presence known.
There’s a different way to navigate all of this from 5D. You can own your space without dominance, without noise. You can be loud, as in joyfully singing your own music into the world. You can be present, and your Presence is inherently noticeable.
You can own your space calmly in the face of others reacting to your changing frequency.
You don’t have to match the energy of the crowd, nor do you need to resist it. You can expand your inner openness. In non-resistance, you let the energy pass through and dissipate.
Even as I know these things, I don’t always practice them perfectly. I’ve gotten angry here at a volume that would be offensive in Seattle and in New York, nobody blinks. But I’ve also found the most potent way to be Presence on the subway is to smile.
Consciousness is shifting, our frequency is becoming lighter and more expansive. The rules for navigating are different on this level. There’s no clear guide book, as we’re all entering this brave new world somewhat together (and some kicking and screaming).
The old ways are effective in this new reality. We need to upgrade our old techniques, improvise and make stuff up.
New navigation is fun, experiential, done from a sense of play and curiosity. When you start to move through the world in these new ways, your entire life transforms.
Mystic Musings: Life Isn’t A School
Life Isn’t A School ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It’s a popular point of view, that Life is a school, that we’re here to learn lessons. Back in the early 1980’s, as a clairvoyant reader, I’d explain to my clients that past lives were like grades, and we access the information in our present life. Just as we don’t remember learning recognize letters or to spell, it all comes together when we start to type a letter.
As I shifted to a 5D perspective, I started to realize how inaccurate that concept was. And how many projections and distortions it creates. School is hard, so life is hard. In school, there are other people in charge of you(teachers and principals), and kids who are a grade ahead. So that must mean other people are in charge of you and other people are ahead of you.
Schools have exams. So life has tests. You don’t get ahead until you’ve learned your lessons. If something bad happen, you failed the test and have to take the class again.
It’s hard to give up the concept of life as a school. But when you begin to live life *as* Consciousness, it just doesn’t make sense any more. You become aware that you are infinite awareness and this reality is your creation to play in.
Early in my Consciousness shift, I described life as a playground. But playgrounds have games, and often there’s someone monitoring to make sure everyone is playing the rules.
As Consciousness, you are the Creator, and reality shifts and changes as you shift and change.
Now, your body/personality needed to learn things. It popped out helpless, unable to roll over or control it’s pee and poop. It needed to learn to walk, it needed to learn to write, it needed to learn the “rules” to be taken care of and to survive.
But you are not your body/personality, you are the greater Essence that created it to express in and experience this physical reality. Confusion reigns when you transpose or project your body/perspective onto yourself as Consciousness.
As your body, this world is density and effort. The predominant feelings are effort and fear.
As Consciousness, you’re aware of the bigger picture *and* aware of all possibilities. You effortlessly dance in any direction. The predominant feelings are joy and amusement.
As Consciousness there’s nothing for you to learn, you are the Cosmic internet, you are the infinite information source. It’s all about creating and experiencing.
From 5D, reality manifests and unfolds easily and effortlessly. Simply shift your awareness from your body/personality level to yourself as Consciousness and your entire world transforms!
Mystic Minute: Take Off Your Crazy Glasses!
Take Off Your Crazy Glasses ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
This morning someone was talking about how their life was going easier, but there was still chaos. They are shifting jobs where they won’t be so busy, but that feels really uncomfortable to their body-personality.
Our body-personality is always mimicking Consciousness. It tries to create reality by manipulation and control. It reacts to what is, rather than responds to what is.
When you relax into operating as Consciousness, you realize you as Consciousness are creating all of it.
When we start navigating life as Consciousness, there’s no need to control the flow, but that doesn’t mean the flow is out of control.
My body-personality wants to make something happen (“make it a great day” strikes me as very body-personality). It wants to change or fix things. It wants things to happen faster.
As Consciousness, everything happens in perfect timing. Sometimes instantaneously, sometimes eventually.
It’s not because you need to learn lessons before you attain what you want. It’s not because you’re blocking something.
You can engage the world of more effort, or respond from no effort.
Your body personality is going to interpret things through it’s lenses, pictures, concepts, or impressions. It will interpret something as crazy, or chaotic, and get you all riled up feeling you need to change it the hard way.
A clue to not operating as Consciousness, is when I’m trying to change people and the world around me, rather than simply shifting within myself. If I feel crazy or out of control, it’s a sure indicator that my attention is outside myself.
No matter what is going on in my storyline, when I’m centered within myself as Consciousness, everything is ok. All is going very, very well.
Take off your crazy glasses and you will see that in your own life as well.
Mystic Musings: Time, Energy, and Money
Time, Energy, and Money ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
My husband took the week off from work, before letting me know. I had a Telesummit scheduled for Tuesday, and my radio show Wednesday, plus my regular calls and meetings, so my calendar was super busy.
I work from home and it was challenging to maintain my focus with him being in ‘staycation mode’. I made it through the Telesummit but when my radio show co-host suggested that we air a rerun rather than a live show, I heartily agreed.
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In Port Townsend, the house behind us is haunted! |
After completing my regular calls Thursday, hubby and I took a “daycation” up to historic Port Townsend, and yet on the way I had this nagging feeling I was playing hooky – that I should be working.
Now here’s the thing, I work for myself, I work from home, my schedule is entirely my own. No one’s gonna fire me for taking a day off.
I decided to record our show live on Wednesdays (although we do have to fit into an available spot in our radio station’s lineup), I decide I write my blog and send out my Ezine on Fridays. I choose to host Meetups on Saturdays or Sundays, I usually film my YouTube videos on Tuesdays (although the last two weeks I didn’t, due to the upcoming Telesummit).
True Confessions: NONE of these activities actually PAY ME. They’re all designed to support, help and enlighten others. And if someone decides to hire me for coaching, great.
Ironically, a lot of people I work with have money issues. When we shine a light on them, it often reveals they have trouble with their focus on time, and how they spend their energy.
Sometimes they have six figure incomes, but are miserable. They either hate their jobs, or hate their commutes. Or they’re spinning their wheels trying to make an income, feeling like they’re going nowhere. They struggle with compulsive spending, credit cards, or underearning and deprivation.
They have confusion about the money or debt they do have, and vagueness about where their time is going.
As they gain clarity about their numbers and their actions, their circumstances rapidly improve. They feel feel more prosperous and abundant with less effort and stress. Because it actually isn’t about the money, it’s about the quality of their lives and relationships.
I spend my time and energy in ways that prioritize my relationships with my husband and now adult kids. I make choices based on my expanded perspective as Consciousness. I have a prosperous life and feel wealthy with my relationships.
My coach describes his schedule as “fiercely lifestyle friendly”, which basically means that if it’s going to compromise his values, he isn’t going to do it.
I suspect he uses the word ‘fiercely’ because of the enormous morphic “work ethic” field that says you have to put in long hours, with a lot of effort and sacrifice in order to create a good life.
That nagging feeling I had yesterday? I was reacting to the same message, same morphic field.
As with anything in this world, the opposite is true.
The harder you try to attain something, the farther away it will be. Effort kills creativity. We give up so much power to these ‘work ethic’ ideals and completely miss the point that we’re Infinite Beings and this world is our playground.
Realize that *you* are Consciousness and all the power is within you, not out there.
If you work a job-job, try being there as Consciousness, and see how it alters the experience for you. You may find it being more playful and fun.
If you’re looking work, try approaching the interviews as Consciousness, and see how the dynamic changes.
Try prioritizing what’s important to you, rather than what you think the world thinks is important, and watch how rapidly your life reorganizes in your favor.
When you use your time and energy as the infinitely creative and powerful Consciousness that you are, your world transforms.
Play with this for the next 7 days, and see what happens!
Mystic Musings: You Can’t Game The System
You Can’t Game The System ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It really annoys me when someone says “Make it a great day” – or words to that effect. The more skill I gain from living consciously, the less ability I have to “make” things happen.
And I used to teach people how to create their reality, essentially Law of Attraction before Esther Hicks began channeling Abraham.
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What is *your* inner Napoleon like? |
When you try to make it a great day, it implies that the day needs making great. That the day wasn’t great to begin with. That you need to *do* something to make that day great. Make the day great again.
Someone could argue it’s about making up your mind that the day will be great. That it’s about your mindset. That you can control the day through your thoughts and your actions.
Can’t you feel the energy of force and contraction? That’s the opposite of openness and expansion.
When we try to make something happen from our mind alone, it’s our inner Napoleon trying to control everything. It’s the little will, the personality part of you, that thinks it’s the sole creator of reality.
Basically it takes essential truths and distorts them. Very sneaky.
Because Consciousness creates reality, you as Consciousness create your reality, but you’re not the only expression of Consciousness, you’re the sole expression of You as Consciousness. With full awareness and appreciation of all the other aspects of Consciousness expressing in form as well.
What happens to me is that I go through a shift in Consciousness, I experience expansion in my life, I find myself at a new level of awareness. Things I felt were solid and real collapse or dissipate, techniques I relied upon stop working. I “upgrade” them (each time they become more subtle with more profound – and more unpredictable – results).
And then my inner Napoleon creeps in and tries to game the system. Because I’ve been doing this work for 37 years, and I’m an expert.
But systems don’t work any more, if they ever did. When you try to make reality that way, there will always be a glitch or a loophole. No matter how perfect your mindset or vision board or repetitive affirmations, your 3 D printer will have gravel in it or a software error.
So I hit a plateau, spend time spinning my wheels, shadow boxing Consciousness, until my current version of Napoleon gets exiled to Elba, and expansion mystically and magically begins again.
When I stand perfectly still, everything in this moment is perfect. There is nothing to want or need. This life is amazing, this world is stunningly beautiful. All is as it should be. All is very, very well.
And then I look at Twitter. Or get triggered on Facebook. Propelled somewhere other than Now.
And no, I’m not on my way to India with my mother’s ashes. And no, we don’t own our own home on Vashon Island… and no, not everyone in my life is living happily ever after (in their current form or story line).
This reality is unfolding out of infinite possibilities, beyond our mind’s ability to imagine. As Consciousness you are immensely complex and multifaceted – what gets manifested comes from You as True Creative Essence, You as Highest Source. It’s already perfect and becoming more so in every moment. There is no do or try.
People forget that Abraham-Hicks stresses the Art of Allowing. Allow it a great day.
Radio Show Podcast 4/18/18: The Art of Contrast!
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about The Art of Contrast. Life in physical form is an adventure in density and effort. Whatever we manifest in this world will contain contrast. Tune in today to learn how to easily create as Consciousness and enjoy the contrast!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about!
Blog: Life is an Experiment By Consciousness
©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
This world is an adventure in density and effort. Consciousness is creating it moment to moment. Consciousness creates through focus, and the more Consciousness is coming in and focusing, the more “awake” we feel in this playground.
This world is not solid and real. Time and space are structural components and yet, the more Consciousness comes into form, the more we discover how malleable these structures are.
I’ve been describing this planet as a full immersion virtual reality game. But the game is infinitely more complex than we can imagine. We’re used to playing by rules and on a certain level these rules seem to still be intact.
The past is in the past, the future is in the future, and we seem to exist in the present moment. And people’s whose bodies are no longer alive seem to no longer exist. There are times, however, where you can sense past loved ones, where you could say the ‘veils are thinner’.
However, I am noticing as we collectively shift into a higher vibration, the past and future seem to bleed through to the present. At times like these, I can not only acutely feel passed loved ones, I can actually feel them from times they’ve been alive.
Consciousness exists both outside of your body and within your body. It is You, with a capital Y, within form, and the greater yoU, outside of form. Outside of form, outside of physical reality, outside of time and space. And able to perceive everything existing simultaneously, all past and future possibilities.
As we shift in Consciousness, the old rules no longer apply. Systems and formulae no longer function.
We’re seeing this reflected in our storylines by observing unprecedented actions. We’re observing people are certain egoic levels trying to act as powerful as Consciousness. At the same time increased intolerance for behaviors that negate or disempower individuals.
We are all Consciousness, and when we own it we are infinitely powerful. Yet when we own it we feel no need to dominate. We are *all* Consciousness, so as greater Consciousness comes into form, so does the drive to connect and collaborate.
It’s not accurate to liken this world to a theme park like Disneyland, because there are the rides are rigidly controlled and the experience is replicable. This world is an experiment of infinite possibilities.
When we think of it like a game, then we want to learn the rules and game the system. When we see it as an experiment, we enter it as Consciousness, playfully curious and open minded.
Try being playful and open for this next week and see what happens!