Archive for February, 2019

Mystic Musings: How To Navigate Through Fog!

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©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

It’s been a strange week. I’ve been home, my third of the month that I get to be here, time off from caring for my brother in New York. And I’ve had to submit a description for a talk I’m giving next month. Usually it’s easy to come up with an idea and whip something off. This week, though, I got nothing.

Energetically, it’s felt like being fogged in. Disorienting. No intuitive sense of how to move forward. Other people have reported similar feelings.

It seems to me that there’s a disconnect going on. Folks are feeling out of touch with inner selves or their usual guidance.

At the same time, I’ve been getting intuitive hits. Time has been stretching and reorganizing in my favor. All of which is validation, to me, that I’m still operating as 5D in a hologram. But it’s a sense of flying blind, and not certain if the radar is working.

There’s a couple of reasons for this. One is due to an extreme acceleration of Consciousness. The frequency is so high, it disconnects from the physical. Our body and personality can feel quite lost until they readjust.

The other is due to extreme resistance, by unconsciousness. When our bodies and personalities and entangled in unconscious patterns, the resulting compulsions, or addictions, can separate us from our Essence.

Now, Consciousness is always there, always present. But how can you reconnect when you feel so off course?

It may seem counter-intuitive, when the body appears to be lagging so far behind Consciousness, but slowing down or even stopping, is a very powerful way to get back on track. People in these situations feel like they can’t take the time to meditate and yet that’s exactly what’s needed. Not necessarily the sitting still for hours saying ‘om’ kind of meditation, but turning off your phone and social media for an hour can do it.

Connecting with Nature can do it very quickly. Just stand in your backyard, if you have one, or walk in a park. Say “hello” to the trees and notice them saying hello back. I especially come alive if I’m near water, especially a creek, river, waterfall, or ocean.

Doing this may not solve all your problems, but can give you sunbreaks of relief amidst the fog.

Know that you’re always going towards expansion. You’re always naturally evolving towards the light, even if it seems the opposite at times. You, at your Essence, *are* Consciousness and that which disconnects you is simply the unconsciousness that is in the process of disintegrating as you step into your own Light.

Mystic Minute: Structure vs. Improvisation in the realm of Manifestation!

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Mystic Musings: The Power of Words To Transform Your Life!

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The Power of Words To Transform Your Life ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Words have power. What you call someone or something influences your experience, and can even influence them. We project energy and we receive energy from our surroundings.

It’s pretty obvious when you’re trudging around with negative thoughts, criticizing whatever you seen. You’re living in your own world of doom and gloom.

A picture’s worth a thousand words

Positive thinking works. Shifting your wording can shift your energetic experience.

On a more complex level, the words and terms your use carry historic patterns. There are words that use to be acceptable that we no longer use because they’re now offensive. We’ve become more mindful of our language.

In 1981, I was the Church secretary for a United Methodist Church. The female pastor would have me retype the hymns to use non sexist terms for God.

For many years it didn’t bother me to call God “He”. I grew up in a male dominated family, I felt I could hold my own around the term. But God as “Father” affected my spiritual experience. Father did not have my best interest at heart. It was not a benevolent universe.

Some people simply refer to God as “She”, and that brings in a different feeling. And yet that may not work for folks with mother issues.

Early on, I began calling it Universe because it didn’t have a gender. And made for a friendlier relationship with it. “Hey U” I’d say, having conversations rather than prayers.

But all of this was still outside myself. Something other than me. Although I knew I was Spirit there still was a hierarchy and Universe was outside and above.

At some point I realized I needed a new name, and Consciousness was what it felt like. When I use the term Consciousness, it feels expansive, it’s both me, within me, and all that is, externally.

For me, Consciousness has no other references. But many others think it just means “awareness”. Or Cosmic Consciousness, which to me has a historical connotation, from my early Mystery School training.

Now Awareness could be used instead of Consciousness and evoke the same feeling. For a while I’d used the term Essence, as in the Essence of who you are. Essence for me is internal. Consciousness encompasses all.

When I am identifying as Consciousness and navigating as Consciousness in my life, things reorganize in my favor. I feel lighthearted, amused, curious, excited, in love with life, in love with my ‘self’, in love with the world.

Notice for yourself if the terms you use need upgrading. Do they feel light and expansive and full of possibility? If not, simply trying out a different word can transform your entire life!

Mystic Minute: How To Affect Change from 5D into the World

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What Are True Desires?

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True Desires  ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

There’s a lot of misinterpretation what desire actually is, and is not. That desire is something bad or not spiritual. That you have to give up your desires in order to evolve in awareness.

I think of all those mystics that spent a lifetime of celibacy and starvation only to die and realize they could have been enjoying themselves a whole lot more than they did.

Desire is different than compulsion. If you are compulsively pursuing your desires you might be missing actually having what you want.

True desire may not look like it on the surface. You may think you want a relationship, and then compulsively date to get one. Your surface actions to get what you want might be propelling you away from what you truly desire.

Sometimes you have to do the opposite in order to manifest what you desire.

Intimacy, oneness, acknowledgement can’t be found in another person until you’ve awakened them in yourself. Sometimes developing a relationship with yourself, reveling in self care and validation, brings the one who can share it with you.

Some of the most impoverished people I’ve met are the ones compulsively pursuing riches. Which is not to say that rich people aren’t spiritually evolved, because I’ve also seen billionaires who are incredible givers, using their wealth to effect change for the greater good of all.

But money and material goods don’t equate prosperity. When I measure myself against those who seem to have more, I miss recognizing the incredible wealth and well being I do have in my life.

Where is your source? If you think it is something big and powerful and outside of yourself, you may find yourself creating circumstances that make you feel small and powerless. You might be divorcing yourself from your true desires to appease an external “power” that is really a false god.

The source of true desire is Consciousness, and you, at your essence, are Consciousness. When you identify yourself as Consciousness and respond as Consciousness, everything in your reality transforms.

It doesn’t take rituals, it doesn’t take techniques, it just takes a change of focus.

As Consciousness, You easily and effortlessly create exactly what you desire. You may have been trying to attract or create things for years, and when you shift your perspective to that as Consciousness, it shows up in your life in ways beyond your wildest imagination.

Mystic Musings: The New Way To Navigate!

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The New Way To Navigate ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

My brother and I were in the laundry room of his apartment building in Queens, NY. All the washers were full but had finished their cycle. He said to take the wet clothes out of one so we could use it.

“Shouldn’t we wait to see if they come for it?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “It’s the New York way.”

So we did, and actually never saw anyone else in the laundry room during the time we were doing our wash.

It was an unusual experience for me because I’ve not used public laundry facilities for nearly 40 years. I have a different sense of space and ownership.

Their neighbor on their floor is an elderly woman whose television plays 24/7. Right next to my brother’s bedroom. The people upstairs keep unusual hours, you hear their shoes tromping above you at all times of the day and night.

Outside, New Yorkers have no trouble expressing themselves with their car horns and voices. They’ll honk when two cars ahead of them there’s a school bus.

It’s not my way. I don’t know how much of it is growing up in different countries and cultures, lead to my quietly navigating around and through. Or being empathic, I consider others when choosing my own actions.

In highly populated areas there’s a different experience of density and effort. On one hand it’s a mosaic of individuals and their radiant energies. On the other hand it’s a tangled snarl of opposing patterns.

The old paradigm of having boundaries in these circumstances would be to loudly express yourself, to physically dominate your location, to densify your personality to make your presence known.

There’s a different way to navigate all of this from 5D. You can own your space without dominance, without noise. You can be loud, as in joyfully singing your own music into the world. You can be present, and your Presence is inherently noticeable.

You can own your space calmly in the face of others reacting to your changing frequency.

You don’t have to match the energy of the crowd, nor do you need to resist it. You can expand your inner openness. In non-resistance, you let the energy pass through and dissipate.

Even as I know these things, I don’t always practice them perfectly. I’ve gotten angry here at a volume that would be offensive in Seattle and in New York, nobody blinks.  But I’ve also found the most potent way to be Presence on the subway is to smile.

Consciousness is shifting, our frequency is becoming lighter and more expansive. The rules for navigating are different on this level. There’s no clear guide book, as we’re all entering this brave new world somewhat together (and some kicking and screaming).

The old ways are effective in this new reality. We need to upgrade our old techniques, improvise and make stuff up.

New navigation is fun, experiential, done from a sense of play and curiosity. When you start to move through the world in these new ways, your entire life transforms.