Archive for August, 2018

Mystic Musings: The Power of Forgiveness

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The Power of Forgiveness ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Someone told me recently that forgiveness is an act, not a feeling. You can declare forgiveness and deal with the emotions later. I’ve now heard it from two other sources since, which really makes it seem like a comment from the Universe.

You know, forgiveness isn’t saying what they did was right, forgiveness isn’t about them at all, it’s about releasing you from continuing to be injured by them.

Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy says, “You can’t take your baggage with you” into the new Consciousness that’s emerging. Nothing keeps you weighed down like resentments. Nothing keeps you tethered to the past like reliving stories of past injuries done to you.

Forgiveness is releasing negative energy to be recycled into positive energy. When we let go through forgiveness, it can be incredibly uplifting.

I was reflecting on a couple people who infuriate me with their apparent ignorance of their transgressions against me. And yet when I look back on the circumstances, many years ago now, I can see that it was probably a case of miscommunication, of my not being clear enough, or persistent enough, in explaining my situation at the time.

At the risk of being Biblical, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

The Mister Rogers quote showed up on my Facebook timeline this morning as I was contemplating this blog post. “The only thing evil can’t stand is forgiveness,” Fred Rogers said. How profound. It renders evil completely powerless over you, and your mind.

I think of evil as the cesspool created by our collective negative thoughts. It’s actually a morphic field, to me sticky black energy, that seems to have a life of it’s own. I notice people struggling with addictions vulnerable to this energy. Recovery helps them step into the light.

So when you declare forgiveness, it releases you from that dark, painful place that we dwell in when we’re entangled with resentments. When we keep reliving the negative things people said or did to us, we give them tremendous power. Do you really want that? Do you want horrible people to hold power of you? Do you want broken, fallible, dysfunctional, people to keep you from your own happiness?

I think of Consciousness (the Universe, Divine, True Creative Essence, whatever term you choose) as  a great reservoir of love, light, and wisdom. Anything of value, anything that we think we may have lost, actually still exists energetically in Consciousness.

When you forgive, you create space to receive that energy back from Consciousness. You reclaim your power from them, and that black cesspool of unconsciousness.

At some point, in our Consciousness shift, our spiritual evolution, we’ll be in a state of perpetual forgiveness. Our energetic bodies will be at such a high frequency of light that negative energy won’t be able to exist. I notice when I do my Meetups, I end up being at such a space of non-resistance, negative energy passes right through.

If this seems impossibly difficult at the moment, rest assured that you don’t have to instantaneously forgive everyone on your resentment list. You can take baby steps. You can become willing. And, you may need to start with yourself!

Radio Show Podcast 8/29/18 “Our Evolving Containers of Being”

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Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet talk about our evolving containers of Being. Each of us is experiencing evolution in our box of limits that we call “me”. We are all works in progress no matter our level of awareness. Join us to learn what it is like to go beyond into the surprising new you emerging.

Joan’s Blog “Everyone Is Evolving, Some Just Don’t Know It”

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Everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

One of my clients said the other day, “it’s happening to everyone, isn’t it?”. She meant the shift that she is now fully aware that she’s experiencing. And my answer is, yes, everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it.

Everyone is going through this shift in Consciousness. We’re all perceiving it differently. For some folks, it’s exhilarating. For some it’s painful and terrifying.

It looks completely different for everyone. If you have a spiritual practice of any sort, you’ll know *something* is going on. It’s a huge, honking, growth experience. But for others who are used to being in every day reality, it seems like their world falling apart.

Whatever you hold as solid and real is disintegrating. For me it was my energy work, because the unseen was solid and real to me. Everything I’d trained in, everything I’d taught, everything I believed, got turned on it’s ear. My old techniques were like Newtonian Physics, measurable and certain. My new reality was like Quantum Physics, unpredictable and random.

It’s affected people’s personal identity. My husband lost his career in the crash of 2008, but reawakened his spiritual practice. And even that is shifting now in ways he can’t explain.

A loved one, with three Master’s Degrees and in the midst of writing his Ph.D dissertation, just had a stroke. It’s effectively knocking him “off line” for the good part of a year. He’s identified with academia his entire life. And now he’s experiencing something completely different.

Here’s how I see it, from a bigger viewpoint. Consciousness is the greater awareness, the essence of who we each are. It is a higher vibration, a brighter light, coming more into form. It means that we’re each experiencing our essential greater consciousness more in our body than ever before. We’re all becoming more “enlightened”.

When you shine a spotlight inside yourself, it reveals whatever is stuck, dark or dense. Whatever we identify as reality will have that density. Whatever we are attached to or believe that we are, will be a heavier vibration. Whatever lies we hold as truth, will be dark within.

And all of that is disintegrating, as our light shines brighter and brighter.

As that old stuff goes away, we’ll feel expanded. We may notice our external reality being different as well, lighter, and less grounded (because gravity is changing as well).

It’s ultimately a good thing, we’re all becoming more authentically our True Selves. But we’ve been crouched down in distorted perceptions for a long time, so it’s a big adjustment to stand up free and fully ourselves.

It’s an exciting time, from the perspective of Consciousness. And we can have compassion for the other aspects of Consciousness who are having an extremely uncomfortable time.

Breathe and release, as we all contract and expand. And know that all is very, very well.

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: When Life Gives Us Do Overs

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Radio Show Podcast 8/22/18 “Is Life A Slap In The Face Or A Gentle Caress?”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 22, 2018

Is life a slap in the face or a gentle caress of awareness?

Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about how life can seem like a slap in the face or a gentle caress. Depending on how we relate ourselves and others, we can either resist or accept. Join us as we explore as Consciousness our opportunities to feel differently, to think differently, to respond differently.


Mystic Minute YouTube Video: You Have A Body (And Don’t Forget It)!

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Mystic Musings: What’s coming out of the woodwork now?

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What’s coming out of the woodwork now? The pendulum swings in another direction. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I just completed a year of being president of my toastmasters club and I pretty much sucked at it. I’m a reluctant leader. I want everyone to lead themselves.

So I was frustrated when folks stepped up to officer positions with no interest of actually doing the job, they didn’t even read the leadership manual that said what duties were expected. I think of folks like these as ‘seat warmers’. They’re just there occupying space, and in some ways taking a lot of energy as well.

But in a volunteer organization, you can’t expect people to do anything. You can just appreciated the ones who are present and show initiative.

In the world we see everyone is becoming more internally empowered and self governing. That’s what this evolution is about, accessing your own internal power and own internal wisdom and creating your reality from that space, that energy. it’s not about doing it because someone else told you to, or doing it to impress someone else.

At the same time there’s increased networking and interdependency. People are working together for the common good. so when you observe a group of people who are working towards what only benefits themselves, to the detriment of the whole, it’s especially irritating. There’s increased intolerance for those kind of folks.

We’re all in charge of our own reality. We don’t need gurus. We need peers and mentors, people who’ve walked this way to show us options. But we also need space to experiment and try our own ways.

I like coaching and teaching because it empowers people to do it for themselves. Coaching sees you as whole and complete. If you have a dilemma then you have within you the resources to resolve it. As good coach will ask powerful questions that allows you to connect with your inner wisdom and discover what’s right for you.

During the last presidential campaign I observed a lot of low-vibration, dark energy, crawling out of the woodwork. It was coming to the surface to be cleaned and I assumed it would clear by the election. But the infestation was deeper than could be imagined, which is why the clearing process it taking so long.

So now I’m noticing a lot of high-vibration, light energy, emerging. It is fiercely coming forward with truth and integrity.

It’s exciting to see how Consciousness is evolving into form. What isn’t in alignment with it will disintegrate.

If this feels daunting, if this feels scary, just know that’s your body-personality, the part of you that is physical reality and so interprets these changes from a survival level. When you as Consciousness anchor into your body, it calms and reassures it.

Then you can be excited about the changes, and amused by the drama. Then you can enjoy the roller coaster ride called life.

Radio Show Podcast 8/15/18 “Our Identities Are Malleable”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 15, 2018
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about the malleability of our identities. Our identities are always changing. Where we get stuck is when we try to stay the same as we always have been. We’re going through a massive identity shift as we evolve as Consciousness. Stay tuned to learn how to stay centered as reality reorients.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!


Mystic Minute YouTube Video: The Part Of You That’s Really Is Charge

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Mystic Musings: How To Handle All This Darkness

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How to Handle All This Darkness ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Right now we’re in the dark side of the moon, we’re having a new moon eclipse tomorrow. It’s the 3rd of three eclipses that started a month ago. People have been going huge growth spaces. I’m not an astrologer, but I see astrology as an energetic component of the hologram, that is the world we’re creating as Consciousness. It’s like energy weather.  We can use it to our advantage, like wind in our sails.

So eclipses open doors, create sudden new changes, beginnings and endings. But they also ‘eclipse things’, which sometimes means shining light hidden things but also means not everything is fully revealed. Change can be initiated that doesn’t become fully clear for a month to six months.

So we’re going through dark times, some of us are fumbling around, many of us are frustrated that there isn’t enough light yet. Especially those of us who are light bringers and healers, who want to illuminate, enlighten, clear, and restore to wholeness.

I have to confess, I’m still a little afraid of the dark. But that’s because I sense denser energies as I move through it. In my last house, which was built in 1905, I always felt energy just outside the bedroom door (which made it real fun to go to the bathroom at night).

In my current house, which was built in 1956, the family that lived in it 60+ years has had at least two members that have passed. So I’ll feel the presence of one in our hallway (most likely the one who passed most recently). I’ve just learned to walk through it without resisting.

In the old days, I’d do an exorcism. In recent times, I’ve just been navigating around it. But it occurs to me to do a different kind of energy work, a kind of house blessing, which brings it into present time. It gently releases energies absorbed from the past and assists them to their next level of evolution.

And that so ties in with what is going on in the world today. Darkness is coming out of the woodwork, as increasing light of Consciousness is coming into physical form. It feels more intense as it is being seen more clearly.
It feels like historical patterns, that no longer fit in our current state of evolution. It’s bubbling up from our unconscious, and playing out by unconscious people.
When I am in the present moment, the past ceases to exist, it goes away.
You can do this for yourself, very simply, by bringing yourself into Present Time. Bring your focus into the present moment. Imagine bring it back from all other places in that you’ve had your attention on, throughout time and space. What you may notice is sensations within you, and sounds around you, become more acute or clear as you’re fully present to notice them.
You can also do this by creating a focal point of Consciousness within you, wherever you place as your center. This is you bringing your full light into the present moment, which can effortlessly release all non-presences within you.
Do this whenever you think of it, and notice how it changes your perception. It will have a ripple effect out into the rest of your reality as well.
Try this for the next seven days and see what happens!

Radio Show Podcast 8/8/18 “The Value of Slow Progress”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 8, 2018

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about the value of Slow Progress. We’re pretty agitated by all the backsliding going on today. We want to immediately fix, change or improve it. Instead we’re finding “two steps forward, one step back”. Stay tuned to learn, as Consciousness, that there’s value in evolving rather than erupting.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Mystic Minute: Reacting vs. Responding: How To Have A More Empowered Stance

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Mystic Musings: Are You Overwhelmed With What’s Happening In The World Today?

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You’re not alone ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Do you have an intuitive sense of the unseen? Are you highly sensitive to “vibes” in places? Very attuned to the feelings and needs of others?

Growing up, did you feel like the only one in your family that was this way? Perhaps everyone else went into the family business, stayed in their religion, voted in the same political party.

And do you think they love you, but they don’t understand you? They might even sigh and roll their eyes, when you tell them of the exciting new things you’re discovering (if you still even try to talk to them about this stuff). But do you find they cannot imagine why you would have the interests you have or do the things you do?

Does this make you sad, frustrated or even mad at them? Do you wonder how they can lead such screamingly boring lives? Or do you question what’s wrong with you, you don’t know how to live in the world?

Are you especially overwhelmed with all that is going on with the planet today?

Yeah. I understand.

When I was going through my metaphysical training, my father somehow thought I was getting a degree in parapsychology from the University of Washington! I really don’t think they have a parapsychology department. But I did meet someone recently who said that they do have courses in Consciousness, which is really exciting to hear.

You’re not alone in all of this, even if it seems like it. You’re one of the ones that are feeling it first, but it’s happening to everyone around the world.

There are those of us who are on the leading edge, to whom the invisible is more real than the “real world”. We’re adventurers in our souls, even if we don’t have passports. We’re natural light bringers and intuitive healers.

And even as we know, deep within, that we’re going through an awakening, we cannot fathom the darkness that’s crawling out of the woodwork nowadays.

Here’s the other thing I’m noticing – that all of us intuitives, light bringers, healers, adventurers on the leading edge, are going through one, whopping, identity transformation. The ways we’ve done things before aren’t working any more.

You may be an ‘expert’ in your field and have lost all interest in it. You may have had a dedicated practice for 25+ years and yet something is happening with it. You might be questioning your calling or life purpose.

Things feel and look different. Things are different. And it requires a whole new way of navigating.

So now what?

Here’s what I invite you to do, it’s what worked for me when everything fell apart twelve years ago. I had to do the *exact opposite* of everything I’d been rigorously trained in – of everything I’d taught others to do for 25+ years.

We have to unlearn the old in order to come to know the new.

Approach life as an experiment. Try different things with curiosity and wonder.  Try even *not* doing anything and see what happens.

For me, I had to upgrade all my skills and techniques. It was a very difficult time, going from an energy “expert” to needing a ‘beginners mind’ at every moment.

And if you want more support with all of this, check out my summer coaching!

Radio Show Podcast 8/1/18 “Being Gentle With Ourselves In Times of Change”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 1, 2018
Consciousness and Being Gentle With Ourselves In Times of Change

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Being Gentle With Ourselves In Times of Change. We’re in the midst of a huge Consciousness Shift. People are going through enormous upheavals as we’re in the middle of 3 eclipses, and in some ways completely reinventing themselves. Join us to learn how to be easy with yourself as you go through your own transformation.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!