Archive for March, 2018

Mystic Musings: Solidity versus Stability; what is safer during these changing times?

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Solidity versus Stability; what is safer during these changing times? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We’re going through a pretty chaotic time. Monumental changes are happening, faster than ever before. We’re needing to adjust at lightening speed.

It’s daunting and disorienting. How do we feel safe during all this expansion? How do we maintain our equilibrium?

The old or traditional ways of doing this aren’t working any more. In the past, it would be creating or seeking some kind of anchor. That anchor may be in the form of a reliable job, an established belief system such as a religion, or even a persona, like being a “a solid citizen”.

However, solidity is no longer an effective way to to respond to growth. The vibrational frequency of this Consciousness Shift is so high (and increasing exponentially) that trying to anchor into density is about as safe as staying inside a brick building during an earthquake.

Wait, I can hear all your analytical minds buzzing – doesn’t stability equate with solidity? Isn’t it the same thing? Are you stronger when you’re solid?

Not necessarily. When you’re in the amount of expansion we’re experiencing, you need sea legs under you. Trying to stay immovably firm during these energy fluctuations, you’ll topple over.

What’s already happening is, any antiquated concept or tightly held belief within you is disintegrated, like mortar between bricks. Heck, for some people, even the bricks are turning to dust. Or maybe just their brick façades.

What creates stability instead? Think of it like trying to stay upright on a boat in the ocean, or even on a surf board (during some growth periods). Your focus goes inwards, to your core. Your feet may flat on the floor, yet your stance is flexible.

It’s a different way of anchoring, going within, than going down into the planet. It may not seem very stable at first. In fact, it seems the opposite. Yet I’ve found in this new Consciousness, everything is often the opposite of what we were originally taught.

Reality is under renovation right now, it isn’t the most secure anchor point. When you anchor within yourself, you’re accessing your greater aspect of Consciousness. It’s going deeper into the essence of who you really are, rather than the illusion of what is.

We don’t need the old forms of grounding or protection. Protection is often a form of resistance anyway, and resistance magnetically attracts what you don’t want. Consciousness is more powerful than anything. There’s no need for protections in this new world.

When you connect inward to Consciousness, you innately know it’s a benevolent Universe. You innately know that all is very, very well.

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Time and Space Updated

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Radio Show Podcast 3/28/18 “How To Deal With Deniers”

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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Dealing With Deniers. We are collectively waking up to new truths. How do we, who are awakening, deal with folks who are stubbornly denying the changes. This can drive us crazy. Stay tune to learn ways to stay sane amidst the insanity.

Mystic Musings: Self Driving Cars

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Self Driving Cars ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

The other day, someone was telling me how they had been stuck in their schtick. They didn’t like it but they also couldn’t get out of it, until someone helped them dismantle it. Afterwards they felt lighthearted and free.

Google Self Driving Car by Becky Stern

It’s reminiscent of how most people feel, going about their daily lives, feeling dissatisfied, discontent. They know they’re stuck but feel powerless to get unstuck.

Until they experience a shift in Consciousness, and open to a whole new experience of expansion and freedom.

Our bodies are our vehicles on this planet. It’s how we get to experience physical reality, and all the delicious sensations associated with it.

When we’re operating unconsciously, our bodies become self driving cars. They’re moving through their routines, they’re picking up all sorts of impressions and having all sorts of reactions.

If you look around you, and if you look at the news, reality is filled with self driving cars, with very little Consciousness occupying them.

And, at the same time, there’s an increasing amount of Consciousness coming into form nowadays. Which means all those cars are actually experiencing more Consciousness than ever before.

Which is why there seems to be greater collective freedom and empowerment AND greater outrage and atrocities than ever before.

It may seem like self driving cars don’t *want* Consciousness occupying them. They want to keep careening about, smashing into dead ends and each other.

And yet, when Consciousness fully embodies, they calm down, feel happy, feel taken care of.

Self driving cars think they won’t get what they want if they’re not driving themselves.
But what really happens is they get everything they need, and more.

When you start to steer as Consciousness, the journey looks very, very different. Instead of chasing after things that remain forever out of reach, or feel hollow to attain, reality starts to reorganize in your favor. What you want starts to appear in your life, without any effort.

Instead of a winning lotto ticket, you have a prosperous and abundant life. It *feels* like you’ve won the lotto. Instead of the perfect job, you have a rich and rewarding career. Instead of your ideal soul mate, you have fulfilling emotional partnership.

All you have to do is take your vehicle off of autopilot. Shift your perspective from your personality to yourself as Consciousness. Navigating life as your own greater Consciousness is a very subtle, but profound, inner realignment.

When you do this, your life unfolds beyond your mind’s wildest imagination.

Try this for a week and see what happens!

Radio Show Podcast 3/21/18 “Generational Patterns, Pt 2”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Generational Patterns,  Pt. 2. Societies have patterns running through them that stretch back as old as man. They’re invisible to us because they originated sometimes thousands of years ago; we accept them as ‘this is just how it is”. Join us today as to learn ways as Consciousness to easily and effortlessly transform these energies.

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Can You Integrate The Old With The New?

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Radio Show Podcast 3/14/18 “Generational Patterns, Pt. 1 “

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Generational Patterns, Pt. 1 . We all have family patterns running through us that stretch back generations. They’re invisible to us because they originated sometimes hundreds of years ago; we accept them as ‘this is just how it is”. Join us today as to learn ways as Consciousness to easily and effortlessly transform these energies.

Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Seeing Beyond The Labels

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Labeling others limits you as well as them.

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Mystic Musings: Safety And Growth

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Safety And Growth ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

In spiritual classes and groups, it’s important to create a safe place for people to learn and grow. A good teacher or facilitator will hold a space that is clear and grounded or focused, and the group will agree to things like confidentiality and respect.

When these things are established and these requirements are met, a wonderful container is created where people can go deep and evolve and develop in new ways.

Convex Lens by P.C. Anton

Yet, our greatest growth happens when we’re outside of those environments, when we’re in the “real world”, when shit happens and we just have to deal with it. What’s up with that?

And, honestly, when I reflect back on pretty much all of the “spiritual” classes and groups that I’ve ever been involved with, even though there was an intent for it to be a safe place, there were still personalities and patterns going on that weren’t safe in the least!

This is a planet of dichotomy, of polarities, where opposites exist, for every Truth there is a contradiction.

As much as the ideal is for nurturing new beings into bodies or ideas into form, outside reality is tough. Kindergarten can be brutal. Disneyland isn’t necessarily the happiest place.

So then we create external solidity, a “scar tissue”, of personality and concepts, protective identities
that restrict our ability to expand.

Which is why we end up going to spiritual classes, or therapy, or twelve step groups, to help us peel away the layers.

An important part of maturing is to be able to hold an inner space of safety while allowing for evolution and growth.

How do you do that? There isn’t one way. This is a planet of duality, remember. What is right for you at one point may be different later on.

The one constant in all of this is You, the essence of who you really are. The You that came in when your body was born, the You that has been navigating the physical world, the You that is reading this.

As much as you may not know how to do this externally, the inner You absolutely does. The inner You never changes, your experience of yourSelf is what expands as you grow through time and space.

What I do know, is when I navigate from my greater self that I currently call Consciousness, things are much easier. No matter what hardship or difficulty I may be facing, when I operate as Consciousness, the external world reorganizes in my favor. Regardless of how the storyline unfolds, it feels beneficial as Consciousness.

When you shift your perspective from your personality to yourSelf as Consciousness, you gain a feeling sense of how to discern which way to go. If it feels constricted, or distorted, you’re clearly encountering dysfunctional patterns.

If it feels bright or open, it’s clearly Consciousness.

That doesn’t mean, don’t go towards construction or dysfunction, because if you’re a light bringer or a healer, you’re going to want to dive into those situations to bring light to them or help them.

But you can go into them with your own inner clarity and not lose your connection to your essential Self in the process.

When you shift to being Consciousness, the issue of safety disappears. Life becomes one big Improv class, and you have the freedom to experiment with all sorts of different ways to respond.

So play with this, this week, and see what happens!

Radio Show Podcast: Shedding Our Skin, Peeling Away Layers, Awakening From Winter!

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Peeling Away The Layers, Shedding Our Skin, Awakening from our Winter Slumber. As we approach a new season, the energies are accelerating! We’ve outgrown our old identities and are expanding into our authentic selves with more clarity and power. Stay tuned to learn how to be present with what’s happening and enjoy the changes!

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Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Don’t Be Afraid To Dive Deep!

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We all have an unique expression in this world -What is Yours?

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Mystic Musings: Advanced Spiritual Navigation

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Advanced Spiritual Navigation ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

From the standpoint of spiritual development, there’s a lot of exciting stuff going on in the world today. People are accelerating at an amazing rate. Even newbies to the field find it possible go deep in an instant.

There are so many seminars, activations, videos, available to explore. You can practically get a Ph.D in quantum physics watching YouTube!

It’s exhilarating to embark on this journey, to discover that you aren’t your persona or how your family, friends, culture has defined you.

When you awaken, it can also be intense, with so much access to infinite wisdom. All the high vibe “downloads”can be overwhelming.

There’s a pitfall to being a spiritual seeker. Since we don’t feel we have any information on our own, our natural tendency is to look “out there” for the knowledge. And energetically, we go “out there” for the answers. For this reason, there’s a stereotype about spiritual people being flakey or ungrounded.

It’s ironic, because we go “out there” to become more spiritual, but when you die, you discover you were Spirit all along. So a vital part of your spiritual evolution is learning how to bring your awareness *into* your body.

Now there are practices that help do this, such as mindfulness meditations, or yoga. These are very useful in helping you get anchored and connected within your physical form.

But there’s still the inclination to go “out there” for information, to give up seniority to the teacher.

At some point, you have to navigate from your own authority as Consciousness.

I’m not talking about being a hotshot guru, or the next Ted Talks star. That’s an egoic reaction that gets in the way of progressing to this level.

The whole reason for being on this planet is to experience the world as Consciousness in form. People often get to the first part of this, learning to explore reality from within a physical body.

But they miss the second part of this, owning their own authority as Consciousness. That’s the game changer.

It’s like taking never ending dance lessons. At some point you need to leave the classroom and dance. At some point you *are* your own choreographer and director.

Advanced spiritual navigation isn’t being able to transmigrate at will, see auras, or talk to dead people. It’s really very simple, and boils down to two steps:

1. Inhabit your own body.
2. Go where you want to go.

You will find, when you operate as Consciousness, this gets easier and easier. And you discover that all your old desires and goals dissipate. Or effortlessly show up in your life. Reality reorganizes in your favor. It becomes a benevolent universe.

It won’t always be perfect, but you’ll know not to steer from effort or resistance (that takes you towards unconsciousness). Instead you step forward with ease and grace, and watch things unfold more perfectly that you could possibly imagine.