Archive for August, 2017

Radio Show Podcast 8/30/17 Consciousness and No Fault/No Blame

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August 30thConsciousness and the No Fault / No Blame Game

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss how we often look at ourselves and others through the lens of fault or blame. What would a fault free and blameless world be like? Join us as we explore ast Consciousness, new ways of being and seeing.

Mystic Minute: Don’t Resist The Stuff That’s Going On!

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Radio Show Podcast 8/23/2017 “Consciousness And How Big Was This Eclipse?”

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August 23rdConsciousness and How Big Was This Eclipse? Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss why some people are effected by energy events and why some are not. Did you feel the eclipse, or did it just go overhead unnoticed? Tune in to discover why as Consciousness we have different reactions and responses to such natural occurrences in the world.

Mystic Minute: All About Not Resisting!

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Manifesting In The New Consciousness

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Manifesting In The New Consciousness ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I recently created a scenario which seemed to require conscious manifesting. In the old days I would have written about it, vision boarded it, affirmed it, put it in a pink balloon, two pointed to where ever it already exists, and, yes, stepped through doors to parallel universes where it’s already happening.

Because yeah, man, I’m an expert and I already know this stuff.

And I didn’t do any of those things. I created something that afternoon that wasn’t quite the thing. I sat with it, and watched other possibilities unfold. This required interacting with others in my storyline, and dances with relationships.

It was (and is) very interesting to see what is coming into form. And very interesting to see my discomfort with not being entirely in control of the creation.

It’s still not fully in form. The agreements are still being drawn up. And Mercury is going retrograde on Saturday!

But something bigger is unfolding, beyond what I can imagine, and a part of me is excited to be stepping into the unknown, to having something more that what my mind wants to design.

There’s so much potential for drama and disagreements. And yet all that dissipates when I don’t resist what is.

Manifesting in the new Consciousness is the opposite of how it was before. It isn’t about changing, fixing, or manipulating the circumstances. It’s not about claiming power and declaring it to the Universe. It’s not about specifics and time limits.

All of that was Ego/Personality/Mind wanting to control the outcome. The part that is fearful, the part that feels powerless, the part that is based in survival.

Consciousness is creating all of this. You are Consciousness. You’re creating all of this. All possibilities exist within this creation. You are dancing between possibilities.

It’s all good, because as Consciousness, you love your creations, you love your Self that is playing in this field of reality.

Playing this way you totally know it’s a benevolent You-niverse. Wherever you fall, you are being caught.

There are no mistakes, because all possibilities are running simultaneously and you chose this one in the moment. Things can transform themselves, when you play at this level, when you expand to a different outcome.

Manifesting in the new Consciousness is about creating, not control. This is a playground, we are here to create, it’s all about creating and being creative.

As Consciousness you are benignly neutral. There’s no good or bad to what you create. If you manifest disasters, it’s equally as creative as manifesting miracles. If you want to create something different it’s a very subtle shift in direction.

It’s incredibly freeing to let go of control, and to go forward completely improvising as things come up.

Creating as Consciousness allows you to manifest beyond your wildest imagination.


Radio Show Podcast 8/16/2017 Consciousness And Emerging Power Games

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 16thConsciousness and Emerging Power Games. Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss how we are reorienting our understanding of power.  As greater Consciousness comes into form, we’re experiencing a collective upheaval of old paradigms and systems. This reveals old power play patterns and invites new ways to align with ourselves as Consciousness. Join us to discover what true power really is.

Mystic Minute: You Are A Velveteen Rabbit!

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Everyday Time Traveling ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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I’m writing this from a hotel room next to the Yakima River. It’s a scorching day in August, yet the river it running full and strong. I’m not used to rivers, I live in the Puget Sound, which has tides that flow and ebb along the shore.

The river reminds me of our experience of time in this physical reality. Time flows, from past to future. When I meditated on this, while looking at the river, I saw myself standing still, wanting to walk upstream, wanting to let the river take whatever I wanted to release.

It illustrates my resistance to going with the flow. It shows that I’m facing the past (upstream). The current of time is continually moving us forward, down the river. As Consciousness focused into form, we cannot cling to the river bank.

It also illustrates how, in this new reality, everything is the opposite of what is was before. My old focus would have been to stay anchored in one spot, and to release energy that way. When I see myself as Consciousness flowing down the river, I see that past energy is released in every moment. It’s not even an issue. It is gone, and the continuous flow is the present moment.

My body feels unnerved with the prospect of releasing its grip on the bank. It doesn’t feel exhilarated by the flowing water (as it may have when I was younger). It anticipates drowning, which is not fun.

But when I gently cradle it in my loving energy as Consciousness, it allows the flow to happen. I feel the shift in energy. I relax into the continuous change that is always available.

Nothing is truly lost, nothing is really left behind, it is put into it’s proper placement in the storyline, it is stored in the Cosmic Cloud. No one is really gone, nor abandoned, we are all still connected as Consciousness.

Consciousness exists outside of time and space. The flow of time is just one of the elements that construct this reality. It keeps the story moving along, it’s the background music that helps propel our personal game of life.

We are bigger than our story, we are bigger than the river, we are Consciousness that encompasses it all. When you identify as Consciousness within form, this all becomes an enjoyable activity, even if we’ve hit a patch of white water and are rolling over rocks.

When you hold a bigger space in your life, as you effortlessly do as Consciousness, it is easy to cast off the bowlines and go into the current, towards everything you’ve dreamed and desired.


Radio Show Podcast 8/9/2017 “Consciousness And The New Balance”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 9thToday on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss Consciousness and the new Balance. There is a way of leveraging in this new energy, not fighting the wave of change nor reverting to your habitual fallback position. Tune in today to learn to enjoy the ride!


Mystic Minutes: Chakra Upgrades!

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How To Handle The Waves of Change ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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Wow, this is an intense time. So many things are coming at us. We have to handle multiple things at once. There’s no time to rest. There’s certainly no sleep at night!!

Now, some people may find this exhilarating. They may feel on top of their game. Yay, them.

Most folks are finding this challenging and overwhelming. If this is you, even though your circumstances are unique, you’re not alone!

What is happening is that Greater Consciousness is coming into form. This is stirring things up.

This will show up in your life in situations or relationships provoking feelings of conflict, resistance, pain, fear, anger, or just wanting to sleep all day!

How to handle these waves of change?

You can fight it. This might be energizing to some. It may keep them from being paralyzed with fear. It might help them break through to the next experience. Or it might get you more enmeshed in it.

You can pretend it’s not happening. This is a different tactic. Just keep going to work and home and act as if nothing unusual is going on. Fake it ’til you make it. This strategy is useful to some folks, a way to hunker down and get through it. However this can also backfire, the situation can accelerate until you have to pay attention to it!

You can ride with it.  Life is like kayaking, sometimes we hit white water, grab hold of your paddles! This is a great way not to resist and ‘go with the flow’ no matter how fast and rough it may seem.

You can dive through the waves. If you’re standing in the water at the beach and the wave seems too big, just dive through it! You’d be surprised how quick you get to the other side.

Old patterns are breaking down. Situations that don’t serve are either going away or getting worse. It’s an opportunity for you to try something new or different, or put into practice what you already know.

However it’s on the way to getting better. You could come out of this time period completely transformed! Don’t resist the ride.

If you really, really want things to be different, this is your chance to change things! Portals of change are opening and are everywhere. All you have to do stay is stay alert, and step through them!

Radio Show Podcast 8/1/2017 Opportunities, Miracles, Adventures!

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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August 2ndConsciousness and Opportunities, Miracles, Adventures. Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet focus on the accelerating energies driving us forward. Change is happening and sometimes dramatically. Join us as we view as Consciousness the new energies and states of being.


Mystic Minute: Upgrading Your Techniques For This New Reality

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