Mystic Minute: Are We Having An Earthquake??
Radio Show Podcast 12/7: Bubbles, Boundaries and Consciousness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Dec. 7th
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about ‘Bubbles’, ‘Boundaries’, and Consciousness.
When we start to live life from Heart Space, boundaries disappear. The perspective *as* Consciousness is that it’s a benevolent Universe.
Yet there’s a lot of chaos, noise, pain and abuse going on in the world. How do we maintain our clear heart space and yet not be in a privileged ‘bubble’ with those around us that are experiencing a discordant reality?
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Mystic Minute: Who is Your Game’s Programmer?
Is Resistance Futile? ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I woke this morning with the lyrics to “Do You Hear The People Sing” from Les Mis going through my head, and felt it was a commentary on the prevelant feeling throughout the world at this time.
“Do you hear the people sing? It is the song of angry men. It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again…”
People are angry. People are protesting. People are grieving. People are rebelling.
People are being called to action. They are speaking out. They are taking stands.
Aikido July 2002 Chateau de Clairvans, Gerard Blaze et Dominique |
Then I remembered the scene in Les Mis, during the French Revolution, working class people manning the barricades. And they all got shot.
Is resistance futile? Do the big guys always win? Do our votes really count? Are our voices heard?
The energy of resistance usually attracts what you don’t want. What you resist, persists. So from that perspective, resistance is futile. It perpetuates you in the reality that what you’re resisting has power over you, is dominating you.
However, the energy of anger propels you out of the paralysis of fear. So if you are fighting something, that energy gives you the strength to take action and make changes.
The strongest stance, energetically, is non-resistance. That doesn’t mean that you accept the unacceptable. But it means you can’t be bullied or intimidated or triggered by whatever the other side does. You stand in your own power and negativity passes through without sticking.
Some forms of martial arts use non resistance to their advantage. When an opponent attacks, they respond in such a way that uses their energy against them. They step aside and the attacker falls over by their own force.
How can we possibly be non resistant to all the insanity going on right now? Wouldn’t that be staying in our ‘bubble’ of privilege, or being in denial?
Non resistance doesn’t mean not doing anything. It means to respond rather than react. It means standing back from all the noise and make conscious choices before taking action.
You can have strong feelings about things and still respond with non-resistance.
Bullies thrive on victims. Narcissists thrive on attention, even negative attention. Dominators aim to disempower people by getting them riled up and off balance.
We are all more powerful than we know. What is happening on the planet is that greater Consciousness is coming into form. That means your body is able to hold YOU, as Greater Consciousness, more than ever before.
Shift your perspective to your inner Essence and you will regain your balance.
Radio Show, Podcast, Nov. 30th: Claircognizance, the Art of Knowingness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
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Nov. 30
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Claircognizance – the art of Knowingness. As Consciousness we *are* the Cosmic Internet. We have access to all information that’s available inside and outside of human reference. We are aware of much more than what our limited senses tell us. In this time of questionable news and social information, is our ambivalence the key to our inner knowing? Tune in to the show to learn more!
Mystic Minute: You Can’t Take It With You
Blog 11/25: Bringing Light Into Darkness (Now More Than Ever)
Bringing Light Into Darkness (Now more than ever) ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Many years ago, I worked for a small Church. One night I dreamed that I was outside the Church building in the dark, handing out fliers for our classes. Inside the Church, in the brightly lit staff room, was my co-worker, sitting on the floor with two students.
It pretty much sums up my role in life. I never get to be inside the place of light, I’m always outside telling people about it.
Lightbringers are her to bring Light, to carry the message that there is Light, which means we’re always venturing into the darkness.
It happens in relationships, too. They get involved with someone and it’s all hearts and flowers, then dark things come to the surface. It happens in jobs, they start working somewhere and corruption surfaces. Not because they found it, but their higher vibration shines light that makes darkness evident.
Someone emailed me the night of the US election, “where’s my Parallel Universe now???” Because in my Meetups I talk about how we have infinite parallel universes and you can change your present experience at any time by stepping into one where things are unfolding in your favor. It’s as simple as changing lanes on the freeway.
So I’ve been reflecting on why I’m in this universe, which appears really traumatic and suckky for the world, rather than one that’s more fun and empowering for all.
Because I’m a frigging lightbringer and of course I end up in dark places.
My message to everyone is, not just that there is light, but that you ARE light. You *are* the greater light of Consciousness. There is more Consciousness in the world than every before. Our physical bodies are capable of holding a higher vibration now, we can be more embodied as Consciousness.
This is why it seems that there’s greater darkness, because in actuality there’s greater Light. It seems like darkness, unconsciousness, corruption, demagogues, fascists, and dictators are gaining power but those patterns are in the process of dissipating.
Yeah, really?? Or are we heading into another 1930’s with the rise of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Tojo?
It seems that way, and the difference now is that there’s greater Light. We, individually, are more empowered than ever before. And our ability to communicate with each other is better than ever before. Arab Spring was started by a Tunisian street vendor setting himself on fire, but it was spread by Twitter. Which lead to the collapse of long standing dictatorships throughout the Middle East.
We may feel powerless, but we’re not.
We may not all be Lightbringers, blazing trails in the darkness. Our life purpose for some of us may be anchors or stabilizers (creating a container for the new energy to come into form). There are many expressions of Consciousness in this world.
And we are each Light. As we stand in our Light, the world becomes brighter. Darkness disappears in full daylight.
Change can happen quickly nowadays. We can transform reality instantaneously. Let’s do so now, and not wait to create an American Spring.
Now more than ever, your unique Light is needed on the planet. Be authentically yourself. Express your uniqueness into the world.
Your light joins our lights and collectively we accelerate the evolution of Consciousness. Try this for the next 7 days and see what happens.!
Bringing Light Into Darkness (Now more than ever)
Many years ago, I worked for a small Church. One night I dreamed that I was outside the Church building in the dark, handing out fliers for our classes. Inside the Church, in the brightly lit staff room, was my co-worker, sitting on the floor with two students.
It pretty much sums up my role in life. I never get to be inside the place of light, I’m always outside telling people about it.
Lightbringers are her to bring Light, to carry the message that there is Light, which means we’re always venturing into the darkness.
It happens in relationships, too. They get involved with someone and it’s all hearts and flowers, then dark things come to the surface. It happens in jobs, they start working somewhere and corruption surfaces. Not because they found it, but their higher vibration shines light that makes darkness evident.
Someone emailed me the night of the US election, “where’s my Parallel Universe now???” Because in my Meetups I talk about how we have infinite parallel universes and you can change your present experience at any time by stepping into one where things are unfolding in your favor. It’s as simple as changing lanes on the freeway.
So I’ve been reflecting on why I’m in this universe, which appears really traumatic and suckky for the world, rather than one that’s more fun and empowering for all.
Because I’m a frigging lightbringer and of course I end up in dark places.
My message to everyone is, not just that there is light, but that you ARE light. You *are* the greater light of Consciousness. There is more Consciousness in the world than every before. Our physical bodies are capable of holding a higher vibration now, we can be more embodied as Consciousness.
This is why it seems that there’s greater darkness, because in actuality there’s greater Light. It seems like darkness, unconsciousness, corruption, demagogues, fascists, and dictators are gaining power but those patterns are in the process of dissipating.
Yeah, really?? Or are we heading into another 1930’s with the rise of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Tojo?
It seems that way, and the difference now is that there’s greater Light. We, individually, are more empowered than ever before. And our ability to communicate with each other is better than ever before. Arab Spring was started by a Tunisian street vendor setting himself on fire, but it was spread by Twitter. Which lead to the collapse of long standing dictatorships throughout the Middle East.
We may feel powerless, but we’re not.
We may not all be Lightbringers, blazing trails in the darkness. Our life purpose for some of us may be anchors or stabilizers (creating a container for the new energy to come into form). There are many expressions of Consciousness in this world.
And we are each Light. As we stand in our Light, the world becomes brighter. Darkness disappears in full daylight.
Change can happen quickly nowadays. We can transform reality instantaneously. Let’s do so now, and not wait to create an American Spring.
Now more than ever, your unique Light is needed on the planet. Be authentically yourself. Express your uniqueness into the world.
Your light joins our lights and collectively we accelerate the evolution of Consciousness. Try this for the next 7 days and see what happens!
©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Radio Show, Nov. 23rd: 50 Shades of Grief
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
Listen live on your phone: 401 347 0767
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Nov. 23rd
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about 50 Shades of Grief! The world is experiencing grief on a massive scale. We are each grieving loss of identity, and loss of power. We’re feeling generational grief (as if we’re reliving the U.S. Civil War) and gender and familial grief. Joan and Janet explores this complex topic from the greater perspective of Consciousness and offer ways to navigate and nurture through this challenging time for all.
Mystic Minute: How To Have a Bigger Perspective (of all that’s going on)
It’s The End Of The World!
It seems catastrophic. It’s not what’s supposed to be going on. Terrible things are occurring everywhere. I can’t believe this is happening to me.
Sound familiar? Have you been thinking these thoughts? For many people, this is what reality feels like right now.
Crazy things are being reported in the news. It’s confusing. Frightening, even. We’re grieving the loss of what should be. Angry at what is. Scared of what could be.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
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Reckless Company 1904 (Public Domain) |
I don’t like it either. I’m surprised at the weird shift in the time line. The wacky alt-Universe I’ve seemed to have woken up in. My body is resistant to it. I want to change, fix or manipulate it and make it different.
That part of you that feels powerless? That feels like it’s happening to you? That can’t imagine anything good coming out of this?
That’s your body. Your body only knows what it has experienced up until now. Your body sees things in terms of survival. It hasn’t lived the future yet.
When the story line shifts abruptly, it gets really upset. It feels like it’s going to die. It makes up stories based on what it sees or hears. It doesn’t have a the bigger picture.
The Essence of who you are, can see farther along the road ahead, knows there are more possibilities than just calamitous ones. It may even be amused by all of this.
It’s the part of you that is eternal so it’s not fearful it’s going to die. It’s here. To experience physical reality. It knows this is just a game. It finds this fun.
We’re collectively screaming with our hands in the air, forgetting that we’re on a roller coaster (not an airplane).
As Consciousness, you are creating reality moment to moment. A complex and beautiful world. The more Consciousness comes into form, the old, rigid, restrictive beliefs and concepts break down.
Your body may not be dying, but part of your identity might be. A reality you were attached to might have changed. This happens to us throughout our lives, every time we graduated and moved up a grade in school, every time we got into and then out of a relationship, started and changed a job.
This seems to be on a global scale, but what is it in you that is dying? What is it in you that is releasing? What loss is your body mourning?
For me, this past year has resurrected old family patterns that I thought had already died. I’ve been triggered as I see similar behavior played out in the news. I’m surprised to discover how I’m still entangled with them, how I’m still creating my reality through and from them.
If you’re really entrenched in them, these changes can feel seismic. What is your personal earthquake about? Where are you being shaken to your core?
Realize that you don’t have to stay stuck here. It doesn’t have to take years to work through this now.
When we were less Conscious, when we experienced less Consciousness, it took a long time for these things to change. Now they can shift in an instant (or overnight).
The more you operate as Consciousness in the world, the more sudden and unexpected things happen. The cosmic script writer part of you isn’t writing an adaption of War And Peace or Les Miserables. It’s sweeps week and a reality show. Expect plot twists.
If you want to win an Oscar, by all means go for it. Wrestle that bear. As Consciousness you’ll enjoy every minute of it.
If you don’t want Grizzly drool on your costume, shift your perspective to Consciousness’ bigger picture. You’ll see things with joy and wonder, curiosity and amusement. You’ll respond differently.
It’s not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new reality.
©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Mystic Minute: Simple Solution To Anxiety & Depression
Bizarro World ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It has been a strange week. In the US, we had a surprise outcome to the election (although I feel the surprises aren’t done, keep reading for more). Tuesday evening, while the votes were still being tallied, someone emailed me that they were losing their shit. “Where’s my Parallel Universe now?”
Well, the Parallel Universe I’m in feels pretty bizarre.
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Electoral College 1824 by MB298 |
Here’s what I know:
When we begin to live life as Consciousness, weird and inexplicable things start to happen.
As Consciousness, there is no good nor bad. It’s all about experiences.
If you are experiencing negativity or limitation, that is your “player self” (I also call it body /personality).
If you are experiencing infinite possibilities, that it is a benevolent Universe, that’s yourself as Consciousness.
Our “player self” is resistant, rebellious, wants to change, fix or control things. And it can’t, so it feels powerless.
Consciousness is neutral or amused. Consciousness is also playful and curious.
You can create change in this reality *if* you are playful and amused and curious about the outcome. If you are trying hard, using a lot of effort, setting really specific intentions, you may build something that becomes real, but there will be loopholes or something wrong.
Here’s what I’m intuiting:
That there’s a lot that can change between now (November) and the inauguration (January 20th). We aren’t on a predictable path.
As Consciousness increases, it exposes the darkness, so it seems like there’s more of it, but it is in the process of disintegrating.
It’s no use directly fighting (or resisting) the darkness. That’s just shadow boxing. What dissipates the darkness is more light.
Now, Consciousness is continually in motion, and plot changes can happen at any moment.
This morning I was wondering what was going to unfold in the next few months, and I came across a video on the Electoral College, which is the group that actually elects the president. They don’t vote until December. 19th. I posted on Facebook yesterday morning that maybe this is why we feel something is “off” and it hasn’t happened yet.
Two hours later there’s a petition going around to make the Electoral College vote differently.
As I type this, it occurs to me that other things could arise to make this happen. The elected candidate is embroiled in lawsuits. More things could arise to change the outcome.
I remember years ago when someone was re-elected, I thought ‘it has to get worse before it gets better’. And it did. But that pendulum-swinging is an old paradigm cause-and-effect. We’ve shifted into the quantum world of randomness.
Just because we’ve had 8 years of progress doesn’t mean we need to swing back to balance. Anything is possible.
This is happening globally as well. Britain voted for Brexit, with a lot of loud regret after it happened. Their PM resigned and a new one stepped up to accelerate the process. A lawsuit called for it to require a vote by Parliament. So now it may unfold differently.
Here’s what you can do:
Take your focus off the drama, doom and gloom. Bring your attention back into yourself, into your Self as Consciousness.
Shift your awareness to one of curiosity and amusement, like you are viewing this as a reality show (which it is).
If you want to set intentions, do it with open ended statements. “Everything is unfolding in my favor.” “The Truth is coming to light.” “Everyone in my hologram is living happily every after.” (this allows for outcomes beyond your limited imagination).
Then release it, go forward with your day, notice what is different (subtle changes validate that you’ve made the shift as Consciousness and keeps you unfolding in the new direction.
Wouldn’t it be fun if everyone did this?
I’m curious to see what happens.
Limited Time Sessions
Consciousness Sessions With Joan
Due to the global crisis (and Collective Expansion), I am offering a few single sessions per week for a limited time only! Want to schedule a phone or Skype appointment with me? Go here!
Consciousness Sessions
Single shot, one time sessions available for a limited time only. These are designed to enlighten and empower you to a new way of being in the world. Joan provides the “bigger picture” perspective to questions you have about your present life, your future, looks at relationships, work, family, communicates with deceased loved ones. Change can be facilitated by unique and upgraded techniques which Joan has created.
Consciousness Techniques are supported by modern physics, subtle energy physics, and quantum physics. They are and system of healing, self-care and transformation. In order to really understand the magnitude of what is possible with them, you must experience it for yourself. Leading edge consciousness techniques can transform every area of your life! To schedule an appointment, go here!
Due to demand and expediency, only 30 minute long sessions are available. As there is no time or space as Consciousness, a tremendous amount can be done in a short period of time. The session has ‘ripple effects’ beyond the appointment,so you can feel it reverberate into the rest of your life.
$165 for 30 minutes. All sessions by phone and are recorded for you.
Mystic Minute: Investing in *yourSelf*
Radio Show: Nov. 9th “Election Aftermath” as Consciousness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
Listen live on your phone: 401 347 0767
Listen to the PODCAST
Call in to Talk With Us! 1-844-390-8255
Nov. 9th
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Election Aftermath from the perspective of Consciousness. Whew! It’s over, and we’re still here! We’ll look at all that has gone on during the last year, and the fallout from last night, in Heart Space. What is the bigger picture? Why has this all happened? Stay tuned for answers to these questions and more!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
When Reality Breaks Down
When Reality Breaks Down ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
If you look around you, what you see is physical reality. It’s been measured, poked and examined. We see rocks and dirt and trees. We’re told they’re made up of atoms and molecules. Different combinations of molecules make up rocks than dirt, water and air. Fascinating to think that scientists eventually measured something invisible like air, and discovered that oxygen has it’s own form of solidity. Air is thinner in high altitude places.
Barite, photo credit: Strekeisen |
And then we acknowledge emotional patterns, they’ve been measured, poked and examined. We recognize that behavior patterns in families go back seven or ten generations, beyond what most of us know about our genealogy. We think we’re being unique and new and yet on one level we’re just replicating patterns.
Thought patterns have been around for millenia as well. It’s said that there’s never been an original thought. We read ancient philosophers and their comments are surprisingly modern. The mental level is another part of the complicated construct that is the hologram as we know it.
Our beliefs, our concepts, color the way we view reality. We think our religion is the right one until we get to know people that believe something totally different and realize they’re pretty good folk and maybe their soul isn’t going to hell after all. We think our family is one way until a family secret gets exposed and our reality is shattered.
Shattered is a good way to describe what it feels like when your pictures of reality disintegrate. It’s like the scaffolding of your life is withdrawn, and things collapse inside. Anyone who has been through a divorce knows this. Ways you define yourself, your identity, get removed and it is very disorienting.
When you take away those belief constructs, what you have left is physical reality, which is why nature feels so restorative. It simply is. It’s a break from the insane overlay of human dynamic.
We’re starting to experience what’s beyond the invisible, beyond what can be measured and examined. When you bring out the microscopes (or the telescopes) you can’t see it.
It’s been philosophized about, but you can research research all the religions and cultures in history and only get a minute sense of what we’re experiencing today.
We use euphemisms for this, Light and Truth, but words can’t fully explain what is happening.
It’s how an aquarium of fish must feel when a hand reaches in and moves the ornaments about.
Except we’re not fish, although our bodies are. And we’re not separate from the hand. We are the hand.
Consciousness creates reality by focusing. Focusing creates density. There is a spectrum to it, but not the separation we believe. It’s all Consciousness focusing into density.
In density we experience time and space, a historic storyline to our reality. We feel like this has been this way forever. When Consciousness shifts focus, we feel it. Greater Consciousness comes into form and we feel more real. And what’s not real seems to break down and go away.
Hands in the fish tank stir up all sorts of muck and mire, which gets siphoned out to clean up the water.
What’s going on around the world is a kind of rearranging of the fish tank, a siphoning up of the muck and mire that no longer serves us. The untruths that people have clung to as reality.
As Consciousness comes more into form, we sense our unity (because we’re all Consciousness). We also sense our individual power (because as Consciousness we are infinitely powerful). So on one hand we’re experiencing more of a collective connection. We see how we are ‘better together’, how we can help one another. And on the other hand we are rebelling against anything that impedes our personal sense of autonomy. This planet is such a delicious dichotomy!
And anything that is the opposite of Consciousness, dominance vs empowerment, divisiveness instead of individuality, unity instead of identical… is what is going away.
You can sense the difference. Consciousness feels good. It feels expansive. It feels joyous. When you’re operating from Consciousness you feel lighthearted, clear, confident. Unconsciousness feels constricted and limiting, fearful and powerless.
It’s a component of this world that is very evident right now. It is being illuminated as Consciousness comes into form. It’s in the process of being cleared. Our shadows are being exposed but will disappear in full sunlight.
It can be very uncomfortable as the muckiness of humanity comes to light. We think that other aspects of reality will erupt and break down as well. Our bodies aren’t dying but aspects of our egos are.
If you are experiencing any breaking down in any aspects of your life, the discomfort is palpable. It will pass, but it may take time. It will be a relief as the distortion dissipates.
The greater aspect of yourself *is* Consciousness, and that part of You can coax the little you through this.
Be easy with yourself. Implement super self care, doing self comforting things. Take time to step out in nature and just breathe.
This is the darkness just before dawn. We are huddled ‘neath our covers wanting our last bits of sleep. But waking up is a wonderful thing. Come into the sunlight, a joyous world awaits.
Radio Show: Nov. 2, 2016 Beyond the Body Experiences.
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
Listen live on your phone: 401 347 0767
Call in to Talk With Us! 1-844-390-8255
November 2nd
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Consciousness and the Power of Beyond the Body Experiences. Some people gain greater Consciousness with Near Death, some in deep meditation, and others break down and break through into greater knowing during stressful times. Join us as we explore what happens to us when we have these incredible experiences and how we all benefit from them.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Mystic Minute: What’s Happening When You Lose Your Desire?
What is happening when NOTHING is happening?
We’ve all been going through tough times. Growing pains. And for many of us, no matter what we do, we don’t seem to make any progress.
It just feels like one obstacle to surmount after another, and it doesn’t matter what we try, we’re just getting nowhere.
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Field in Raszkow, Poland, photo credit: Jacek Halicki |
Here’s the thing –
We are all Consciousness manifesting into physical bodies. As Consciousness, things are easy and effortless. Our bodies experience density and difficulty.
Now it is possible as Consciousness to instantaneously transform. You can go from being stuck in a traffic jam to whizzing along to your intended destination just be shifting yourself from your current Universe to one where everything is unfolding in your favor.
When you’re creating on a body level, it takes longer. Our bodies exist in time and space, where change is an evolutionary process. You plant seeds, water them, wait for them to sprout.
Nothing is ever not happening, but sometimes it takes a while for change to become evident.
You might be going through soil prep (and experiencing a lot of fertilizer in your life). You may have seeds you’d forgotten you planted, germinating beneath the surface.
Or if you feeling burned out, your field may be laying fallow. You may need a period of rest before your field is ready to plant again.
When you stop doing, you can start being. Creating as Consciousness comes from a state of being.
It’s a completely different approach to manifestation.
It doesn’t mean sitting on your meditation cushion for hours every day chanting yourself into a state of Beingness.
It means stepping into the reality as Consciousness where you already are the changes you want to experience.
There is *a lot* going on in the world right now. People are experiencing extremes – extreme emotions, extreme challenges, and being affected by other people’s extreme stresses. If you’re feeling that right now, do yourself a favor and take a time out.
It may be ten minutes to go outside and walk around the block. It may be turning off your phone or TV – a “media break” for a period of time. If you listen to music, maybe give yourself a period of silence.
You don’t need to be knocked about by external forces. They may be distractions that keep you from focusing within, where real transformation can happen. When you take your focus off the external world and tune into your internal world, that’s where you can experience Yourself as Consciousness.
As Consciousness you know that there is enough, and that you are enough.
Bring your attention back to yourself and you might discover that there’s no need to “do” anything. You can appreciate all that is going on without your efforts. You’ll know, within the fiber of your Being, that all is very, very well.