Mystic Minute: You Don’t Have to Break Out of the Matrix!
Radio Show Podcast 3/15/2017 “Fact, Fiction and Consciousness”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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March 15th
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Enjoying Uncertainty (and Randomness) © 2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Don’t we all love our routines. We want life to be predictable. We find comfort in the familiar. We go to astrologers and psychics to be told our futures, so we can be certain what it coming ahead for us.
Physical reality feels so solid. A mountain is a mountain, it’s going to be there, in the same place, day after day. The sun comes up every morning and it goes down every night.
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“Agua” Photo by Carlos Adampol Galino |
Our bodies feel dense, they move us about our day, they help us be here in the world. We enjoy the world through our body, taste, touch, sight, smell, we savor physical sensations.
We want things to stay the same, be predictable, and at the same time we get bored and want change. Not too much change. Maybe a change of scenery, by going on vacation. Maybe a change of routine by moving to a different dwelling or changing jobs. We like that level of differences.
But something bigger is happening, and it’s throwing us all off. We’ve had previews of this coming up. We’ve had shocking times when a relationship suddenly ends, or we get fired, or some natural disaster upends our lives.
This is different. Reality is speeding up and breaking down. It all looks very solid and real, it still feels very solid and real. And yet, at the same time, it’s malleable.
I’ve noticed this recently with time. I’m very time conscious. I’ll know I have about 5-10 minutes to do something before I need to leave the house. I’ll check my watch, my phone, my laptop, multiple times while I’m finishing my tasks. At the numbers don’t move. It stays 10:45am (or whatever time) until I complete what I need to do.
(That’s actually happening now as I write this).
It’s reflecting in daily life as well.
You’ve noticed times where you’ve had synchronicity, you think of someone and they contact you, you think of something and it manifests. You have a song going through your head and then turn on the TV and it’s playing.
And these things are happening more frequently, and in more extreme or bizarre ways.
Life is becoming more random and it can be uncomfortable.
I see these as reminders that this reality is a hologram, a creation of Consciousness. As we each embody greater consciousness, life becomes less certain but it’s not a bad thing.
It means that life is a game to be experienced and enjoyed. Approach each day with curiosity, and wonder. Respond with playfulness, improvise solutions.
As you start to navigate from this higher perspective, you no longer resist what’s going on in the storyline. Negativity stops being negative, no longer triggers you. In fact, entrenched stories completely transform. That awful boss either quits or becomes angelic, for no apparent reason. Your family no longer irritates you, you find them amusing.
Things aren’t happening to you, and nothing is more powerful than You are.
Relax into this new experience and observe reality reorganizing around you. Things you desperately desired you no longer care about. Situations you struggled to create suddenly happen effortlessly.
Inherently it’s a benevolent Universe. Inherently *you* are Consciousness. At your Essence, or as your Essence, you are creating all of this. And we love our creations. You are creating your Self, and You adore you.
You may be at the tipping point of this realization, afraid to take the plunge.
Come in, the water’s fine.
Radio Show Podcast 3/8/2017 “Is Life A Simulation?”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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March 8th
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss Is Life A Simulation?Scientists are debating whether or not this reality is a ‘simulation’ and are even researching how to break out of it. We discuss this from the perspective of Consciousness! Tune in today to learn how how we can be in this game *and* break out of it’s limitations!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Let It Go, What To Do When Your Identity Dies
Psychic Kindergarten vs. Quantum University ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
My original training in metaphysics was at a mystery school that described itself as a psychic kindergarten. It meant that we learn by doing. Nothing was written down, it was conducted in an oral tradition, classes were experiential.
I always felt that everyone needed that basic training, especially from a young age. How would the world be different if we all learned how to manage our energy as children, connect with our inner wisdom, and the rudiments of manifestation?
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Laurel with a Yoda eyepatch author: https://about.me/melissagutierrez |
I still do feel that way, and there are a lot of people out there teaching these basic principles. This information is easily available to you. In fact, I recommend a couple great books:
Radio Show Podcast 3/1/17 Consciousness and Surrendering To The Sacred
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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March 1st
Mystic Minute: Doing vs. Trying (aka the Yoda way)
How Are You Experiencing The Earth’s Energetic Shifts? ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’ve been tracking shifts in reality for the past decade or so, and it’s fun to see scientific explanations show up in my storyline.
As I started ‘upgrading’ energetically, one of the most disturbing changes was the disappearance of the center of the Earth. I was teaching grounding in a meditation class one day, and went to connect to the Earth’s magnetic core, and it wasn’t there. For me there was just outer space, as if I’d gone straight through the holodeck and outside the Enterprise.
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NASA: Artist’s rendition of Earth’s Magnetic Field |
Grounding had been my foundational technique for thirty years. When I corded the center of the Earth from my root chakra, I would feel gravity increase. It helped me come into my body and feel more present. My body felt more secure when it was connected to the planet. And then it was gone.
Eventually, I adjusted. I came up with other ways to center in the hologram without being tethered to the planet. I discovered how to wirelessly connect into my body and into this physical reality in a way that wasn’t so dense. Instead of feeling increased gravity, I now feel this pleasant sense of buoyancy.
Recently, I taught these techniques to a couple of people and they reported feeling heavier. Hmm. So afterwards I played with using my original techniques again, and it just wasn’t the same. Everything is still lighter, and more diffuse.
Then I came across a YouTube video of Inuit elders talking about changes in their environment, and saying the earth’s axis has tilted. I wondered if this was part of what I’d been sensing.
More research revealed a report from NASA saying that polar shifts are normal, they take place over millions of years. However the shift has sped up in recent years, It is moving faster now, and “scientists estimate the pole is migrating northward about 40 miles per year, as opposed to about 10 miles per year in the early 20th century”.
The Earth wobbles fairly regularly, but another NASA report stated that “around the year 2000, Earth’s spin axis took an abrupt turn toward the east and is now drifting almost twice as fast as before, at a rate of almost 7 inches (17 centimeters) a year.” Which they find “puzzling”.
So, things are speeding up. Magnetic poles are shifting. The planet is responding. Our bodies are responding (since they’re our vehicle in physical reality).
Physical reality looks the same but feels different. There are different ways to balance and center now. Wireless connections, rather than cords, help me energetically center in this reality. Our bodies like feeling connected to the planet, so for some people walking barefoot helps. I don’t like being cold, so for me just walking outside (bundled up against rain and wind) helps.
This hasn’t gotten around to explaining how, as I walk, I notice reality shifting in an out of focus, and how, to me, it I sense moving in and out of parallel universes, but that’s for another article.
We’re Consciousness, experiencing this world of form, and our body is our vehicle. Notice for yourself how you perceive the changes going on, and what your body may find supportive.
Whatever helps your body feel balanced and centered, do it. And you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience. 🙂
Radio Show Podcast 2/22/2017: Indignity and Consciousness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Feb. 22
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Indignity and Consciousness. Everyone is indignant! Whatever side of the coin you are on, our hidden and obvious indignities are present. Consciousness is unfolding and our historic, generational biases of abuse and critical voices are exposed. Tune in today and recognize how this dynamic is affecting you and learn how to join the transformation.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
How To Navigate This Perfect Storm (of a collective growth space)
Mastering the new Consciousness ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Mastering the new Consciousness ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
We have already shifted to a new level of Consciousness, it’s just that not all of our bodies and personalities have come up to speed.
For one thing, reality looks the same. For another thing, reality feels completely different.
And in this new reality, many old paradigms no longer work.
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CCTV lens flare. Photo credit: Hustvedt |
Like when you upgrade your operating system, you have to upgrade much of your software.
In fact, most of the old ways of operating are now defunct. You can’t apply the old rules of power in this new reality. Your energetic engine has changed. Gasoline doesn’t work in your Tesla.
Your ego may value being an expert. It may value being the know it all, having all the answers, being better than and smarter than.
Yet in this new Consciousness, approaching things with a bigger’s mind is far more powerful. All the answers are available to you, you just don’t have to carry it around in your hard drive any more.
Power looks different as Consciousness. It’s inner power. It has clarity and a sense of well being.
There isn’t any competitive energy, because there’s the awareness that *everyone* is whole, capable, and Conscious.
Everyone, at their core, is Consciousness. Everyone is equally powerful. As we each grow in this awareness, there is more interconnectedness. There’s more teamwork. There’s networking. There’s interdependence and independence at the same time.
Having more stuff doesn’t carry any weight in this new awareness. In fact, heaviness has no place here. There’s no density nor effort.
At some point of development, manifestation becomes instantaneous. And, the urge to manifest, the urgency, is gone. It’s all about creativity. This world is a fun playground.
Conscious evolution happens in waves, there’s always individuals on the leading edge, bringing new information into form.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of them. You wouldn’t be drawn to this article if you weren’t.
While the rest are coming up to speed, it may feel lonely at first. It may feel like people don’t understand you or where you are at. That’s just the old patterns playing out, dissipating.
If you notice anything that “makes you feel” frustrated, powerful, reactive, rebellious, resentful, resistant – you are bumping up against old paradigm patterns.
Nothing is more powerful than You. That becomes apparent when you shift your perspective to seeing yourself *as* Consciousness, creating your reality, through this physical form, in this hologram, this game called life on this playground called earth.
You don’t have to go out there to change, fix or manipulate anything. As you navigate as Consciousness, reality starts to reorganize around you.
That doesn’t mean you can’t choose to respond to what is showing up in your reality. Maybe you feel like making a phone call and expressing your views or requesting an action. Maybe you feel like going out to stand or walk with people who share your interests.
But you’re coming from an empowered space, and responding to what is. It feels different to engage in the world this way.
Mastering the new Consciousness means acquiring proficiency with the new skills of navigating reality that is manifesting with a higher vibrational frequency than we’ve ever experienced before.
Really, it’s Consciousness mastering the new physical reality.
We’re going from wading at the bottom of the ocean, where our bodies felt like deep sea divers suits, to not-quite-astronauts in zero gravity on the space station. In zero gravity, force propels things away from you, or you away from what you’re going for. It’s a more subtle way of moving through the world.
As you move through your world this week, notice what is different. Take the time to shift your awareness and view things differently. Make different choices and responses.
Try this for the next seven days, and see how your life transforms!
Radio Show Podcast 2/15/17 Sadness, Grief and Sorrow as Consciousness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Feb. 15
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Sadness, Grief and Sorrow as Consciousness. How important is it to acknowledge these feelings? How can we possibly be happy in such wild and crazy times? Tune in today to learn how!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Mystic Minute: Love and Appreciation – What you’re really seeking
Are You Creating or Destroying? ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
This planet is a playground, an adventure in density and effort. It is here for us to experience physical reality in all it’s glory.
The primary energies at play are creation and destruction.
If you look at nature, you see examples everywhere. Trees fall over in the forest and become hosts for new saplings. Waterfalls erode their rocky beds. Birds spread seeds, bees pollinate plants. And predators cull overpopulated prey.
Destruction is needed in nature. Forest fires release seedlings that otherwise would not grow. Volcanoes spewing lava create new islands. Destruction can actually be very creative.
It’s a fundamental truth that if you want to create something in your life, you have to destroy something.
We have tremendous ethics around destruction. It’s bad. When in reality, what may need to be destroyed in order to create, may be your limiting thinking.
Destruction feels like death, and in some ways it is. It may be death to an aspect of your identity. It may be death to a dream that wasn’t even yours to begin with.
If you want to expand, you have to knock down a few walls.
The energy of destruction need not be violent. And it need not involve other people.
Often when someone wants to expand in their lives, they think they have to destroy their current relationships. They think others are holding them back.
When you release whatever is inside you that is holding you back, often people around you change. You’ve released the limiting pattern and the people in your life transform accordingly.
Sometimes you shift to a new level and friends fade away, with new friends showing up. You don’t need to reject anyone, only those who match your new vibration are in your new reality.
People enmeshed in old paradigm power games don’t understand the gentle grace of Consciousness. Consciousness is bringing expansion, always evolving with benevolent intent.
As greater Consciousness comes into this world, old ways are disintegrating. Those who are strongly identified with dominance and limitation are having a difficult time right now. To them it feels like *they* are dying. They are fearfully trying regain structures that no longer exist, that cannot be held in this new world.
If there is something you’d like to let go of, you don’t have to ‘burn bridges’ or ‘kill your darlings’. Focus on what you’d like instead, and watch your reality reorganize itself to accommodate your new desire.
The new way of Creating as Consciousness is very subtle yet very profound. As you shift your focus, it shifts your energy, and what no longer has your attention will disappear from your reality. And what focus on will manifest.
It doesn’t have to be a perfect vision, in fact it often shows up more quickly when you focus on the feeling. When Creating as Consciousness it’s helpful to have broad intentions.
When you’re overly specific, you’re often resisting what you don’t have. Open-ended requests allow you to create more than you can possible imagine.
Play with this for the next week and see what happens!
Radio Show Podcast: 2/8/17 “Power As Consciousness”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Feb. 8
Mystic Minute: Taking The Story Out of What Is Happening (so you can have more fun)
Creating Moments of Joy ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
When I was caring for my mother who had Alzheimer’s, I got this book called “Creating Moments of Joy”. It specifically focuses on being in the present moment with people with dementia and celebrating whatever happiness you can have, right here and now.
It was an enormous relief not to fight what was happening, but to dance with her memory loss and the resulting behavior as the filters broken down. We savored the moments, sitting in the sunshine and going for drives in the countryside. And monthly field trips to the Kreeger museum that has a special program for people with memory loss and their caregivers. And, a couple times, before it became impossible, an evening at the theatre.
Those moments are highlights over the rest of that time, which was nearly unbearable, it was so painful. Yet when I look back, those are the times I remember the most, more than the others.
It seems to me life is a series of moments of joy, amongst times of challenges.
When we’re little, we flow from one moment to the next. We find joy in dandelions and butterflies. We cry when we scrape our knee. We laugh at silly things.
As we get older we accumulate more ‘scraped knees’, and carry the experiences with us. Rather than picture books of happy times, we’re galleries of war photos.
You can’t move forward, with your evolution as Consciousness, with such density.
In stressful times, you need moments of joy. It’s not being in denial about the awful things going on. It’s coming up for air once in a while.
The worst is coming out of the woodwork right now because we’re in a collective shift to a higher vibration of consciousness. It’s in the process of being cleared, as it’s exposed to more light it cannot fail to disintegrate.
It’s painful to watch. It’s reopening wounds, revisiting past trauma. Which is allowing us to heal our scar tissue. We can get through this by creating moments of joy.
Moments of joy can also redirect you out of misery. It doesn’t take very long to shift longstanding patterns and introduces new experiences of reality. Abraham Hicks says it only takes 17 seconds. You catch your habitual thoughts and redirect them.
When I manifested my now husband, l did this. I realized I’d been driving around thinking of all the terrible relationships I’d had. Which was creating an energetic inventory for the next relationship. So I deliberately focused on the qualities I wanted instead, and he showed up.
By creating joyful moments, you can created more of them. You shift your attention to what you want (without resisting what you don’t want), you bring it into existence.
There will always be things to resist. There will always be pain and unpleasantness. This planet is a dichotomy of beauty and ugliness, a playground of density and effort. We’re here to create, to bring our unique vibrations, to feel the feelings of the physical realm.
What moments of joy can you create today? Be on the lookout for opportunities. As you notice them, more possibilities show up. You’ll gradually rise up out of the current vibratory level to one of more wellbeing. And this has a ripple effect. It assists with the collective evolution. As more of us create moments of joy, the more joyous the world will become.