Archive for May, 2018
Radio Show Podcast 5/30/18 Danielle Egnew “Call To Light”
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May 30th
Today on Conscious Conversations, Janet talks with Danielle Egnew, gifted psychic, musician, actress, and author. Intuitively gifted from a young age, Danielle delivers her vast spiritual knowledge in a direct, disarming and approachable way. Danielle shares her laser clear observances on what’s really going on in the world today on her YouTube channel and her blog, Danielle currently anchors her spiritual practice in Billings, MT, where she lives with her wife and their daughter. She continues to contribute to media abroad. You can find @danielleegnew online: and
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Replay from May 31, 2017
Mystic Musings: You Can’t Game The System
You Can’t Game The System ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It really annoys me when someone says “Make it a great day” – or words to that effect. The more skill I gain from living consciously, the less ability I have to “make” things happen.
And I used to teach people how to create their reality, essentially Law of Attraction before Esther Hicks began channeling Abraham.
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What is *your* inner Napoleon like? |
When you try to make it a great day, it implies that the day needs making great. That the day wasn’t great to begin with. That you need to *do* something to make that day great. Make the day great again.
Someone could argue it’s about making up your mind that the day will be great. That it’s about your mindset. That you can control the day through your thoughts and your actions.
Can’t you feel the energy of force and contraction? That’s the opposite of openness and expansion.
When we try to make something happen from our mind alone, it’s our inner Napoleon trying to control everything. It’s the little will, the personality part of you, that thinks it’s the sole creator of reality.
Basically it takes essential truths and distorts them. Very sneaky.
Because Consciousness creates reality, you as Consciousness create your reality, but you’re not the only expression of Consciousness, you’re the sole expression of You as Consciousness. With full awareness and appreciation of all the other aspects of Consciousness expressing in form as well.
What happens to me is that I go through a shift in Consciousness, I experience expansion in my life, I find myself at a new level of awareness. Things I felt were solid and real collapse or dissipate, techniques I relied upon stop working. I “upgrade” them (each time they become more subtle with more profound – and more unpredictable – results).
And then my inner Napoleon creeps in and tries to game the system. Because I’ve been doing this work for 37 years, and I’m an expert.
But systems don’t work any more, if they ever did. When you try to make reality that way, there will always be a glitch or a loophole. No matter how perfect your mindset or vision board or repetitive affirmations, your 3 D printer will have gravel in it or a software error.
So I hit a plateau, spend time spinning my wheels, shadow boxing Consciousness, until my current version of Napoleon gets exiled to Elba, and expansion mystically and magically begins again.
When I stand perfectly still, everything in this moment is perfect. There is nothing to want or need. This life is amazing, this world is stunningly beautiful. All is as it should be. All is very, very well.
And then I look at Twitter. Or get triggered on Facebook. Propelled somewhere other than Now.
And no, I’m not on my way to India with my mother’s ashes. And no, we don’t own our own home on Vashon Island… and no, not everyone in my life is living happily ever after (in their current form or story line).
This reality is unfolding out of infinite possibilities, beyond our mind’s ability to imagine. As Consciousness you are immensely complex and multifaceted – what gets manifested comes from You as True Creative Essence, You as Highest Source. It’s already perfect and becoming more so in every moment. There is no do or try.
People forget that Abraham-Hicks stresses the Art of Allowing. Allow it a great day.
Radio Show Podcast 5/22/18 “Accepting Help”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Accepting Help. When we get embroiled in our stuff, we feel isolated and alone. In reality, Help is always available. Stay tuned to realize that, as Consciousness, none of us is alone, we are all connected.
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Accessing Unseen Help (For Your Life, Health & Business)
For Your Life, Health and Business
You are not alone! Unseen support is available to help you transform your life, health, and business! Learn to effortlessly connect and receive communication from your ‘invisible friends’!
Additional bonus: If you’ve worked with guides, guardian angels, spirit guides in the past, receive an ‘upgrade’ for more effective interaction in today’s higher frequencies!
Why Access Unseen Help? (actual results)
In Life – support during divorce, achieving ‘bucket list’ life goals, changing careers
In Health – healed dental cavities (!), shrunk tumors, helped with depression
In Business – boosted sales & clients, grew business to million dollar + revenue
Unseen Help can help YOU in any area you want or need!
Joan will be talking about Accessing Unseen Help For Your Life, Health and Business,
phone in to get a reading from her on the air and for a new online course!
WHEN: Tuesday, May 29th, 2:00pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern
WHERE: On line at
Rev. Joan M. Newcomb, CPC is an international Conscious Mastery Coach, Energy Teacher, & Radio Show Host. She’s helped people access the power of their own Inner Wisdom for 30+ yrs.
Mystic Musings: Are You Creating Reality As A Stick Figure?
Are You Experiencing Reality As A Stick Figure? ©2018 Joan Newcomb
How are you experiencing reality? Does it feel very extreme, very black-and-white, intense drama, reactivity? Or do you have breathing space, clarity, balance, choice?
On a walk this week I mused about reality and manifestation. When I’m aligned and connected, my surroundings come into sharp focus. Greens seem greener, trees are more defined. I get the sense of walking through this physical reality and it’s more profoundly ‘real’ but on a multi-dimensional level.
There’s a belief that this reality is a full-immersion video game, that we’re walking around in these meat suits, but we’re making it all up. It goes so far as to imply that others in our reality aren’t real, we created them to be there.
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Are you experiencing your reality as a stick figure? |
As an empath, I had difficulty with this, because I can feel other people’s feelings, even if they’re 3,000 miles away. They are sharing their emotional reality with me, and I know it’s not mine.
Even though I have a higher awareness, I can easily feel entangled in intensity and drama, extreme emotions, if I’m experiencing other’s reality. If I resist it, I get more stuck in it. If I can detach, I can feel compassion for their challenges, and send healing.
But the ‘I create my own reality, and nothing is real, including other people’ didn’t work for me, at least in the cartoonish way it was presented.
It also says that there is no free will, we’re all going along predetermined scripts, so stop trying to change, fix, or control things. This didn’t quite feel true to me, either.
Technology has advanced in the years since I first heard this idea, and we now have on-line gaming and Wii.
And while I’ve been musing, two videos came to my attention. The first one was Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) talking about creationism vs. evolution. Creationism can be very black and white, very limiting. God created everything, God put us here, full stop.
It’s a one dimensional explanation for a multi-dimensional world.
The second video was Neil deGrasse Tyson saying the most astounding fact is that our molecules and atoms are made up of the same elements from the beginning of the Universe.
As I listened to the second video, which really described evolution from the initial creation of the Universe, I realized that it was taking Creationism’s stick figure explanation and giving it width and depth and length.
Sometimes Science, however, leaves out the aspect of Consciousness, which gives their theories color and tone.
When we were collectively operating from a lower level of awareness, we could only understand things from a stick-figure perspective. What was written in ancient texts was complex ideas put forth in a simplistic fashion, much like how you would talk to a child about college level subjects.
‘I created my reality, nothing is real, including other people, there is no free will, it’s all pre-scripted’ is too simplistic as well.
Reality is a complex creation of Consciousness, a game with infinite levels of possibilities. You can play it any way you want. There is free will, just like a Gamer has choices of taking different actions and it changes the outcome of their playing session. There are other Gamers in the equation, which makes the whole experience much more interesting.
It’s not just you in your own studio composing on a synthesizer, but an orchestra of musicians each contributing their piece.
And yet, on a higher level, it is. As Consciousness, you’ve put forth the elements, but you’ve also created individuals to run around and bang their own symbols. You are both Consciousness and the symbol-banger. You are both the Programmer and the Gamer.
However, in your ‘meat-suit’, there’s only so much you can comprehend. The more immersed you are in the denseness of physical reality, the less you can be attuned to the greater world.
In my early metaphysical training, there was distain for intellectualism. In many religious belief systems there’s an aversion to the Mind. It’s true that the intellect/Mind can distance you from spiritual Truth, but it’s the same distortion as *lack* of intelligence saying Creationism is the only reality.
Consciousness in an Intelligence greater than your own brain, greater than your individual mind. It’s the Internet vs. your hard drive. God is not a jealous or limiting or punishing god. God is Consciousness.
And it’s not all just atoms and molecules and fishes with feet. The invisible reality beyond that which is measurable, is Consciousness.
Consciousness brings both dichotomies together. Because Consciousness transcends time and space, so from that perspective you could say there’s no evolution, but only because it’s all happening at once (no time).
If, while you are walking along a street, you could shift your vibration to a lower speed, you could see what occurred on that street in the past. If you could raise your vibration to a higher speed, you could see what will be happening on that same sidewalk in the future.
Your meat suit can’t do that. Your Consciousness can.
But don’t go there (unless you’re on your third espresso of the day). You are Consciousness manifesting in this meat suit for the fun of experiencing this present moment in these parameters of density and effort. When you die, you’ll realize your lifetime only a blink of an eye, that you always are Consciousness. If you spend all your time going outside yourself to feel Spirit, you’ll miss the point of being here.
However, this Reality game is so big, it encompasses every belief and approach. Just as there is no one True religion, nor definition of God, there’s no one right way to live life.
Go ahead an visualize, go ahead and use manifestation techniques. Or let go of creating your reality and go with the script. It’s all valid.
If you choose to be a fundamentalist, that’s the Game you’ll experience. If you choose to be an atheist, that’s the reality you’ll have. From the level of Consciousness, there is no good or bad (ethics only exist in the physical realm).
This week, I invite you to play with whatever works for you. Just being playful can shift you out of extremes and reactivity. Try it for yourself. And see what happens!
[updated from “It’s All Good” published Sept. 2012]
Radio Show Podcast 5/16/2018 “Changing Ways of Seeing”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Changing Ways of Seeing. With the flood of information from social media, we have too much data coming in. Sometimes our brains can’t process it all. If you don’t have any flexibility, you’ll be stuck no matter what evidence is shown you. Tune in today to learn different ways of seeing to discern your Truth from the perspective of Consciousness.
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Radio Show Podcast 5/9/2019 Johanna Derbolowsky, “The Transformation Promise”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! ![](
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This Week on Conscious Conversations our guest is Johanna Derbolowsky, the best-selling author of The Transformation Promise. Johanna is a metaphysical teacher and coach of healing and transformation, including consciousness stem-cell therapy work. Her private sessions are spirit guided and client specific.
In addition to her healing work, she is an ordained minister with the International Metaphysical Ministry, a spiritual counselor, certified Matrix Energetics practitioner, clinical hypnotherapist, and a Reiki master.Johanna has worked for more than 20 years in the field of metaphysics while continuously advancing her studies to best serve her clients. She has a private practice in California and teaches seminars in the U.S. and Europe.
Her website is:
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Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Things That Are Bigger Than We Are
Mystic Musings: Manipulating Reality
Manipulating Reality ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
We all seem to be seeking change. We want aspects of our reality to be different. We try to make this happen, either by asking/invoking something outside of ourselves to do it, or by trying to do it ourselves. We use pure effort, we try strategies, we employ systems, we practice or we pray.
I taught techniques on how to create your reality for many years, which were very effective, until I went through a Consciousness Shift myself and those things stopped working. Then I learned (and developed) different ways to move through life to create different experiences.
And then went through a period of time when I was just responding to what showed up, with no motivation to try to change, fix, or manipulate reality at all.
Once in a while, though, I hit times when I feel highly motivated to pull out the old toolkit. One of those was recently, when there was a child abduction case in our neighborhood. Kids at a playground filmed on their phones an old, white, man in a hat and glasses, tying up a ten year old with duct tape, before putting him in a car and driving away.
When I got home and learned this, helicopters had been flying overhead for a couple hours as the police was searching for this guy.
I picked up different bits of information off of social media, all very disturbing, and at some point I kinesiology tested whether they’d find the kid. I got a yes. And then I tested whether he’d be alive, and I didn’t get a clear answer.
Mind you, I was picking up on *everyone’s* reaction to the photos, which didn’t help my testing.
So I got pissed. I decided that I was going to manipulate the shit out of reality. I drew in an enormous amount of “power” and energetically picked up the man by the neck, and scattered his molecules. I may have threatened him with obliteration if the kid wasn’t released, I can’t quite remember. It was very quick and intuitive. But then I decided that *I* could step into a reality that had a different outcome – and suddenly the energy dissipated. The charge wasn’t there. It was done.
I was still quite shook up about it, so over then next twenty minutes I’d try one thing or another, but it all fell flat.
After that I went back on social media and discovered the police called off the search. The man turned out to be the kid’s grandfather, and the story was that the kid was autistic and running into traffic so he used duct tape to subdue him. (CPS was now investigating).
So who knows what really happened but what I notice for myself is that *I* changed the reality I was experiencing, and then the story about what was happening changed. Even though there are still some shifty details to work out.
But here’s the perspective from Consciousness – we’re all Infinite Beings, including the 10 year old, the grandfather, and me. Myself as Consciousness created a story I became aware of. I created a response to it. I did some actions (or reactions).
The first part – fear, then rage, was *not* myself as Consciousness, but the part of me that was felt the need to draw on power that was outside itself in order to manipulate a story that was also outside of itself.
When the energy changed was me employing an actual Consciousness Technique – stepping myself into a reality with a different outcome.
Because you can’t really change things by manipulating. I mean, you can move stuff around and make it look different, but the same core patterns will keep running, so whatever you want to avoid or fix will keep replicating in whatever you try to replace it with.
Playing in Consciousness is an art, it doesn’t work if you’re try to make it a system. When you’re playing *as* Consciousness, you’re at a level beyond thought, beyond your intellect, your mind machine “GPS”.
Shifting yourself in this way creates results beyond what your mind can imagine.
Try this, this week, and see what happens.
Radio Show Podcast 5/2/2018 Consciousness, Angels And Backup
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations we talk about Consciousness, Angels and Backup. There’s a historic perspective of Angels, but what are they really? We’ve gone through a huge paradigm shift energetically; has it changed our relationship with them? Has it changed them? Tune in to learn how to interact with angelic beings from greater Consciousness.
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