Tag: Power

Unconsciousness Exposed

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Unconsciousness Exposed ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’ve been watching short clips of U.S. Congressional Hearings, where each member has five minutes to ask questions of a person or persons brought before them for different reasons. It’s a fascinating process.
Whether they’re grilling bank CEOs on underpaying their employees, or the Education Secretary’s decision to cut funding for all reading programs from the budget, the member’s questions shine a light on their unconsciousness. It’s a great example of the working of the U.S. government, but it also what is happening as Consciousness on a global level.
There’s a huge wave of resentment towards rich people, specifically billionaires, and it struck me that it’s not because they’re rich, but because they behave unconsciously. How can back CEOs have so much money when a bank teller can’t afford to support her child on her paycheck. How can the Secretary of Education cut reading programs, when the sale of one of her yachts would fund the entire budget.
You could say the wealthier people are, the more unconscious they seem to be, that they are disconnected from the needs of regular people. That’s not a fair generalization, because the are wealthy people doing good things, to help eradicate disease and poverty, around the world.
The current shift in Consciousness is causing a greater light to be shone on unconsciousness. As Consciousness comes into form, it heightens awareness on every level. You can describe it as waking up, because it feels like you’ve come out of a deep sleep, that the sun has risen. In reality Consciousness has always been coming into form, it’s just that our current form can now embody more of Consciousness.
So each one of us is feeling that effervescent life force more acutely within. It is bringing an innate sense of self worth, that who we are is of value, our uniqueness matters. Our voices are being heard.
It’s causing a great reorganization of power. From the old paradigm of dominance and separation, to new new paradigm of cooperation and inclusion. 
It may seem like things are more unfair than ever, that “bad” is triumphing over “good”, but it only looks that way because the lights are on and we’re seeing it more clearly. And there is more good, but bad is just louder. 
Power is not force or dominance. True power is quiet, soft, inner strength, clarity, transparency. 
What’s reorganizing in your life? Where are the lights turning on? Who are you becoming, what is your Essence calling you to express?
When you shine light on unconsciousness, it either wakes up or disappears. Where ever you’ve felt restricted or whatever you’ve felt has been holding you back, it in the process of dissipating. Don’t resist it, and you’ll have the most delicious expansion into a life beyond your wildest imagination!


Mystic Musings: The Power of Forgiveness

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The Power of Forgiveness ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Someone told me recently that forgiveness is an act, not a feeling. You can declare forgiveness and deal with the emotions later. I’ve now heard it from two other sources since, which really makes it seem like a comment from the Universe.

You know, forgiveness isn’t saying what they did was right, forgiveness isn’t about them at all, it’s about releasing you from continuing to be injured by them.

Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy says, “You can’t take your baggage with you” into the new Consciousness that’s emerging. Nothing keeps you weighed down like resentments. Nothing keeps you tethered to the past like reliving stories of past injuries done to you.

Forgiveness is releasing negative energy to be recycled into positive energy. When we let go through forgiveness, it can be incredibly uplifting.

I was reflecting on a couple people who infuriate me with their apparent ignorance of their transgressions against me. And yet when I look back on the circumstances, many years ago now, I can see that it was probably a case of miscommunication, of my not being clear enough, or persistent enough, in explaining my situation at the time.

At the risk of being Biblical, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

The Mister Rogers quote showed up on my Facebook timeline this morning as I was contemplating this blog post. “The only thing evil can’t stand is forgiveness,” Fred Rogers said. How profound. It renders evil completely powerless over you, and your mind.

I think of evil as the cesspool created by our collective negative thoughts. It’s actually a morphic field, to me sticky black energy, that seems to have a life of it’s own. I notice people struggling with addictions vulnerable to this energy. Recovery helps them step into the light.

So when you declare forgiveness, it releases you from that dark, painful place that we dwell in when we’re entangled with resentments. When we keep reliving the negative things people said or did to us, we give them tremendous power. Do you really want that? Do you want horrible people to hold power of you? Do you want broken, fallible, dysfunctional, people to keep you from your own happiness?

I think of Consciousness (the Universe, Divine, True Creative Essence, whatever term you choose) as  a great reservoir of love, light, and wisdom. Anything of value, anything that we think we may have lost, actually still exists energetically in Consciousness.

When you forgive, you create space to receive that energy back from Consciousness. You reclaim your power from them, and that black cesspool of unconsciousness.

At some point, in our Consciousness shift, our spiritual evolution, we’ll be in a state of perpetual forgiveness. Our energetic bodies will be at such a high frequency of light that negative energy won’t be able to exist. I notice when I do my Meetups, I end up being at such a space of non-resistance, negative energy passes right through.

If this seems impossibly difficult at the moment, rest assured that you don’t have to instantaneously forgive everyone on your resentment list. You can take baby steps. You can become willing. And, you may need to start with yourself!

Radio Show Podcast 6/20/2018 “Emergence From Apathy”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific! 
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June 20, 2018

Consciousness and Emergence From Apathy

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about emergence from apathy. We’re collectively numb from emotional roller coaster ride of the last several years. People are waking up to their internal sense of power. The old paradigms of control through fear and dominance are falling as we’re inspired to taking action. Stay tuned to learn how, as Consciousness, the scales are rebalancing.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Radio Show Podcast: 2/8/17 “Power As Consciousness”

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Listen later to TODAY’S PODCAST


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Feb. 8

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Power as Consciousness. We are in the middle of shifting our old paradigm concepts of power and force in politics, religion, finance, gender, etc. Tune in today as we focus on new ways to be free of the labels of the past and embrace being empowered.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!