Tag: Karma

Blog: We All Get Daily “Do-Overs” (and Why there are no ethics as Consciousness)

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We All Get Daily “Do-Overs” (and Why there are no ethics as Consciousness) ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I’m working with several people on reconciling their pasts. They are knee deep in shame and struggle over things they’ve done. The main focus is to shine a light on their side of the street, so they can move forward with no regrets.

Now, as a mystic and Consciousness worker, I have a different perspective on time and space and what happens in our storylines. Yet even though I know we each create our reality as greater Consciousness, and that to Consciousness there is no good or bad, I still struggle with things I haven’t forgiven myself for.

A realization I had today is that we have these different themes running through our lives, different story threads, different recurring energy patterns. When we engage unconsciously, these patterns seem to run us. We do things we may later consider unconscionable when when shine the light of Consciousness on it all.

It’s not useful to berate ourselves or want to punish ourselves to past misdeeds. It just solidifies the pattern we want to unravel. Sometimes there are definite actions we can take to help us release the past. But sometimes we might have already rectified the situations and we haven’t recognized it.

Mind you, Consciousness is infinitely neutral about all of this. When our bodies die, what remains is our greater Consciousness, and there’s none of this leftover residual energy that we’ve made up stories about from a personality level interpretation.

We don’t go to hell, we aren’t trapped in purgatory, our immortal souls are not destroyed by the misdeeds committed while in form. It’s all just absorbed into Consciousness, like falling into an ocean of Love.

It’s hard to comprehend while in form, because this is a world where things are black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. So we will interpret the afterlife with these same assumptions.

When we’re entangled in form, these ethics are all very real. Outside of form, they don’t exist.

That doesn’t mean that it’s ok to run around killing people or ripping them off while you’re in body. Not because it’s bad, but because you’re engaging in unconscious behavior patterns. When you’re operating as Consciousness, you have no interest in playing that way in form.

So how do we reconcile the actions of the past, when we were operating as our body personality egoic patterns, from this new awareness as Consciousness?

It’s simple (as everything as Consciousness is simple). Each day we get a “Daily Do-Over”. We get to be different. Every day is a new reality. Kind of like the movie “Groundhog Day”, except the story moves onward.

We get to be new every morning. We don’t have to behave the way we used to, we don’t have to react to things the way we used to. And even if we are engaging with situations and people from our pasts, we don’t have to be the way that’s projected at us (because there are all sorts of stories out there as well.

As Consciousness, we’re inventing this moment to moment. If past situations arise in the present, they’re opportunities to be different. Each time you are different with past patterns, the energy dissipates until it’s gone completely.

Each time we respond as Consciousness, we embody our greater self more into form, we’re more empowered, clear and confident. And our lives reorganize is miraculous ways.

Try this for the next week and see what happens!

Joan’s Blog: Why There Is No Karma

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Why There Is No Karma ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Humans are always interpreting the world through their linear viewpoint. It’s like fish interpreting the Universe from their underwater perspective.

Physical bodies move through time from birth to death, and we expect spiritual reality to be governed by the same restrictions.

Our personalities have flaws and we make mistakes as we stumble through this life. And Karma assumes that these carry over to the next lifetime. Just as it assumes that such things carry on from previous lifetimes.

From the perspective of Consciousness, this makes no sense. Consciousness does not experience time nor space. To Consciousness, all lifetimes are happening at once. Consciousness is all knowing, all wisdom. There are no progressions, spiritual learning or maturity or development.

The idea of Karma is a distorted interpretation of energetic cause and effect. If you are under water and you wave your hands, there may be a ripple created, but it doesn’t carry up to the air above, and nor does it carry to the next pond (or ocean).

And Consciousness it ultimately neutral. It doesn’t judge things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Everything that happens in the physical, to Consciousness, is beneficial as experience. Pain isn’t good or bad. Destruction is as creative as Construction.

The idea of ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘sin’, etc. is a human distortion. Which doesn’t mean we all can go careening off our life paths and creating rampant chaos in the world. We can, but do we want to?

The Ten Commandments, if you look at them as Consciousness, is man’s interpretation of ways to interact within time and space. These are basic guidelines for navigating on this planet and discerning “mine” from “yours”.

I find when you shift your perception to operating as Consciousness, there’s both a disintegration of boundaries (an awareness that we are One) and clarity of our own definitions (the particular body-personality we’re navigating through at this moment).

And from this perspective, there’s no desire to cross boundaries, destroy other bodies, covet neighbor’s asses, or anything else.

As greater Consciousness comes into form, everything falls into place, everything reorganizes, there’s an innate harmony to everything.

But what about all the bad people out there? What about all the horrible, terrible things they’re doing? Aren’t they going to be punished?

Imagine going high up in the air, what would the news headlines be like from flying in an airplane? The idea of punishment doesn’t make sense from above the clouds.

This planet is a playground, an adventure in density and effort. In Disney World, you wouldn’t punish a Disney character for playing their part in the storyline.

Actually, Consciousness experience with the world is more like viewing it all from the International Space Station.  There’s immense love for all of creation.

As you shift your perception, you experience more neutrality about the stories going on. You have a  appreciation for all aspects of this worldly existence. And, most fun of all, as you realize that *you* are Consciousness, this immense love for all of Your creation.