Tag: Ezine

Contractor Built Houses Aka Manufacturing Without Consciousness

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Contractor Built Houses Aka Manufacturing Without Consciousness ©2019 Joan Newcomb

My husband is an architect, so looking for a place to live with him has always been a different experience. But it’s helped me notice whether a dwelling is designed by an architect or by a contractor.
Contractor built houses are always missing something. There won’t be linen closets. There will be light fixtures at the top of very long stairways – impossible to change without risking your neck. There will be rooms in odd places, stuck off one one side of the house. 
Architect designed houses will have flow, they will have light, there will be more in the design than just what you can stick together with a computer program.
When it comes to manifesting our desires into form, if we’re operating without spirit, what we create will always be missing something. Our minds and our personalities are capable of bringing thought into form. We can do all the Law of Attraction suggestions, we can create vision boards, we can use affirmations, but there will be glitches in the system. Air bubbles in our 3D printed object.
Our higher selves, us as Consciousness,  is the architect. As Consciousness we know more that can possible fit into our brains – our hard drives would crash if we tried to bring it all in! When we manifest as Consciousness, what shows up is bigger than we can imagine. 
“How do I make that happen?” Our mind immediately asks.
Here’s the thing, our minds, our personality, can’t create a formula to make it happen as Consciousness. When it’s happening as Consciousness, there’s no logic to it. There’s no specific timetable. It comes from outside of time and space. It comes from the invisible, it comes from beyond the hologram. That’s incredibly frustrating for our mind machines!
“If I don’t control it, it won’t come out the way I want.” Our mind says.
Consciousness is always coming into form, Consciousness is always manifesting, in fact we slow things down when our minds grab the wheel. We get scared that what is being created isn’t what we want, or will make us feel more limited than what we already are. But limitation is a creation of our mind, personality. 
Immediately my mind starts considering all the problems I have and what I can do to solve them as Consciousness. It doesn’t work that way. It works the other way around.
Start by focusing on Consciousness. Start by tuning into what Consciousness feels like to you. Start identifying *as* Consciousness. This changes the way you operate in the world. It changes the way you interact with others. It changes your perception of your life. 
When you’re manifesting as Consciousness, you’re in agreement with everything that is happening. You feel infinite love for all of creation. 
Then things will begin unfolding in your favor. Your storyline will reorganizing in surprising ways. Living in the mystery won’t be so mystifying. It will be fun and amusing.


Play with this for the next few days and see what happens!

Mystic Musings: In A Holographic Reality, Can You Work With Nature ?

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In a Holographic Reality, Can You Work With Nature? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I’ve recently begun revisiting (and upgrading) my old techniques for working with Nature. I have a coaching client that’s moved to a rural property, and we’re connecting with the devas of the house and land.

It’s a different experience for me since I’ve shifted to 5D reality. Somehow shifting through parallel universes seem incongruous with co-creating with nature. Expanding and contracting time seems contradictory with acknowledging the solstice and equinox cycles.But here’s the thing – everything exists at once, all games exist simultaneously. You can easily shift from one paradigm to the other, if you choose. Yet I know from experience that my old energy techniques don’t work effectively in this new reality. And I don’t really want to feel that level of density and effort again.When I upgrade my old techniques into the present moment, everything shifts and changes. It’s like going from dialup to WiFi.

My old way of working with Nature required a script and flower essences. And a journal, because I’d write down what I perceived that I heard. I’d kinesiology check my answers.Working with Nature from 5D is simple, clear, and easy. It’s intuitive and playful. It doesn’t require elaborate rituals, candles, flower essences, incantations. It’s pure, direct, Consciousness-to-Consciousness communication.

I made a lot of mistakes with my old way of working, as I didn’t know the right questions to ask, or I’d charge off doing it the way I thought was better.
As Consciousness, I’m curious, inquisitive, and improvisational. There aren’t any mistakes. In fact, when my mind doesn’t know what the fuck I’m doing, that’s when the miracle happens.
In my evolution to 5D, I struggled as my old paradigm collapsed, and there was a time that everything felt unreal. It was me as Consciousness but that was it.
The struggle was my body-personality’s. It felt alone. The world was like a movie set.
As more integration happens, I can appreciate more of the nuances that go into making up the physical realm.
Even on a movie set, there are extras and production crew. It’s all Consciousness, but we can enjoy the variety of ways we manifest in form (and in non physical).

You can start by acknowledging the sentience in Nature. Say hello to trees. Notice that they say hello back. Everything has sentience because everything is Consciousness. Your home has sentience.
You can make up your own ways of working with Nature. One of the most potent things you can do it bring your awareness of the surroundings into present time, which releases all past human emotions.
Being in Consciousness is being fully Present, so you can do this instantaneously. It’s not about changing, fixing, or manipulating the surroundings. The power is in changing your awareness.
When you change your awareness, reality changes.
Try this, this week and see what happens!

Mystic Minute: Hover Above The Holidays

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Hover Above The Holidays ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We in a potentially contentious holiday season, with things seeming more inflammatory than usual. What’s the best way to get through them without napalming bridges between family and friends?

When you find yourself at the dinner table with racist and sexist remarks flying, I invite you to take a mental step back and shift your perspective.

You don’t necessarily have to leave the room (although I’ll share a useful technique later that uses that action). Just imagine hovering above the table, like you’re watching a movie.

Because in reality, you *are* watching a movie. When people go unconscious, as they do at the holidays, they start spouting lines and playing roles that don’t reflect who they really are as Essence. You’ll see the worst of Uncle Kevin or your sister, because they’re as triggered as you are in family settings at the holiday. They’re just most used to operating without awareness than you are. (I’m presuming, since you’re reading this).

You are Consciousness, experiencing life in a physical form that has emotions and feels sensations. You are bigger than the story that is happening at the moment.

Your relatives that proudly trace their lineage to Robert E. Lee and spout Faux News headlines, are also Consciousness. As entangled in the story as they seem, they’re more than the characters they’re playing.

Hovering above allows you to detach from the intensity of the scenario. It helps you be able to respond rather than react. You may even discover your heart opening, and find these nut jobs endearing.

When you’re not engaged in reality as it seems to be, you get to experience reality as it really is. You may find yourself having deep insights and revelations, when you’re viewing things from a higher perspective.

Now if the festivities get too much to handle and you want to leave way earlier than it would b socially acceptable to do so (and this works even if you’ve just gotten out of your car and haven’t even gone into the house or restaurant yet), you can play a little game I call Parallel Universes.

As Consciousness, we’re experiencing reality on a multitude of levels, and we’re actually experiencing all possibilities at once. It’s just our body-personalities that feel like they’re going along a linear timeline and being in only one version of reality with a set script and inevitable outcome.

As Consciousness you can shift your storyline by stepping through invisible doors to different ones. Now you aren’t going to step through an invisible door and teleport to a white sand beach in Thailand. But you can step into a different version of a family gathering.

So if it’s about to be World War III at your dinner table, you can get up to go to the restroom or the kitchen and imagine stepping through invisible doors where it’s unfolding differently, where it’s al harmony and love (some open ended intention). Leaving the room you’re actually passing through a portal anyway – every door and archway can be one. And when you walk back in you may find a reality where people are getting along.

This also works if you haven’t even gone into the gathering yet. Stepping through invisible doors from your car to the front door, you can shift being in a different storyline altogether. You can discover an Uncle Kevin (or sister) who’s newly in recovery and not drinking, for instance.

It doesn’t work if you set a specific intention like, they’re not drinking or they’re not racisit anymore because that’s coming from your personality that wants to control. When you step through doors with open ended intentions what results is something your mind can’t preconceive. It’s beyond your wildest imagination.

Go into the holidays with a sense of playful curiosity, what will happen if I do this? I wonder what will it be like if I hover above?

Play with this, and let me know what happens!

Blog: Acceptance Is Not Surrender, Ceding or Giving In

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Acceptance Is Not Surrender, Ceding or Giving In ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

There’s a popular prayer that starts by asking for the serenity to accept the things you cannot change.
It’s a powerful statement. You are accepting what is, but not agreeing to it.

In accepting the situation, you are acknowledging the reality of it. You are not in denial that it is happening, you are not avoiding the reality. You are actually standing in your own power, while being powerless over other’s behavior or external circumstances.

Acceptance allows you to take action, to respond rather than react. You can make better choices when you’re not reacting.

Glowing Flower with Sunlight, photo credit: Tbala11

Now, there’s also an aspect of Surrender that doesn’t mean ceding your power, or giving in. It means you are not resisting the dominating energy. When you resist, you become rigid, you get stuck. You actually attract what you’re resisting.  In non-resistance, the negative energy passes through. You can weave around it. It dissipates.

A few years ago I was in a situation that was intolerable. I was powerless over the outcome. I was powerless over other people’s behavior.

Others might have said, but you could have talked to them about it. This was your opportunity to speak out.

I did not waste energy fighting it or trying to change them. I placed principles before personalities. I focused on the bigger picture. I remained in integrity with my core values.

I was there to do something no one else could do, I brought my awareness of Consciousness to the situation. What unfolded was greater than what anyone there could acknowledge.

And so it is.

You may be going home for the holidays and dreading becoming enmeshed in the dysfunctional family patterns. You might be avoiding certain relatives because of painful memories.

You could be distracted by the news, by the current insanity in politics. You could be outraged by people’s refusal to be involved, or general unconsciousness.

You cannot change, fix, or manipulate the world outside yourself without getting entangled in it. You can detach, by stepping back emotionally.

You can accept that most people aren’t operating at optimal awareness. Most people are playing out invisible programming.

When you can see that and not resist it, you reclaim your energy from it.

You start to see the world through a different lens. You might actually be amused by it.

We have been through dark times before. There is too much light in the world nowadays.

The sun is more powerful than the night.

Stand in your own sunlight, shine in your own truth, and see how that transforms your life!