Tag: devas

Mystic Musings: Working With The Unseen (Old Ways Become New Again)

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Working With The Unseen (Old Ways Become New Again) ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Every couple of years (or faster, it seems nowadays), I go through a consciousness shift, and my techniques go through an “upgrade”. I struggle for a bit, as old ways stop working, until I relax into whatever the new “operating system” appears to be.

Recently, I was on a conference call for a marketing course I’ve been taking, led by Robert Scheinfeld who is the author of “Busting Loose From The Money Game”. When I asked him a question on being frustrated with an aspect of my business, he suggested that I talk to my guides about it.

Now, I thought I’d stopped talking to guides a long time ago. After I’d upgraded them and we stopped having ‘staff meetings’ when they became electrons. My first reaction was, “oh, that’s such ‘old paradigm’!”

Then I realized, I communicate with the unseen all the time, I just don’t slow down enough to put it on paper. What would it be like if I tried “staff meetings” again with the deva of my business? Would it even work?

I decided to try a coning, which is an energy configuration that I used for many years, with great success. It starts by focusing as Consciousness and connecting with the deva of my business (I actually have several businesses, but in this case I just chose an overarching Deva, without specifically defining what it was). And then connecting with Pan as a representative of Nature, the aspect of bringing the devic information into form. And I connect with my ‘team’ which can be any number of unseen helpers (this time I asked for tech help, publicity, copywriting, and some others).

It was really interesting. I never really paid attention to Pan but in this case I got a *very* strong energetic perception of a big, barrel chested and full bearded, seemingly male presence, who *really* wanted me to open a bottle of wine and have some fun. I moved on to brief communication with the Deva and the team, basically me requesting inspiration and information. It ended fairly quickly. I don’t even remember what I wrote. It’s on my iPad somewhere.

But right after that I got a call from a client from nearly 10 years ago requesting an hour long energy healing. I stopped doing them a while ago as my focus has shifted to teaching people to transforming themselves. I’ve also stopped doing hour long calls, when my rates went up. 30 minute calls deliver the same amount of transformation more efficiently. But, what the heck, so I did it.

Including that session, I unexpectedly earned nearly $1000 in the week after I did that first coning.

I’ve had a couple “staff meetings” since then, really disappointed that I’m not sensing Pan the way I originally felt. They’re very brief, and I don’t really recall anything hugely inspirational coming from them.

And then, out of the blue, I got an email inviting me to a telesummit at the end of May. Sure, why not, I thought, I can recycle the offer I used for a telesummit I did last year. But it turns out this telesummit is focusing on Health, Miraculous Healings and Prevention of Diseases, a completely different topic.

Hmm. So then I give the woman in charge who will be interviewing me a sample session and chat briefly about a possible product. And while we talked, something clicked that what I’m offering will be seeds for the next level of my online courses.

See, I’ve been offering the same course for the last two years, primarily as a private coaching package and sometimes to small groups. But I’ve been so busy that when people complete, I haven’t been able to give them something beyond that beginner course.

And here’s the thing – it’s going to be an upgraded version of Accessing Unseen Help in your Life, Health and Business.

So now I’m really excited, busily producing the content for the Telesummit, which will be at a *radically discounted* rate from what the final investment for the full course will be. Stay tuned for details.

And yesterday it hit me. Accessing Unseen Help arose the moment I started doing these staff meetings again.

Ha, ha, ha.

Those guys are so crafty.

Blog: Even In Darkness, There Is Always Light

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©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We just had the Winter Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere the shortest day of the year. It means that now the days will start being longer. I find it ironic that it’s also the coldest time and with the worse weather.

And as I think about it, the Summer Solstice means the days are starting to get shorter, but August always is the warmest month and the evenings seem to go on forever.

This planet is full of dichotomies.

From an external perspective, Winter is when nature seems to go dormant. The ground is hard, trees have gone bare of leaves. And yet, below the surface, nature is very much alive. Seeds are germinating, and animals are hibernating with their young.

On an unseen level, Earth’s architects are planning the future growth cycle. Come the Equinox, these plans will be delivered into form and become physically apparent as the seasons change.

Besides the darkest time of the year, it’s often the most painful. Many people pass during the holidays. I personally think this is because the veil between worlds is thinner.

We go through similar evolutions in our lives, and its feels harder when we cannot see what is coming. We feel like we’re in a time of increasing darkness that is never going to end.

And yet, even in darkness, there is always light. It may be that, with all that is happening, we can’t feel it.

No matter what is going on in your life, whatever is occuring in your storyline, there is always reason to hope.

It does get better.

Above the worst blizzard, the sun is still shining.

Mystic Minute: Accessing Unseen Help (Updated Info)!

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Accessing Unseen Help
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