Radio Show Podcast 10/17/18 “Consciousness And Self Honesty And Accountability”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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October 17, 2018
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Self Honesty and Accountability. As we embody our greater light as Consciousness, we no longer need to hide from ourselves. It might seem daunting to take responsibility for all that we’ve been holding in the shadows. Stay tuned to learn how easy it is to be in integrity when we come from the Grace of Consciousness
Mystic Musings Blog: Beauty Amidst Ugliness
Beauty Amidst Ugliness ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’m currently in Queens, NY. It’s a completely different urban experience than Seattle. The population of the borough of Queens is 2,350,000. The population of Seattle is a little under 705,000.
Besides the density, it’s an area that’s been lived in for a long, long time. There’s dirt, sweltering heat, smells, and… peaks of beauty.
There are little reminders everywhere that beauty exists even in the midst of ugliness. And, as any artist will tell you, there’s beauty in ugliness, too.
We’re seeing different examples of ugliness in the world today, from human behaviors that are unkind or downright evil, to natural disasters intensifying as the climate changes.
It’s easy to get caught up in this reality, feeling swept away by forces that seem more powerful, or out of control.
Yet all of this is a creation of Consciousness, by Consciousness. At your essence, you *are* Consciousness and what you’re experiencing in your reality is created by You.
That doesn’t mean Climate Change is your fault, or that you’re responsible for the shitshow on the news. Or that people are dying because you had negative thoughts.
It means that you’re the composer, conductor, soloist, and lead chair of this orchestra. The music is pretty dramatic and clashing right now. It’s more Wagnerian than Bach. Or maybe in your reality it’s heavy metal.
As Consciousness you delight in all of your creations. Even as it seems frustrating to your body personality aspect. And when you shift your perspective to living life as Consciousness, the surrounding world comes into sharp focus. Colors seem brighter, it feels expansive and effortless.
And on a dingy, graffiti’d street in Flushing, a pink rose will appear to remind you that there is beauty in the midst of ugliness. All of this is indeed a creation of Consciousness.
We’re going through a huge evolutionary shift at this time. Increasing Consciousness is coming into form. We’re able to embody more light than ever before. And as we bring this in, it illuminates the darkness, it reveals where we haven’t dusted, it shows up in our surrounding reality as well.
All the ugliness in the news is a reflection of the darkness that is in the process of dissipating. Shadows go away when light floods in. What we’re seeing collectively is the light of Truth revealing the darkness of lies and distortions. People who’ve lived with those distortions as their reality are experiencing a lot of fear and discomfort.
And within each of us, that which our Light is not in alignment with, is disappearing as well. It can feel like a shock or a loss if you’re strongly attached to those things.
When your relax and allow yourself to operated as Consciousness, everything easily reorganizes in your favor.
Try this, and you’ll discover what manifests is beyond what your mind can possibly imagine.
Radio Show Podcast, 10/10/18 Guest Stefan Charidge, “The Penny Model”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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October 10, 2018
Today on Conscious Conversations,Janet is talking with Stefan Charidge, author, accredited psychotherapist and counselling supervisor. He has been in full time private practice for over fifteen years. His passion is in education and has delivered trainings and talks on various topics including Depression, Anger Management, Gestalt, Architypes and Psychodrama.. He has facilitated within Mankind Project UK https://mankindproject.co.uk/ and the Hampshire community of “A Band of Brothers” www.abandofbrothers.org.uk (Mentoring for young offenders). His recent book is “The Penny Model”, explaining where depression comes from and how to overcome it with the use of metaphorical pennies.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Mystic Musings 10/4 How To Feel More Joyously Expansive Than You Ever Thought Possible
What Are Emotions? A 5D Perspective ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
One of my clients was sharing about her Consciousness shift and it brought into perspective my multileveled awareness of emotions.
At a basic level, emotions are simply a body’s language to communicate to You, Consciousness. It fundamentally expresses itself the same way, and for the same reasons, as it did when it was an infant. Your body cries when it’s tired, hungry, uncomfortable, in pain, frightened, etc. That doesn’t mean you’re crying all the time as an adult, but it’s crying out in some way for your attention.
When we’re paying attention to our body, feeding it right, letting it sleep when it wants to, tending to it’s needs, it’s basically happy. But if we’re off in the future with great potential creations, our body feels abandoned, thinks we’re leaving permanently, it is sure we’re dying. When our attention is on the past, it is a fascinating exploration to Consciousness but the body feels mired in it’s immovability of regret, resentment, mourning, and loss.
That’s at the basic level. The next level is when you take into consideration everyone else’s emotions. As Consciousness we’re all naturally empathic, telepathic, kinesthetic, and/or clairvoyant. So we’ll tune into what others are feeling and think it’s ours. Or even if we can discern it’s someone else’s, it can be hard to detach from it. Other people’s emotions seem to magnify our own.
Old school solutions to these problems were to detach from our own feelings, discipline ourselves not to feel them or ignore them. Many religious practices included denying the body food or comfort as a way to become more spiritual. Which kind of misses the point of being here. What you find out when you die is that you were spirit all along, and your reason for incarnating was to experience being in a physical body.
Being present to the body by being in the present moment, is a more effective way to ‘be more spiritual’. When you’re in present time, that is, your attention is withdrawn from the past or the future, you’re able to fully occupy the body, and then it’s really happy. The heaviness of the past is gone, the uncertainty of the future has disappeared, it knows it’s alive and being taken care of.
We think we don’t like being in present time because it’s too limiting. Our mind, which is our GPS, is programmed to always be going somewhere (and checking past maps for how to get there). But as Consciousness, the present moment is infinitely expansive. True transformation is initiated in the Now.
What I’m finding with my own Consciousness shift, is that my old ways of being in the Now have me tuned into others, and a lot of the time I’m swimming through quite a lot of emotional frequencies. My old ways of detaching seem uncompassionate and incongruent with the increasing interconnectedness that is a result of our collective Evolution that is occurring.
When I play with my Consciousness techniques, everything reorganizes into a completely different experience. It’s like going from old style animation to CGI. I feel like I effortlessly refocus into being more fully embodied and yet extremely clear and alert (without having to spend hours ‘cleaning energy’, ‘getting unstuck’, ‘removing blocks’, etc.).
And it’s not about getting to 5D and staying there. As Consciousness we move between levels without judgment.
What about others in our hologram? What about all the emotions being flung about out there?
This morning I woke extremely early and was instantly aware of a lot of uncomfortable feelings. I felt a lot of grief and physical discomfort. My first thought was that it was me, it’s been a tough week, physically and emotionally. So I stewed in it for awhile, until I became aware that I was feeling others emotions. So I looked at my clock, to figure out time zones, since I have loved ones 3,000 miles away on either side of the globe from me. A little while later it occurred to me that it was actually the people in this apartment I’m in, which should have been obvious but at 3:25am I assumed they were asleep.
So then I used a Consciousness Technique for centering in the hologram, and discovered that all the feelings stopped being in my body and seemed to be in a ball in the center of the room. (This doesn’t really mean anything because as Consciousness there is no time or space, so locations like up, down, in, and out, don’t hold true anymore). And when I created a focal point on that ball, it initially seemed to be less intense. Which gave me the opportunity to start writing this post.
Halfway through, the other inhabitants needed my assistance, and I was able to respond with clarity, amusement, and even affection. When I came back to writing, I noticed the shift of focus yet again.
Now, it’s all a creation of Consciousness, and whatever you’re experiencing is your creation as Consciousness. Even if others are extras in your movie, they’re also expressions of Consciousness moving through your soundstage, so to speak.
I’m not spending time resisting other’s emotions, or trying to get them out of my space. Consciousness is the highest level of non-resistance, of being so open that negative or denser energies pass right through.
I’m also not trying to change, fix or improve others or the situation, unless out of curiosity something spontaneously occurs to me to play with.
It’s a completely different way of navigating reality, beyond our mind’s GPS which wants to take us deeper into the density because that’s all that it knows. And in so doing, to feel more authentic and expansive joy, passion, love, than you ever thought possible.
Mystic Musings 9/28 “Learning To Pivot”
Learning To Pivot ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
This summer we reached a lovely place of stability, after years of striving for it. We created being able to stay where we are for another 14 months. My husband’s work shifted him to a local office, so his commute has gone down from 45-60 minutes to 15. I started on marketing plans for the Fall for my business.
And yet I had this inner sense that I needed to stay flexible. That something was coming up and I needed to be able to pivot in response.
Then, in August, my little brother in New York had a stroke, and I felt called to go out to help. I felt the new reality descend upon me in the week from receiving the news to making the decision to fly there.
I was there for his transition from the hospital acute rehab to a Care center rehab, and then came back to Seattle because I had a booth at an expo, and a doctor’s appointment. I’m returning on Monday to help with his transition from the Care center to his home. His wife works full time in Manhattan, leaving at 5:30am, so I’ll be doing the day shift. He’s still learning to walk with a paralyzed right leg and arm so there will be a lot of on the spot PT and OT helping him get around their apartment, building the strength and coordination needed to be independent.
A key thing I needed to learn was how to transfer him from wheelchair to bed (or regular chair, or anywhere else). I learned how to block his right leg (which could flop open and cause us both to fall), and protect his right arm (which would also fall and inadvertently dislocate his shoulder). And he does the heavy lifting himself. I just grab the back of his pants and he pushes himself up.
But, here’s the thing – he’s got to learn to pivot. He’s got to stand and shift his good leg so he can sit down on the bed (or wherever).
While I’ve been home, I’ve been running scenarios in my head of their apartment, and the kinds of places I’ll need to do this kind of lifting and holding while he turns. Creating a sense within my body of how to stand and move so he can stand and move. And as I write this, I realize that it’s physically symbolic of the energy space I intend to hold as well.
The intent is for him to get stronger, more coordinated, and more independent. I’ve an additional intent for him to regain more use in his limbs as time goes by as well. I may wiggle my nose and blink my eyes occasionally to assist with this process.
The bigger picture of my time with him will be holding space for his enormous “life pivoting”. It’s a “new normal”, discovering new ways of doing things. Along with having to create new neural pathways, as Consciousness, an Infinite being he’s completely redirecting his life in almost every way.
It’ll require being open minded, flexible, curious, experimental, and willing to try new things. And these are the qualities we all need as we shift to our new evolutionary level of Consciousness.
Mystic Musings 9/21 “Our Crazing Is Beautiful”
I came across a word the other day:
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photo credit Lara604 |
And I thought it a great metaphor for what happens to us as we interact with the external world.
You feel crazy when you realize your Truth is different than the stories told you by family and school.
The world looks crazy to you when you stand in integrity with your Truth. You see so many others operating out of alignment with their essential selves as Consciousness.
However, when you look at ceramics, you can see beauty in crazing. Just as uniquely beautiful as the wrinkled face of an older person.
In ceramics, crazing can precede fracture, which can destroy the piece (or transmute it into another art form). Yet crackle glass is highly prized and collectable.
This world is one of polarities and filled with dichotomies. It is a creation of Consciousness to experience the opposite of what Consciousness is, which is unity, joyousness, wisdom, timeless and formless.
It is meant to be an experience of density and effort. And at the same time we can move through the world easily and without resistance, if we maintain our awareness as Consciousness.
When we see our life as Consciousness, we can be amused by the insanity around us. We can fully appreciate being in form and being beyond form at the same time.
As Consciousness we love our body-personality, and we love our life. We play in our storyline with curiosity and wonder.
Shift your perspective to Consciousness, and you’ll see the beauty in your crazing as well.
Radio Show Podcast 10/3/18 “Consciousness And Self Leadership”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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October 3, 2018
Consciousness and Self Leadership
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Self Leadership. We are in a new renaissance of inner sovereignty. We’ve evolved beyond being followers and having gurus tell us what to do. Tune in the learn how to effortlessly turn within for guidance and direction.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Radio Show Podcast 09/26/18 “Consciousness And The Collective Heaviness”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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September 26, 2018
Consciousness and The Collective Heaviness
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about how we are influenced by the Collective Heaviness. We’re not just dealing with our personal growth space, at our heightened sense of awareness (that we’ve evolved to) we tune into what everyone else is bringing up to clear as well. Listen in to learn how to not feed the field but to hold your inner resonance amidst it all
Radio Show Podcast 9/19/18 Dr Mmatheo Motsisi, Odyssey of A Healer
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Sept 19th
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk with, Dr Mmatheo Motsisi, healer, mystic, Ordained Minister and author of Odyssey of A Healer. After extensive training in Integrative Healthcare, Spirituality, Physiotherapy, Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, her passion for natural ways of healing propelled her to study Theology and Alternative / Complementary Medicine with Holos University in Missouri (USA).
Dr Mmatheo Motsisi has travelled extensively participating in Healing Practices & Rituals of Indigenous People of the World in Nepal, India, China, Africa, including the Native Americans in the USA. Dr Mmatheo Motsisi is based on her spiritual journey and the experiences of other healers, she has interacted with during her many travels. It was an intense study that spanned over a period of 10 years. She runs her Holistic Practice located in Johannesburg. She has developed a sympathetic understanding of the needs and problems of those entrusted under her care. Her website iswww.MmatheoMotsisi.com
replay from 9/20/17
Mystic Musings: Pattern Interrupts, Pattern Disrupters
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Photo credit: Scotchbrother1 |
Some people are born pattern interrupters. They come into the world to help move things forward, although it may not seem that way at first. They help disintegrate dysfunctional family patterns, which may not be appreciated by members who created or perpetuate them. They shine a spotlight on that which needs to be changed.
Radio Show Podcast 9/19/18 “The Art of Conscious Listening”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about the Art of Conscious Listening. We each have been inwardly engaged in realizing new facets of our identities. Much that has felt stuck, stalled, rigid, is waiting to shift where we might be resistant or in denial. Join us as we explore as Consciousness, new ways to engage, listen and work with our emerging inner voices.
Mystic Musings: Threads Of Reality
Threads of Reality ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
If you look at your life from an expanded perspective, you’ll see that it’s an interweaving of storylines. I don’t feel that any of these are set in stone, they’re more liquid threads of possibilities that we can engage in. I’m currently engaging with several of these and it’s fascinating to look back to see how they’ve floated into my reality at different points.
It was one of those random kind of thoughts, I don’t know what triggered it. My family isn’t super close. I have two other brothers, one lives in Pennsylvania – I visited them once in 1999. They have three adult children and numerous grandchildren.
My other brother lives near me, we only see each other for funerals and weddings, it seems. He’s married, and he has four adult children and a couple of grandchildren.
My assumption is whatever comes up, for those two guys, the adult children will be able to step into handle things.
But I worried about my little brother, or at least I did at that moment. And our main connection is playing Words With Friends. He was the one who drove down from New York every long weekend between April 2011 when my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when my caregiving journey began in earnest (although in a way, it had begun years before) and January 2013 when she passed. They’d given me much needed breaks. So I felt they were the only ones who’d really pitched in and helped.
And then I forgot about it.
At the beginning of August my little brother abruptly stopped playing Words With Friends. His last move was about August 5th, and our last little side chat on WWF was late July when he complained about the heat in NY and an earache. So I felt something was up. But sometimes they go on trips, and maybe this was one of those times. I posted a note on his Facebook timeline, “Hej, Bro – haven’t seen you on line in a couple days. Has the heat done you in? Hope your ear is feeling better! <3”
A week passed and I sent an email. And a day later heard back from my sister in law, “Matt has had a stroke on the back of his head. They are moving him to rehab next week”.
That was August 16th. And looking at my note on his timeline, it was written on August 11th, which was about the day he went into the hospital.
A series of emails followed to determine if they needed help and even if I’d be welcome to help or if I’d just be in the way. Then the weekend before Labor Day it got affirmed, so I booked a ticket for Sept. 2nd and have been here since.
There are other threads, with friends, clients, other relatives that are weaving into the reality that is unfolding here.
Like my two year cycle with my mother (which was really a 7 year cycle and really a lifetime), this current situation is coming into reality with no clear script of the future.
I’m here, “boots on the ground”, offering assistance and, as I can see, healing in a myriad of ways I could not possibly have imagined.
Now, he’s not dying, so I’m not midwifing him out of body, as I did with my mother. You could say I am midwifing someone into a new phase of their life.
I have no idea what each day will bring, even if there are prewritten scripts, I’ll just show up and improvise.
Regardless of what threads in your life are weaving together, you’re in charge of how you respond or react to them. You can interrupt longstanding patterns by responding differently. And ultimately you’re at choice on whether to engage in any of them.
Radio Show Podcast 9/5/18 Danielle Egnew, ASCENSION TOUR!
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Our guest today is internationally renowned Psychic, Medium and Angelic Channel Danielle Egnew. She’s appeared on ABC, NBC, USA, TNT,and featured in the Washington Post and Huffington Post. Danielle has consulted on a number of television projects including Lifetime’s “America’s Psychic Challenge”, the CW’s hit series “Supernatural”, and the blockbuster film “Man of Steel”. Danielle was named Psychic of the Year by “UFO and Supernatural Magazine”, and has been a presenter and keynote speaker at a number of spiritual and paranormal events. As an author, Danielle’s paranormal book “True Tales of the Truly Weird” debuted in the Amazon Top 20. As a director, Danielle’s paranormal documentary film “Montgomery House: The Perfect Haunting” was lauded as “The Real Paranormal Activity” by Hollywood Today. Danielle is also an accomplished musician, with her album “You’ve Got To Go Back the Way that You Came” winning “Best Country Recording” at the 2017 Native American Music Awards in New York. Danielle is currently embarking on her national Ascension Tour channeling angelic messages live, with her first stop in Portland, OR on Sept. 8th, Boulder Colorado on Sept. 22nd, Minneapolis on October 20th, and more. Tickets are available online at http://www.AscensionTour.com
Mystic Musings: The Power of Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Someone told me recently that forgiveness is an act, not a feeling. You can declare forgiveness and deal with the emotions later. I’ve now heard it from two other sources since, which really makes it seem like a comment from the Universe.
You know, forgiveness isn’t saying what they did was right, forgiveness isn’t about them at all, it’s about releasing you from continuing to be injured by them.
Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy says, “You can’t take your baggage with you” into the new Consciousness that’s emerging. Nothing keeps you weighed down like resentments. Nothing keeps you tethered to the past like reliving stories of past injuries done to you.
Forgiveness is releasing negative energy to be recycled into positive energy. When we let go through forgiveness, it can be incredibly uplifting.
I was reflecting on a couple people who infuriate me with their apparent ignorance of their transgressions against me. And yet when I look back on the circumstances, many years ago now, I can see that it was probably a case of miscommunication, of my not being clear enough, or persistent enough, in explaining my situation at the time.
At the risk of being Biblical, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”
The Mister Rogers quote showed up on my Facebook timeline this morning as I was contemplating this blog post. “The only thing evil can’t stand is forgiveness,” Fred Rogers said. How profound. It renders evil completely powerless over you, and your mind.
I think of evil as the cesspool created by our collective negative thoughts. It’s actually a morphic field, to me sticky black energy, that seems to have a life of it’s own. I notice people struggling with addictions vulnerable to this energy. Recovery helps them step into the light.
So when you declare forgiveness, it releases you from that dark, painful place that we dwell in when we’re entangled with resentments. When we keep reliving the negative things people said or did to us, we give them tremendous power. Do you really want that? Do you want horrible people to hold power of you? Do you want broken, fallible, dysfunctional, people to keep you from your own happiness?
I think of Consciousness (the Universe, Divine, True Creative Essence, whatever term you choose) as a great reservoir of love, light, and wisdom. Anything of value, anything that we think we may have lost, actually still exists energetically in Consciousness.
When you forgive, you create space to receive that energy back from Consciousness. You reclaim your power from them, and that black cesspool of unconsciousness.
At some point, in our Consciousness shift, our spiritual evolution, we’ll be in a state of perpetual forgiveness. Our energetic bodies will be at such a high frequency of light that negative energy won’t be able to exist. I notice when I do my Meetups, I end up being at such a space of non-resistance, negative energy passes right through.
If this seems impossibly difficult at the moment, rest assured that you don’t have to instantaneously forgive everyone on your resentment list. You can take baby steps. You can become willing. And, you may need to start with yourself!
Radio Show Podcast 8/29/18 “Our Evolving Containers of Being”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet talk about our evolving containers of Being. Each of us is experiencing evolution in our box of limits that we call “me”. We are all works in progress no matter our level of awareness. Join us to learn what it is like to go beyond into the surprising new you emerging.
Joan’s Blog “Everyone Is Evolving, Some Just Don’t Know It”
Everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
One of my clients said the other day, “it’s happening to everyone, isn’t it?”. She meant the shift that she is now fully aware that she’s experiencing. And my answer is, yes, everyone is evolving, some just don’t know it.
Everyone is going through this shift in Consciousness. We’re all perceiving it differently. For some folks, it’s exhilarating. For some it’s painful and terrifying.
It looks completely different for everyone. If you have a spiritual practice of any sort, you’ll know *something* is going on. It’s a huge, honking, growth experience. But for others who are used to being in every day reality, it seems like their world falling apart.
Whatever you hold as solid and real is disintegrating. For me it was my energy work, because the unseen was solid and real to me. Everything I’d trained in, everything I’d taught, everything I believed, got turned on it’s ear. My old techniques were like Newtonian Physics, measurable and certain. My new reality was like Quantum Physics, unpredictable and random.
It’s affected people’s personal identity. My husband lost his career in the crash of 2008, but reawakened his spiritual practice. And even that is shifting now in ways he can’t explain.
A loved one, with three Master’s Degrees and in the midst of writing his Ph.D dissertation, just had a stroke. It’s effectively knocking him “off line” for the good part of a year. He’s identified with academia his entire life. And now he’s experiencing something completely different.
Here’s how I see it, from a bigger viewpoint. Consciousness is the greater awareness, the essence of who we each are. It is a higher vibration, a brighter light, coming more into form. It means that we’re each experiencing our essential greater consciousness more in our body than ever before. We’re all becoming more “enlightened”.
When you shine a spotlight inside yourself, it reveals whatever is stuck, dark or dense. Whatever we identify as reality will have that density. Whatever we are attached to or believe that we are, will be a heavier vibration. Whatever lies we hold as truth, will be dark within.
And all of that is disintegrating, as our light shines brighter and brighter.
As that old stuff goes away, we’ll feel expanded. We may notice our external reality being different as well, lighter, and less grounded (because gravity is changing as well).
It’s ultimately a good thing, we’re all becoming more authentically our True Selves. But we’ve been crouched down in distorted perceptions for a long time, so it’s a big adjustment to stand up free and fully ourselves.
It’s an exciting time, from the perspective of Consciousness. And we can have compassion for the other aspects of Consciousness who are having an extremely uncomfortable time.
Breathe and release, as we all contract and expand. And know that all is very, very well.
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: When Life Gives Us Do Overs
Radio Show Podcast 8/22/18 “Is Life A Slap In The Face Or A Gentle Caress?”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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August 22, 2018
Is life a slap in the face or a gentle caress of awareness?
Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about how life can seem like a slap in the face or a gentle caress. Depending on how we relate ourselves and others, we can either resist or accept. Join us as we explore as Consciousness our opportunities to feel differently, to think differently, to respond differently.
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: You Have A Body (And Don’t Forget It)!
Mystic Musings: What’s coming out of the woodwork now?
What’s coming out of the woodwork now? The pendulum swings in another direction. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I just completed a year of being president of my toastmasters club and I pretty much sucked at it. I’m a reluctant leader. I want everyone to lead themselves.
So I was frustrated when folks stepped up to officer positions with no interest of actually doing the job, they didn’t even read the leadership manual that said what duties were expected. I think of folks like these as ‘seat warmers’. They’re just there occupying space, and in some ways taking a lot of energy as well.
But in a volunteer organization, you can’t expect people to do anything. You can just appreciated the ones who are present and show initiative.
In the world we see everyone is becoming more internally empowered and self governing. That’s what this evolution is about, accessing your own internal power and own internal wisdom and creating your reality from that space, that energy. it’s not about doing it because someone else told you to, or doing it to impress someone else.
At the same time there’s increased networking and interdependency. People are working together for the common good. so when you observe a group of people who are working towards what only benefits themselves, to the detriment of the whole, it’s especially irritating. There’s increased intolerance for those kind of folks.
We’re all in charge of our own reality. We don’t need gurus. We need peers and mentors, people who’ve walked this way to show us options. But we also need space to experiment and try our own ways.
I like coaching and teaching because it empowers people to do it for themselves. Coaching sees you as whole and complete. If you have a dilemma then you have within you the resources to resolve it. As good coach will ask powerful questions that allows you to connect with your inner wisdom and discover what’s right for you.
During the last presidential campaign I observed a lot of low-vibration, dark energy, crawling out of the woodwork. It was coming to the surface to be cleaned and I assumed it would clear by the election. But the infestation was deeper than could be imagined, which is why the clearing process it taking so long.
So now I’m noticing a lot of high-vibration, light energy, emerging. It is fiercely coming forward with truth and integrity.
It’s exciting to see how Consciousness is evolving into form. What isn’t in alignment with it will disintegrate.
If this feels daunting, if this feels scary, just know that’s your body-personality, the part of you that is physical reality and so interprets these changes from a survival level. When you as Consciousness anchor into your body, it calms and reassures it.
Then you can be excited about the changes, and amused by the drama. Then you can enjoy the roller coaster ride called life.