Mystic Musings: How Can You Get Ready Before You’re Ready?
How Can You Get Ready Before You’re Ready? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
There some huge energetic changes in store for 2019. How can you get ready for them when you’re still in 2018?
I’m back in the Northwest for a month before returning to Queens, NY to continue helping my brother recover from a stroke.
I’m still decompressing from the intense physical and emotional work I’ve been doing. And yet there are things I need to set in place while I’m here, so that I can continue with my business into the next year.
It may seem counter-intuitive to schedule activities before you feel ready, and yet that’s exactly how you get yourself ready as well.
Think of it as you as Consciousness taking care of your future self.
This can be in tiny ways. When I left my brother’s in New York, I stuffed my purse full of Earl Grey tea bags, only to discover I’d left myself a nearly full box from my previous visit.
It can be in major ways as well. I had a conversation recently with a woman who was struggling with maintaining her career while caring for two elderly parents. She had no children herself and her career not only supported herself, but ensured her retirement (caring for her future self).
In my present frame of mind, I just want to spend the next four weeks in bed drinking earl grey tea and looking at Facebook. And yet as I write that, I feel a stirring of discontent.
Because it’s only my body-personality that wants to stay in bed, that can’t imagine interacting with people because it can’t imagine beyond this present moment.
My mind is a sneaky bugger that also wants to convince me to take no action because, as Consciousness, navigating reality is done improvisationally. Stay in bed, that’s responding to the present moment, it says.
So there’s some truth to not preplanning because it could just be your mind wanting to control your future.
How to stay open to possibilities, and yet also set yourself in motion for them to happen.
This reality is full of polarities. That’s what makes it so delicious.
Consciousness is creating this reality for the joy of having physical experiences. That is all. It doesn’t matter to Consciousness whether those experiences feel good or bad, are long or short in duration. It’s all about the experience. And Consciousness’ impulse is to create, to express itself in form.
When we line up with ourselves as Consciousness, we are in agreement with whatever is happening in the moment. When we make choices and take actions as Consciousness, then the resulting experiences feel fun or pleasant or at the very least “right”.
So as you look towards 2019, you can put things on your calendar, and set things in motion, that you as your 2018 self may not feel ready for. But that you as infinite Consciousness have already embraced.
Try this and see what unfolds for you!
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Shattering Expectations
Want to know more?
Mystic Musings: In A Holographic Reality, Can You Work With Nature ?
In a Holographic Reality, Can You Work With Nature? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
I’ve recently begun revisiting (and upgrading) my old techniques for working with Nature. I have a coaching client that’s moved to a rural property, and we’re connecting with the devas of the house and land.
It’s a different experience for me since I’ve shifted to 5D reality. Somehow shifting through parallel universes seem incongruous with co-creating with nature. Expanding and contracting time seems contradictory with acknowledging the solstice and equinox cycles.But here’s the thing – everything exists at once, all games exist simultaneously. You can easily shift from one paradigm to the other, if you choose. Yet I know from experience that my old energy techniques don’t work effectively in this new reality. And I don’t really want to feel that level of density and effort again.When I upgrade my old techniques into the present moment, everything shifts and changes. It’s like going from dialup to WiFi.
Mystic Minute YouTube Video: Balance In Relationships
Mystic Minute: How Are YOU Navigating?
When Visions (and Intentions) are Limiting ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Today’s a potent new moon, and apparently a great time to set intentions for manifesting by the Full moon. I always feel a sense of conflict nowadays between having a vision for the future and being in the present moment, accepting if not content with what is.
My experience as Consciousness in 5D shows me that being in present time feels expansive and unlimited. There’s no need to set intentions or create a vision for the future because you’re creating everything as Consciousness in the Now and it’s all unfolding in your (and everyone’s) favor.
The part of me that wants to set intentions and have a perfect vision is the part of me that thinks there’s something wrong with what is, and wants to manipulate and control outcomes so the results look just the way they’re ‘supposed’ to.
On the other hand, there is a level of reality that operates like a 3D printer and whatever you think about repetitively shows up in your life. If all you’re focused on is your dismal existence and can’t imagine anything better, you’re going to keep experiencing things dismally.
It doesn’t have anything to do with intentions, but it does have to do with focus. When you’re viewing things through the lens of your mind machine, from the level of thought, everything is going to look like a problem that needs fixing.
When you shift your identification and focus to that as Consciousness, everything is going to look like a fun creation to play in or play with.
As Mind-Body-Personality, you’re a helpless drone in this world is one of density and effort. Your mind can only create in reaction to whatever has already happened.
As Consciousness, you’re a kid in a candy store. When you consider your future as Consciousness, it’s a Disney World of possibilities.
It’s all fun, and play, and choices, and options.
It isn’t a matter of changing your mindset, or raising your awareness. You can easily and effortlessly step through a door to a Parallel Universe where it’s unfolding in your favor. You don’t even have to look for the right door, you don’t need to perform specific rituals, you don’t have to be perfect in any way.
When you do this, it’s infinitely subtle and distinctly profound. And what results is beyond your wildest imagination, something you could never have thought possible.
Mystic Minute: From The World Trade Center
Mystic Musings: Breathing Into Expansion
Breathing Room ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Someone I follow just sent out their newsletter apologizing for “dropping off the face of the earth”. To be honest, I hadn’t noticed. I knew they were moving from a tropical island to a place in Europe where they could ski year round. That alone takes time and energy.
They explained that they needed time to integrate the change, and that they’d dropped everything, even their regular writing, as it was happening. Brilliant.
We need time to reorient within, before looking at our next steps.
This period of time has been relentless with continual transformations. We barely have time to breath before the next adjustment is required of us.
What’s been going on for all of us collectively is huge. Our greater Consciousness is coming more into form. To our body, it feels an enormous expansion.
It may have shown up as really challenging situations that required you to release things, belief systems, and relationships you were very attached to. Anything restrictive may still be in the process of being removed. It may have been very painful. At the very least, it might be an identity shift.
What was going on energetically was an internal renovation. Our old system couldn’t accommodate the increased vibration.
It reminds me of when butterflies emerge from their cocoon. They need to let their wings dry before they fly.
You’ve just gone through this metamorphosis. You have no idea how this new energy body works. Take a moment to feel into it.
Last Wednesday, we aired our last show of Conscious Conversations With Joan and Janet. The contract with the station had come to an end and my current circumstances don’t allow for regularly broadcasting a live show.
Now part of me wants to just jump into podcasting. To fill up that Wednesdays at 11am PT time slot.
Being a radio show host has been a part of my identity since 2009. It’s something everyone understood when they asked me “what do you do”.
What would it be like to not do that? To let there be that space. To see what emerges from the void.
And this blog – I’ve been consistently publishing it and my newsletter for years. What would it be like to skip a week? To go on hiatus?
I’m not sure that’s what I’ll do, but I am noticing the need to allow for something different. To not push forward as the mind, body-personality, wants to do. To navigate intuitively, as Consciousness, and let the next steps emerge.
I’m excited to see what happens!
Radio Show Podcast 11/28/18 “Consciousness And Gentle Completions”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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November 28, 2018
Mystic Minute: Hover Above The Holidays
Hover Above The Holidays ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
We in a potentially contentious holiday season, with things seeming more inflammatory than usual. What’s the best way to get through them without napalming bridges between family and friends?
When you find yourself at the dinner table with racist and sexist remarks flying, I invite you to take a mental step back and shift your perspective.
You don’t necessarily have to leave the room (although I’ll share a useful technique later that uses that action). Just imagine hovering above the table, like you’re watching a movie.
Because in reality, you *are* watching a movie. When people go unconscious, as they do at the holidays, they start spouting lines and playing roles that don’t reflect who they really are as Essence. You’ll see the worst of Uncle Kevin or your sister, because they’re as triggered as you are in family settings at the holiday. They’re just most used to operating without awareness than you are. (I’m presuming, since you’re reading this).
You are Consciousness, experiencing life in a physical form that has emotions and feels sensations. You are bigger than the story that is happening at the moment.
Your relatives that proudly trace their lineage to Robert E. Lee and spout Faux News headlines, are also Consciousness. As entangled in the story as they seem, they’re more than the characters they’re playing.
Hovering above allows you to detach from the intensity of the scenario. It helps you be able to respond rather than react. You may even discover your heart opening, and find these nut jobs endearing.
When you’re not engaged in reality as it seems to be, you get to experience reality as it really is. You may find yourself having deep insights and revelations, when you’re viewing things from a higher perspective.
Now if the festivities get too much to handle and you want to leave way earlier than it would b socially acceptable to do so (and this works even if you’ve just gotten out of your car and haven’t even gone into the house or restaurant yet), you can play a little game I call Parallel Universes.
As Consciousness, we’re experiencing reality on a multitude of levels, and we’re actually experiencing all possibilities at once. It’s just our body-personalities that feel like they’re going along a linear timeline and being in only one version of reality with a set script and inevitable outcome.
As Consciousness you can shift your storyline by stepping through invisible doors to different ones. Now you aren’t going to step through an invisible door and teleport to a white sand beach in Thailand. But you can step into a different version of a family gathering.
So if it’s about to be World War III at your dinner table, you can get up to go to the restroom or the kitchen and imagine stepping through invisible doors where it’s unfolding differently, where it’s al harmony and love (some open ended intention). Leaving the room you’re actually passing through a portal anyway – every door and archway can be one. And when you walk back in you may find a reality where people are getting along.
This also works if you haven’t even gone into the gathering yet. Stepping through invisible doors from your car to the front door, you can shift being in a different storyline altogether. You can discover an Uncle Kevin (or sister) who’s newly in recovery and not drinking, for instance.
It doesn’t work if you set a specific intention like, they’re not drinking or they’re not racisit anymore because that’s coming from your personality that wants to control. When you step through doors with open ended intentions what results is something your mind can’t preconceive. It’s beyond your wildest imagination.
Go into the holidays with a sense of playful curiosity, what will happen if I do this? I wonder what will it be like if I hover above?
Play with this, and let me know what happens!
Radio Show Podcast 11/21/18 Mark Gober, “An End To Upside Down Thinking”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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November 21, 2018
Mystic Musings: Leaning Into Enormous Growth
Leaning In To Enormous Growth ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It’s been an emotional week, in a way that I’ve not been familiar with in a long time. Last Saturday I went to the Bronx and got stuck talking with a crazy lady (nice, but crazy) for 90 minutes. Normally I would have handled this with humor and grace. That day, I felt like running screaming from the room. Then I went to the Whole Foods in Harlem (it seems to be my mission to visit every Whole Foods in New York City) and the population density just tipped me over. I’m not used to not enjoying myself to this extent.
Wow, I said to myself. I’m in a huge growth space.
Six months ago at a Meetup I was leading in Tacoma, we were playing with walking through doors to parallel universes, and I hit this kind of resistance as I stepped through one. I realized I was initiating something momentous. I recall leaning into it and wondering what shift was set in motion at the time.
Of course, this began in August but whatever is going on this week is moving it to a whole new level.
Sunday, my sister-in-law’s 70 year old brother came from Taiwan to help. He’s here until February. All I knew about him was that he became a nurse’s aide when he retired from the army. So we’ve been very excited about his arrival, because he can take over a lot of the physical therapy.
What’s struck me at first is his very kind face. And he’s far more gentle with my brother than I am.
In fact, all of my sister-in-law’s friends and family that have come so far have been extraordinarily kind and gentle. You can tell they genuinely love my brother.
But this guy has been driving me crazy in ways I would normally be able to rise above. There’s a 13 hour time difference between here and Taipei. That’s a lotta days of jet lag. I feel I’ve been enormously rude and petty. But we’ve weathered it so far and yesterday I felt like I’ve broken through some of my stuff. I mean, he cooked my organic onion for his dinner and I didn’t feel ballistic. That’s progress.
There’s a lot of reorganization going on here. Even as I lose physical space, sharing the room with him, I’m gaining time. Now all I have to do is phone calls and paperwork. And I can leave the apartment during the day. Freedom.
My business is shifting, too. I have a two week pause with clients. I feel something else is emerging and I don’t know what it is. I just need to lean into it, and see what I step through to.
Astrologically, this is my natal Jupiter return and the last time this happened was when my work and my world shifted from Newtonian Physics to Quantum Physics. That’s all. I can’t imagine what this year will bring.
But it’s such a time of breaking down, loss of old creations, stepping into new and unfamiliar things every day.
This is happening in different ways to everyone. How are you experiencing it?
What are you losing? What are you gaining?
This week ended with the delivery of a hemi cane. It will help my brother, who’s partially paralyzed on the right side of his body, get out of his wheelchair and walk again. This is a significant step towards independence for him.
And, it snowed.
Radio Show Podcast 11/14/18 Kathryn Hertz and Dona Lipman, BEYOND RESISTANCE
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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November 14, 2018
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk with Kathy Hertz and Donna Lipman, Life strategists. They have an empowering new book just released. “BEYOND RESISTANCE: Coping with the Stress of the Trump Era – An Essential Guide“.
Kathy and Donna will share with us how to know when you’re in a state of overwhelm and when it’s time to call upon self-care tools. Their goal is to help you clarify who you want to be, what you want to do, and how you want to do it.
Mystic Musings: Complexity and Simplicity Coexist Simultaneously
Complexity and Simplicity Coexist Simultaneously ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Watching the results of the 2018 election, which brought a wave of fresh new faces into the political arena. There were many “firsts” elected to Congress and to other places throughout the US. First Native Americans elected. First Muslims. First Openly Gay people. Youngest. Oldest. Scientists. Engineers. In a county in Texas, 19 African American women ran for judgeships, and all of them won.
The results of the 2016 election spurred most of these people to seek political office. In 2016, and in the two years since, it seems like a solidifying of the old, white, male power paradigm. But in reality the opposite is happening.
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Former Congressmen Leave Washington |
I recall from my early metaphysical training that it takes 2 years for stuck energy to manifest (in terms of illness), but I also see a cycle of change that gets initiated and comes to fruition in 2 years as well.
In astrology, Eclipses have an influence of 6 months to 2 years as well, so a shocking, “eclipsian” situation will have resolution or a deeper resonance two years later.
And yet, we’re moving into a 5D reality where these energetic rules no longer apply. Change can happen instantaneously. So why didn’t we reverse the results of the 2016 election faster, with such powerful collective intentions as the Women’s March at play?
Because we’re straddling both worlds. 3D still exists, just as we still enjoy watching black and white movies or old cartoons, even when color and CGI is available to us.
As Consciousness we can morph situations, stretch time, collapse or fold reality. I notice that my body wants to do this from a manipulative place. As body-personality, I want to change, fix, or control what I see happening in the world, what I deem is “wrong”, that I want to make “right”.
As Consciousness, change reorganizes effortlessly. It flows into another state. It disappears and reappears differently. As body-personality, I need to put a lot of effort, blood, sweat, and tears, into making something happen.
From my perspective as Consciousness, complexity and simplicity coexist simultaneously.
In the 3D world, people are inspired to seek office, and there are rules and schedules to be followed to make that happen. Our elections happen every 2-4 years. There are specific positions to run for, that give different amounts of influence. It takes time and space to see the results.
In 5D things happen randomly, without cause or effect or rational explanation. Pretty much everything that our current character in the oval office does or says could be construed as 5D. Things that can’t be said or done, get said or done.
This is happening, with different storylines, to everyone, around the globe. I just read that Brexit (which got initiated approximately 2 years ago, similar timing to the last US presidential election) could be voted on again and possibly reversed.
Consciousness has created a physical reality which is infinitely complex, beyond what we can imagine. Operating as Consciousness in physical form feels very simple, however. As Consciousness, we enjoy everything that is playing out.
So get out the popcorn and watch what unfolds.
Exciting times.
Radio Show Podcast 11/7/18 Election Aftermath 2018
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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November 7, 2018
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Election 2018 Aftermath from the perspective of Consciousness. Whew! It’s over, and we’re still here! We’ll look at all that has gone on during the last two years, and the fallout from last night, in Heart Space. What is the bigger picture? Why has this all happened? Stay tuned for answers to these questions and more!
Mystic Musings: Peeling Away Layers, Releasing Relationships
Peeling Away The Layers and Releasing Relationships ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
The past four or five years, I’ve been focused on creating stability in my life. This has not been easy since my natural tendency is to bring light and light brings change. I grew up moving to different countries every 2-5 years, pulling up roots is second nature to me. Letting them sink deep is not.
I found myself creating groups, joining groups, and forging alliances in a very different way than ever before. I used to always feel on the periphery. I’d contribute, but was always mindful that at some point I’d be leaving. Relationships were lightly held.
There are some relationships I’ve created over the past few years that are draining. I’ve stayed committed to them, even when they take more than they give. At some point, they even stopped driving me crazy. But i didn’t have a reason to end them, even when I wanted to. (Funny to realize that just wanting to was not a strong enough reason).
Now, with my brother’s stroke, my caring for him is taking all my energy. It’s peeling away those relationships. I’m having to let go of anything inauthentic, anything that takes more than gives.
It’s amazing how it’s happening as well. Some are naturally stepping away, some I do have to haltingly put on hiatus, but even as I face this extremely limiting reality (I cannot go anywhere during the week, I have 12 hour days of caregiving and cannot leave the apartment unless there’s someone else to watch him, which most times there is not) it is also extremely freeing. All the responsibilities and obligations from before are released.
I’m not dropping any of these instantly, in certain cases I’m reluctantly letting some go. Even if I’ve been dissatisfied for a long time, there still was an invested interest. And yet it’s releasing all ties.
From one perspective, this seems outside imposed. These circumstances demand it. Like the Universe is making me do this. From another perspective, I’ve created this. As Consciousness, I’ve created this peeling away of layers, this release of whatever does not serve me. When I shift my perspective, I’m in total agreement with all that is going on. Because it’s my creation.
As Consciousness, there’s no need to change, fix, or manipulate anything happening on the outside. Although I have healing techniques that could change my brother’s state, I only use them when circumstances show up. Someone else instructed me to do “Qi Gong massage” on him, which I’m faithfully doing daily, and I feel it naturally shifting to my energy work.
Playing on this level, it’s simply about responding to what is. Navigating differently, making different choices.
There’s no judgement, no blame, no fault, no force. It’s a massive reorganization. Like moving furniture that hasn’t been moved for a while, there’s dust and debris, even lost items revealed.
We’re all going through enormous, evolutionary times. Every single one of us is Consciousness creating our unique storyline. Shift your perspective to Consciousness and you will know that all is very, very well.
Radio Show Podcast 10/31/18 Danielle Egnew, Ascension Tour Continues
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Our guest today is internationally renowned Psychic, Medium and Angelic Channel Danielle Egnew. She’s appeared on ABC, NBC, USA, TNT,and featured in the Washington Post and Huffington Post. Danielle has consulted on a number of television projects including Lifetime’s “America’s Psychic Challenge”, the CW’s hit series “Supernatural”, and the blockbuster film “Man of Steel”. Danielle was named Psychic of the Year by “UFO and Supernatural Magazine”, and has been a presenter and keynote speaker at a number of spiritual and paranormal events. As an author, Danielle’s paranormal book “True Tales of the Truly Weird” debuted in the Amazon Top 20. As a director, Danielle’s paranormal documentary film “Montgomery House: The Perfect Haunting” was lauded as “The Real Paranormal Activity” by Hollywood Today. Danielle is also an accomplished musician, with her album “You’ve Got To Go Back the Way that You Came” winning “Best Country Recording” at the 2017 Native American Music Awards in New York. Danielle is currently on her national Ascension Tour channeling angelic messages live, this Saturday November 3 in Bozeman, MT and November 17 in Reno NV Tickets are available online at http://www.AscensionTour.comonline at http://www.AscensionTour.com
Radio Show Podcast 10/23/18 Why Do “Bad” Things Happen?
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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October 24, 2018
Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about Why “Bad” Things Happen. If we’re all experiencing a Consciousness Shift, why do challenging events still occur? If we’re supposedly so advanced, why are we creating this stuff? Stay tuned to learn about Evolutionary Power at play!
Mystic Musings: What’s The Opposite of Compare And Despair?
What’s The Opposite of Compare and Despair? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
It seems the greatest source of misery is to compare yourself with others. People’s outsides are always going to look better, and you can’t really know their insides.
You’re really comparing your insides to their outsides. You can’t really know your own outside because you’re looking at it from within.
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Stradivarius’ Axelrod Quartet (photo: Mark Pelligrini) |
When we compare ourselves to others, we’re naturally going to despair. But if you had the exact same life as people you envy, you wouldn’t enjoy it, because it wouldn’t be *your* creation. (Clue: if you’re not enjoying your own life, is it because you’ve made it according to someone else’s recipe)?
The best way to stop comparing and despairing is to do the opposite. But what is that?
The opposite of compare is contrast.
The opposite of despair is hope, or joy.
When you revel in your own uniqueness, you experience true joy.
We weren’t mean to be cookie cutter impressions of each other. We’re all meant to be distinct individuals. As a collective, our uniqueness serves to make the world more full and vibrant.
Violas may seem redundant amidst violins and cellos, but an orchestra without violas would be missing specific tones and notes. Violas provide their own special line of harmony.
Contrast is a good thing.
From the perspective of Consciousness, the physical world’s contrast is exciting! Contrast doesn’t exist in the realm of Consciousness. It’s why it exists in this adventure in density and effort land. The contrast in your life reflects your creativity as Consciousness.
Relish your differences. Enjoy others for theirs as well.
Contrast can show up as hardships of difficulties – still reflecting your (or their) creativity as Consciousness.
When you shift your perspective to that of Consciousness, your hardships and difficulties reorganize into fun challenges. Roll up your sleeves and dive into them!