Mystic Minute: Where Does Money Come From?
Mystic Minute: Dealing With Toxic Situations and People
Mystic Minute: All about MONEY
Mystic Minutes: Intention and Manifestation
Mystic Minute: The Bigger Reason For Being Sick
Mystic Minute: What to Do When There’s No Light At The End of The Tunnel?
Mystic Minute: What I Know About Dying
Radio Show: August 10th – Duane Stjernholm, United Earth Ecclesia
Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet on Wednesdays at 11am PT, 2pm ET!
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Duane Stjernholm
This week our guest is Duane Stjernholm founder of United Earth Ecclesia dedicated to the Co-Creation of the Greatest and Highest Good for all Earth Citizens. He is the author of two books UEE or Not UEE That is the Question: Whether ‘Tis Wiser to Suffer in the Modern World or Take Action Against the Inequities in it and The Earth Citizen’s Guide to Co-Creating The Greatest And Highest Good. United Earth Ecclesia seeks to use the global connective power of the internet to change the prevalent competitive mind-set of the human race to a more sustainable and prosperous Cooperative and Collaborative mind-set. Their website is exlo.org
Mystic Minute: There is Nothing Wrong with You!
Mystic Minute: You Are Worth More Than Your Money
Mystic Minute: Wherever you go, there you are!
Mystic Minutes: When the SHIFT hits the fan!
Mystic Minutes: What is REAL Power?
Mystic Minute: All About Love!
Mystic Minutes: Who’s Creating My Reality?
Mystic Minutes: ANGER!
Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet Radio Show July 13th, 2016

Veronica Entwistle
Listen HERE
Today’s guest is Veronica Entwistle, intuitive energy counselor and host of Paradigm Shifters radio show. She is the author of MY NEAR-LIFE EXPERIENCES – How do I know when I am Really Me? Which dances on the edges of reality and mysticism. Veronica is an explorer of the new emerging humanities. She uses her gift of intuition, and rapport with realms of consciousness ,loving Guides and Angels, to create universal understandings within the murky stew of our experiences. Her website is http://veronicaentwistle.com/