Radio Show: Oct. 26th, 2016 Accessing Unseen Help As Consciousness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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October 26
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Accessing Unseen Help as Consciousness. What is Unseen Help? What are Angels, guides, aliens, ghosts etc? What is the new way as Consciousness to relate to them. Join us as we play with the Unseen found in the ever expanding spectrum of All.
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Mystic Minute: Divine Timing and Alignment
Birthing The New You
Birthing The New You ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Last night was pretty phenomenally uncomfortable. I woke up feeling constricted with competition. It was such a surprise to me, because I don’t operate on that level any more. My work is so new, the focus is different, that it doesn’t compare to what anyone else is doing. It would be like a runner competing with a hang glider. Different sports, different areas.
I’m not certain whose reality I was experiencing, but I would dearly love them to know –
Playing in the realm of Consciousness, you realize there’s plenty for everyone. There’s space for everyone to succeed. There’s enough time, money, love.

Newborn in Nepal – photo credit Krish Dulal
Even if you’re not feeling it right now, your inner Self knows it.This world may seem rigid and finite, an adventure in Density and Effort, but when you’re playing as Consciousness, you realize that it’s all malleable. Time expands (or contracts) depending on your focus. Money is infinitely available (and usually comes out of left field rather than from the direction you’re expecting it). You are enveloped in Love. You ARE Love. There is always enough.
What it feels like now, is that we’re going through a collective Quickening. We’re feeling our creation kick. Their foot may actually be stuck under our ribcage. It’s when your pregnancy goes from just being morning sickness and weight gain, to the awareness that there’s something alive growing within you. It’s exciting and a little terrifying.
For some who have felt this evolution longer, it may be actual Transition. The most intense phase of labor, the most painful part as the baby is moving out through your cervix to slide down your birth canal.
In my two pregnancies, which were both at home and without drugs, when labor started I thought, ‘I’ve changed my mind!’ Whoops – too late. The baby is coming. Your body knows what to do. Breathe and relax and push when you’re in Transition.
You are giving birth to your New Self. The Greater Aspect of You is coming into form. It is powerful, it is exciting, it is thrilling and, yeah, a bit scary.
You’ve been going through contractions as you hit your internal limitations, all the programming and patterns created to convince you that you’re the opposite of who You truly are.
The world has been reflecting this, as people are having meltdowns, people are losing their shit, archaic beliefs are rising up, people are collectively crying out, no longer tolerating the intolerable.
When you don’t resist what is breaking down, when you don’t hold on to what is disintegrating within your fingers, you can enjoy this process so much more.
What’s on the other side of this is glorious. It is a love more profound than you can imagine. It is a greater relationship (with your Self) than you could have thought possible. It is the life of your dreams.
You are birthing You, you are magnificent, and adorable. You are loved, loveable, and worthy of love. You are surrounded by support. Everyone who shows up is a midwife or a doula to your new experience.
Relax, breath, and see what happens!
Radio Show: Oct. 19th, Danielle Egnew, Psychic, “Call To Light”
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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Our guest is Danielle Egnew is a Psychic, Medium, Author and TV /Radio personality internationally renowned for her litany of layered spiritual talents.
Named Psychic of the Year by UFO’s & SupernaturalMagazine (Issue 3, Dec.-January 2012), as well as Most Noted UFOlogists in 2012 (UFOs & Supernatural Magazine, Issue 4, January-February 2012), She is a vetted alumni member of Best American Psychics and the national crime-solving organization Find Me. Her forward-thinking perspectives on consciousness have been featured in the Washington Post and The Huffington Post.
Along with her reputation of assisting law enforcement on cold cases with great success, she has been featured as on-camera talent on several television projects (ABC, NBC, USA, TNT) including an appearance on the Psychic’s version of The Weakest Link alongside five other Psychics and Astrologers recruited nationwide, and has been a content consultant on a number of paranormal television programs including Lifetime’s America’s Psychic Challenge, the CW’s hit series Supernatural, and the blockbuster film Man of Steel.
She is often found delivering timely messages to the masses through her YouTube Channel, The Signs and Wonders Network, as well as her blog at CalltoLight.org . In the fall of 2016, Danielle will be launching her portal for higher spiritual learning, the Call to Light Academy, where a diverse range of classes may be accessed online.
Danielle Egnew is also an accomplished multi-award-winning musical artist, having broken into the spotlight fronting the ’90’s all-female group Pope Jane. Her diverse musical career has been featured in books on Billboard Publishing and in several magazine cover stories. She was named as one the Top Female Producers in Music (Music Connection Magazine), as well as in the Ten Most Powerful Lesbians in Music (Curve Magazine).
Danielle currently anchors her spiritual practice in Billings, MT, where she lives with her wife and their daughter. She continues to contribute to media abroad. You can find @danielleegnew online:
Mystic Minute: Going High When Others Go Low
Denial and Delusion
It’s been a painful week. I think the majority of people (at least in the US, but I suspect it is showing up in different forms around the world) are suffering major post traumatic stress.
This has been coming in waves throughout the year, although it’s been going on for longer. I’m certain there’s an astrological explanation, maybe the Pluto-Uranus square, whatever.
![]() |
Sunrise on Sea, photograph by Bogdan Giuşcă,Romania |
We’ve had increasing light shone on things that we are no longer tolerating. Bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny, abuse, assault…
The debates were traumatizing, watching someone point fingers and accuse the other person of the very things they had actually done or said, that they were currently on trial for. The abuser always accuses others, making themselves out to be the victim. Crazy making behavior.
Denial is strong. Someone claimed that God was going to work through their flawed candidate. Perhaps God sent him to bring all this up, not to have him in office?
People denying things said on tape, and on video. People living in delusion, lying to themselves.
This time, however, the pushback is strong. Women speaking out about unacceptable behavior, sharing their stories of assault.
You could feel the collective rising up of the issue, bringing the hidden to light.
But what really struck me was the men standing up in outrage, they don’t say things like that, they don’t treat women that way, they don’t think that way.
Little chinks of old patterns started falling away inside myself.
There are men in this world who treat women with respect. Men who are naturally faithful. Men who are loving to their daughters.
Who knew?
This is a time when the Truth is coming to the surface. Not ‘truths’ people tell themselves, but the light of Truth is coming in and dislodging whatever is the opposite.
For survivors of any kind of violence, observing the gas lighting by an abuser, the stories his supporters are telling, is excruciating.
If you were hit without warning, or verbally berated as a child, that was abuse. That was domestic violence.
For those of us that grew up in households like that, coming out of denial is quite painful. There’s a huge ‘no talk’ rule. Those who speak up are blamed instead.
For people who are comfortable sitting in the dark, the light hurts their eyes. Something is wrong with the light bringers.
This isn’t stopping however. We’re in an evolutionary shift. The light will continue to increase. We will continue to grow in awareness.
As we experience ourselves as Consciousness, pain will be replaced with love. Constriction will be replaced with expansion. We will breathe easier. We will stand taller.
It will be okay for us all to be in the light, and take up space.
©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
Oct: 27th: FREE TELESEMINAR Deeper Consciousness Tools For TRANSFORMATION
Deeper Consciousness Tools For
Tuesday, October 25th, 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern
Free Teleseminar! Listen with the comfort of your own phone!
- learn essential energy secrets to Consciously Creating Change
- easily manifest exactly what You want
- simple techniques to feel happier and more fulfilled
- powerful tools to navigate your life *as* Consciousness!
Feeling strange shifts and changes going on? Want to know what’s going on and what to do about it? We’re in a time of huge transformation! We are feeling this both collectively and personally, although we may not have the language to explain it. Things in our lives are breaking down – health, relationships, work, and more. We need to ‘upgrade’ our practices and techniques as we’ve gone from spiritual ‘dialup’ to ‘wifi’. Learn who you really are, and why you are here, and how to navigate life from a 5D experience.
You can completely metamorpho-size yourself and your life in a very short period of time (if not instantaneously)! You will learn what it takes to consciously create change in your life!Register HERE to receive the phone number and access code.
Tuesday, October 25th, 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern
Radio Show: Oct. 12th Holograms, Solidity, Boundaries, and Limits.
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
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October 12
Holograms, Solidity, Boundaries, and Limits. If Reality is a hologram, why does everything feel so solid? If we’re ascending into, an expanded “5D” reality, how do we integrate that experience with our physical 3D body? Tune in to the show to learn more!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Ethics, Values, and Morals (and Consciousness)
Ethics, Values, and Morals (and Consciousness) ©2016 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
“A person who knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses right is moral. A person whose morality is reflected in his willingness to do the right thing – even if it is hard or dangerous – is ethical. Ethics are moral values in action” from http://managementhelp.org/blogs/business-ethics/2012/01/02/what-are-values-morals-and-ethics/
An exercise I do with new clients is called ‘Values Clarification’. It helps them determine their top 5-10 values and then they’re able to use it as an assessment for how satisfied they are with their lives. It is also a tool for making choices and taking actions. If you have a high value on relationship but you spend your days debugging software alone in your office, you’re not going to be very satisfied with your job (no matter how much Microsoft pays you).
Values are one thing, but ethics and morals brings the conversation to a new level.
GPS Photo by Darren Meacher |
Consciousness is neutral. There’s no good or bad from the perspective of Consciousness. This confuses people. If that’s the case, then I can just start careening down my path treating people like shit and stealing from the government (“taxes, I don’t need no stinkin’ taxes”). Because I AM Consciousness and this is all an illusion so it doesn’t really matter.
The mind that is thinking that way isn’t Consciousness.
True, Consciousness is neutral. Consciousness is impassive. Consciousness doesn’t get caught up in drama or detail. Consciousness is also Love. Consciousness loves *everything* and *everyone*.
[LOL, I got an ‘Error’ message right at this point of writing and quickly copied what I’d written before having to reload]
Although it is all an entertaining creation to Consciousness, it doesn’t mean it’s not real. I love my plants, my pets, including my fish tank. I created them to be in my life. I love my kids, I manufactured their bodies but they are taking their lives and running with them. And I feel unconditional love for them, regardless what they do.
…that’s the parental perspective of Consciousness…
When I truly step into the perspective of myself Consciousness, the creator of my reality, it’s a little different. I feel no need to try to change, fix or manipulate the hologram I’ve created to experience physical reality. I don’t need to treat people like shit, if anything, I feel Compassion, because we are all Consciousness.
As Consciousness, I’m One, so for fun, I’ve created individuality, the sense of otherness. You could say this whole world is Consciousness playing with itself.
So the right and wrong thing. Although there is no right or wrong as Consciousness, there is light and dark in the physical realm. You navigate this using your inner Moral compass.
This Moral compass gets distorted much the same way as a little boy scout’s compass can be affected by magnets. It’s not pointing true north if you’re feeling extreme emotionalism. If you’re feeling that others are wrong when you are right. That’s not your moral compass, that’s your body/ personality/ intellect/ mind.
I know I’m navigating with my moral compass when I feel clarity. I may love this person but if they’re sleeping with someone else, it’s pretty clear we’re not in an exclusive relationship. I’m pretty clear I want an exclusive relationship. It’s a simple choice to step away from that relationship so I can create the space for what I want.
I may love my family of origin, but I feel insane around the old family behaviors. Clarity helps me with boundaries, how to navigate the holidays. I can go to the family dinner on Christmas eve but I can’t do breakfast the next morning with them.
When you align your body/ personality/ intellect/ mind with yourself as Consciousness then your sense of right and wrong becomes clear. Your Moral compass is clearly about You and how You want to navigate life.
If you’re staring at someone else’s vehicle, you veer into their lane. When you as Consciousness are driving, your eyes are on the road – your path – ahead. You don’t need to change how other people are driving.
It feels better to live life as Consciousness. It feels better to stand in the light. It feels better to have clarity.
Notice how you are navigating. Are you steering towards the shadows? Are you tailgating someone who you think is a terrible driver? Is your blinker on or tabs expired?
It’s pretty simple to shift your perspective, it just takes doing it.
Try this for the next few days and see what happens!
Mystic Minute: Why Everyone Is Losing Their Shit
Radio Show: Oct. 5th Transcending Suffering and Creating Moments of Joy!
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
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Oct. 5
Transcending Suffering and Creating Moments of Joy! As Consciousness we are pure joy. Why don’t we feel this in our daily lives? Today, Joan and Janet will talk about transcending suffering and how to create moments of joy (and more)!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!
Mystic Minutes: What Can You Bring Into Parallel Universes?
Mystic Minute: Truth And Denial
Mystic Minute: Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys!
Radio Show: Sept. 21st Everything Is Consciousness
Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern!
Listen LIVE online click HERE
Listen to the podcast HERE
Listen live on your phone: 401 347 0767
Call in to Talk With Us! 1-844-390-8255
Sept. 21st
Everything is Consciousness – but does everything have Sentience? What about Rocks and Automobiles? How can inanimate things be aware? Why is it useful to communicate with them? Tune in today for the answers to these questions and more!
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!