Archive for June, 2017

Is There Such A Thing As “Divine Timing”? ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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There’s a kind of fatalistic viewpoint, that things happen in ‘divine timing’, it’s along the lines of whether something is ‘God’s Will’.

The “good” part of that perspective is that it can get you out of effort or trying to hard to make something happen. When you’re working on manifesting into the physical, effort can have the opposite effect – it can keep it from happening. Which is why often things materialize when you least expect them, or when you’ve stopped trying.

It’s also useful to let go of ‘how’ you’re going to manifest something, along with ‘when’ it’s going to materialize. Turning that over, allows you to keep your focus on ‘what’ you want to bring into form.

The part of you that wants to control things down to minutiae, isn’t Consciousness. It’s your body-personality aspect.

When you desire something, as Consciousness you already have it. It already exists. You just need to step into the Universe where it is. Or, you just need to shift your energy to receiving it.

“But what about the timing? I want it NOW!” Body-personality says.

Bodies only exist in the now, in present time. The future doesn’t exist yet, the past is already over. They want it NOW.

And, if you’re operating fully as Consciousness into form, it’s entirely possible to spontaneously manifest something.

Certainly, when you’re operating as Consciousness, amazing things unexpectedly appear to come out of left field.

When you say something is ‘divine timing’, you’re usually saying it’s either not happening as quickly as you’d like, and/or you are just so grateful – to something outside of yourself – that it finally happened.

As Consciousness, You exist outside of time and space, so it all possibilities are happening at once. Consciousness’ timing is random, spontaneous, and instantaneous. It’s unpredictable only because it happens outside of rational thought.

It happens *better* when you’re not thinking about it. I like to say when you’re creating as Consciousness, what shows up is beyond what you could imagine. It manifests bigger especially when you’re not thinking.

Creating in this new reality seems to require the exact opposite of everything we’ve ever learned about manifestation. Focus and repetition seem to repel what you want. Releasing, letting go, holding it off to the side, works better.

Precise formulas don’t really work anymore, much to the frustation of our body-personality-rational-mind. 5D into 3D is very improvisational.

When you’re creating as Consciousness, you’re coming from a place of experimentation and curiosity. There’s no attachment to an outcome. As You step into the Universe where it already is happening, there’s a feeling of childlike delight.

This work is very subtle and very profound.

‘Divine Timing’ is an old paradigm and contains an implied limitation. Consciousness Timing is expansive. Want to manifest a desire? Step into the Now where it already is, and see what happens!

Radio Show Podcast 6/28 “Consciousness And The Art of Reframe”

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June 28thConsciousness and the Art of Reframe. Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about how the way we look at issues limits the changes and available outcomes. Want different results in your life? Join us as we explore how viewing things as Consciousness provides a way to reframe and shift the dynamics in your issues.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!


Mystic Minute: If We Create Reality, Why Is There Bad Stuff?

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How to Know If It’s Time To Pivot @2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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You know when things just suck and you want to throw in the towel? Or maybe you’re at a breaking point. Or maybe you are done, like, “stick a fork in me, I’m done!” kind of done.

Or maybe you’ve been stuck in indecision, or maybe you’re stuck in persistence. That is, trying so hard for so long, but not wanting to give up trying.

How do you know if you need to keep slogging at it, or pivot in another direction?

Sometimes decisions require immediate action, and sometimes a solution needs to emerge.

Several months ago I felt like I was at a turning point. I felt burned out with what I was doing. I was wondering whether to quit this and become a hospice chaplain. I’d actually applied for chaplaincy training back in 2001 and backed out at the last minute. It’s something I could do now, as a ‘real world job’ that wouldn’t take the same energy my current calling requires. Or so I thought.

Then I got chosen to give a talk at Ignite Seattle,  out of *lots* of applicants. Which felt like a nudge to continue.

Ignite Seattle happened just before a scheduled trip to Europe to visit my son, so I decided to let my decision “float” while I was gone. I thought I’d get inspiration while I was on vacation.

Instead, I came back to the same issue. The same feeling of burnout and frustration.

And then this week my 15 year old Corgi was diagnosed with cancer and we’ve been doing doggie home hospice for her. It’s brought up a ton of feelings from 2013 when I helped our other dog, and both my parents, each die at home. And I got really clear about that part of the decision.

Emma dying on my kitchen floor helps me shut that door. No way do I want to work in hospice. Or hospitals, actually. So ditch that idea (what was I thinking)?!?

This reminds me of times where something happens that is the turning point, the straw that breaks the camel’s back, when I wouldn’t have let go or given up until then.

So instead of doing a summer chaplaincy training, I’m midwifing my dog to spirit. That’s requiring a lot of focus, but it won’t need to be sustained for a long time.

I still get energized by speaking and teaching, I’m still passionate about helping people transform. But the way I’ve been doing it needs to change.

In the old days a door would have slammed shut. In the old days bridges would have burned.

Navigating in this new Consciousness, is a more gentle way. Simply releasing the past and allowing the new path to appear.

So if you’re struggling, if you feel like you are spinning your wheels, if you are stuck in a traffic jam or hitting a brick wall, stop. You don’t have to blow up the blocks.

Just step back and let the scenario change. Or step into a parallel universe where it’s already different.

Radio Show Podcast 6/21/2017

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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June 21stToday on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet have An Honest Discussion About Death. Nobody is really talking honestly about death, they avoid it because of fear, uncertainty, lack of knowledge and understanding. We will roll up our sleeves and deep dive into this difficult and challenging subject from the greater perspective of Consciousness!

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!


Mystic Minute: If We Create This Reality, Why Do We Create Death?

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Money Is Neutral

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Money Is Neutral ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

This week I was a little surprised when I heard someone say that ‘money is neutral’. I mean, I’ve had a lot of experience with money, from having a lot of it to not having any. It was great to have a lot, and problematic not having any. It’s never seemed to me to be neutral.

I’ve also worked with the Deva of Money, who comes across to me as an ocean. The ocean may seem placid at times on the surface, but it is deep, and can change with the weather. It may be filled with life that nurtures you, but also can be deadly so you should never turn your back on it.

And then it struck me, that it’s how we feel about money that is decidedly not neutral.

The energy of money is not only neutral but impartial. It doesn’t automatically appear in your bank account because you’re a good person. It’s just energy.

There is no good nor bad about money. It’s an avenue of exchange. It’s an expression of appreciation. It’s an energy form. It’s a morphic field.

Our stories about money are dramatic. They’re tied into our survival. We’ll die without it, we think. People have killed themselves (and their families) over debt. And there are other stories, people doing good things for others with money.

It’s funny. Not having money is bad, having money is good, and yet we demonize rich people. They’re not spiritual, they’re unconscious, they’re disconnected.

People are people. There are wealthy people who are spiritual, conscious, and connected. Just like there are poor people who aren’t. It can’t really be dichotomized like that. I find usually people are a mix of everything, because they’re human.

As I started writing this blog, a little voice said, ‘yeah, tell ’em how to get more’.  Because that’s what we all want, right? We never have enough.

Abraham Hicks says “The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons.”

The more I think about it, the more like the ocean ‘money’ is. It is vast and present and available for you to utilize. It is completely neutral.

And, as an energy, it is infinite. It’s our ability to have or receive it that shrinks or expands. We can propel it away, or attract it.

Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer both have told a story of waiting for the Maharishi, who was finishing a meeting about a project. Someone asked him, “but Maharishi, where is the money going to come from?” And the Maharishi smiled and waved his hand, “from wherever it is at the moment.”

At one level, money is an energy that flows. At a higher level, it just materializes. As we expand energetically to embody more of our 5D self into this 3D form, as we are greater Consciousness within this physical realm, it becomes more easy and effortless to manifest whatever we want.

Which transcends money, because whatever we want isn’t the actual numbers or currency, but the freedom it represents.

And here’s the funny thing about that. As Consciousness we already have whatever we want. As Consciousness, we already *are* freedom.

How would your life be different if you knew that?


Transformation To Joy – Global Telesummit

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Transformation To Joy – Global Telesummit

Join me and Other and Other Life Changing Experts To Transform Your Life from the Inside Out!

begins Monday June 19th – ends Thursday, August 17th

Broadcast LIVE at 4pm EST, 1pm PST (8pm BST) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. REPLAYS of the Daily calls will be available for 48 hours and at Weekends.

Click Here to subscribe

The live radio show style calls will be content packed, and YOU will have the opportunity to raise your hand and have your questions answered or issues addressed.  This will be YOUR chance to go deeper with the speakers and experience what these innovative healers can do for YOU!  

I am so excited to be one of the awesome 24 plus, new-thought leaders, masters, teachers and transformation change agents~ Click Here to listen to Joan’s *live* broadcast on TUESDAY, JULY 11TH, 1pm PST, 4pm EST, 8pm BST

Click Here to Subscribe to this series. It is completely free and available online or by phone.


Radio Show Podcast 6/14/2017 Consciousness and Releasing Protections

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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June 14thToday on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Consciousness and releasing the need for Protection. This world seems chaotic and contentious nowadays. A lot of sensitive people feel like they have to shield themselves from “negative” energies. This is an old paradigm. Tune in today and learn how to be different with this from the greater perspective as Consciousness.

We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Mystic Minute: Playing The Game on Multiple Dimensions

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If This Is A Simulation, Are Other People Real?? ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

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If this is all a hologram, what about other people? It’s one of the first questions that seems to come up, when learning that this reality is a simulation, is  “are other people real?”

A twist on this is, “If this is game, am *I* real?” And, “whose reality am I in?”

I struggled with this when I first grasped this concept that I, as Consciousness, created this for my own amusement. My teacher at the time basically said things like that other people were a creation of my Consciousness, they were another aspect of myself, a reflection of myself.

Now, I’m an empath, and I could feel my relatives who lived 3,000 mile away, and I knew they weren’t my feelings and that my relatives weren’t me.

And when I was back East helping my parents die, I was creating myself to participate, but they were creating their own realities that I was participating in.

The thing is, even though reality is a simulation, a kind of hologram created by Consciousness, doesn’t mean that it’s fake. This game is meant to be real, that’s why it’s called Physical Reality. It’s meant to be felt, tasted and touched. Your body is a real, biologically manufactured vehicle for you as Consciousness.

What about other people? It’s not accurate to say they are other aspects of yourself, but You are Consciousness and so is everyone else. Other people are real, as much as you are.

The teacher I had indicated that the “extras” in your reality weren’t real, they were just stories in your story line. I’ve come to see that this game is bigger and more complex than that. Everyone is real. And everyone is a creation of Consciousness and everyone *is* Consciousness, whether they know it or not.

However, I have found that, when you operate as Consciousness other personalities can change. People who were ‘bad tempered’ can shift to being easy to get along with. People can come into your storyline saying things that you’d only just thought about.

People can suddenly leave your storyline when you’ve shifted to a different vibratory awareness. At one of my meetups, someone was dealing with an abusive boss. They played the “parallel universe” game and when they went to work the next week, the boss resigned. I explain that she didn’t make them resign (that’s not how you play the game at this level), but she’d stepped into a parallel universe where they did.

As you keep upleveling your experience, you become more distinctly aware of your own Uniquesness and at the same your own inner connection to All That Is.

As Consciousness, you created this to be the opposite of who you really are. That’s why there are different people, places, plants, animals, things. There’s conflict in this reality because there is only harmony and oneness as Consciousness.

As Consciousness, you love your creations. You love yourself and your body, and those you’ve created to interact with. And they’ve created themselves to interact with you.

As Essence we’re all Consciousness but it would be skipping a step, or missing out on this planetary realm’s uniqueness to dismiss individuals as fake or that you’re the only one that’s real.

It’s much more fun to relax into this reality as Consciousness, to appreciate it all in it’s infinite complexity and enjoy

Radio Show Podcast 6/7/17 Increasing Levels of Sense Awareness

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Radio Show Wednesdays at 11am Pacific!
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June 7thIncreasing Levels of Sense Awareness – Have you noticed you’re experiencing new levels of sensitivity? Feeling things more strongly, thinking of someone and they call or email you, vivid dreams or deja vu, intuitive hearing? Stay tuned to learn WHY you have heightened Sense awareness and why these are ABILITIES, not liabilities!

(Replay from July 6, 16)
We love hearing from you, email us and join us on Facebook and Twitter and give us your suggestions of things to talk about, and we’ll give you 15 minutes of fame by mentioning your name on the air!

Mystic Minute: We’re all going through an “Upgrade of the Soul”

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A Brief Explanation of History without Time

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A Brief Explanation of History without Time ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

This will contradict my previous blogpost. This planet is one of polarities and dichotomies. It is a world of contradictions, where opposites are true.

I’ve been musing on my story of the evolution of Consciousness. It’s a story, because Consciousness can’t evolve. It’s like saying the evolution of infinite intelligence.

Technology evolves. We create technology to replicate Consciousness, that is, everything we can do as Consciousness that we think we can’t do in our bodies, such as flying, telepathy, healing, etc. Except if we were embodied with full Consciousness, we could easily do these things.

From our body-personality perspective, there are skills to gain in order to utilize our bodies with full Consciousness. Our body-personalities feel like we need to learn something, as they needed to learn how to walk and talk, read and write.

If you read Aristotle and study ancient civilizations, you will see timeless wisdom expressed. Leonardo Davinci designed the helicopter in late fifteenth century, the Romans had running water a thousand years before we had it (and the Assyrians had it hundreds of years before the Romans).

It’s funny to look at the explanations why. Maybe aliens came to earth and gave this information?

When I was a past life reader, I’d say it was us, that we’d lived in a previous culture, Atlantis, that self destructed, and we reincarnated into Homo Sapiens. I’d see people sitting at camp fires with other hunter gatherers, who remembered when they had flying cars, thinking “this is bullshit”.

Another story is time travelers. Doesn’t that make sense? You can just go back to the past with your smarty pants present day knowledge and influence history.

But if you look at this all from the perspective of Consciousness, creator of this game, all time and space exists at once. You’re not just coming in for one lifetime along a timeline. This lifetime happens in the blink of an eye. As Consciousness, you’re experiencing all lifetimes simultaneously and instantaneously.

I used to describe in individual lifetime and jumping into the pool, and you get out when swim time is over. I just realized it isn’t even accurate to say you dip into the pool and get out of it again, when you are the pool as well as the swimmer.

Knowledge comes in and through and expresses itself regardless of the time or space measurement. That is why you will see or mankind will discover great wisdom in ancient places.

We can’t comprehend, that is our bodies cannot comprehend, an existence without space or time. It’s too mind blowing to imagine everything happening at once. But we can know it.

We can have an inner knowing of the bigger picture of things. We can have an intuitive experience of a broader awareness.

When you start to operate from this perspective, as Consciousness, you allow more of your Infinite Intelligence into your form, and your life changes in profound ways.